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*y/n pov*

I jolt up from the dream. Who was that? I check the time. Its 5:35pm. I have afew hours before work starts over again. I kind of dont want to go. I know Freddys there and everyone else. Buy so is Golden and probabley whoever was in that dream.
I get up and put on some fresh clothes then head to the kitchen for some food. Im greeted by both Felix and Mark sitting on the sofa. "Hey y/n." Felix churps cheerfully. "God your mood changes when you've slept." I state. He rubs the back of his neck, "people have told me that before."
I get to the kitchen and look at the food in the fridge. I have the right ingredients to make bolynase. "You boys feel up to paste?" "Sure." They both answer.
While im mixing in the chopped tamato tins Mark comes into the kitchen. "Y/n im sorry about last night. I was stupid. I shouldn't have done that." "Its ok Mark. Do you think you could help me cook the paste?" "Yer, sure."
When everything is cooked I grab 3 plates and place them on the table top and fill them with paste and then sause. "This is really good. Wheres the recipe. I need it!" Felix says. "Sorry. Its the family's secret recipe." "Aww dang! Can I have it anyway?" "Nope."
After we finish eating, Felix volenteers to wash up. Me and Mark are left sitting on the sofa. "So are we going back?" "Of course. Its my job. I have to..." "Do you think Golden will come back?" "Probably." "I'll protect you y/n." "So will I" Felix shouts from the kitchen. I laugh. "Thanks guys."
After sitting around for afew hours we leave the house at 11:30pm. "What do you think will happen today?" Felix asks. "No idea. Probably something crazy. Abit like how I found out my best friend is a robot and you two traveled through a dimensional portal..."
After afew minutes of driving we get to the pizzeria. I tell Mark and Felix to sit in the car so I can check Mike isn't around. I don't want to get into trouble again.
"Hello y/n. You got here abit early." He chimes behind me. I turn to be greeted my Mikes smiley face. "I had nothing to do. Thought I might as well get here early." "You haven't brought your friends this time, have you?" "No of course not." "Good. I was just checking. Hey the animatronics are abit dirty. Do you think you could clean them up?" "Um... yer. Sure." "Thanks. They haven't been cleaned in a long time. Anyway I have to go. Good luck y/n." "Bye Mike."
I wave as I watch him leave; then run back to the car and tell Mark and Felix its ok to come out. "Come on. We have to clean them." "What do you mean, 'clean them'?" Felix asks. "We are going to clean the animatronics." "WHAT NO WAY!" "What?" "I wont do it." "Ok fine. Mark you up to it?" "Um... sure... I guess." "Ok cool. Come on we are late."
We walk inside to the delicious smell of fresh pizza. "Wow that smells good." I say aloud. A hand grabs mine and starts dragging me down a hallway. "Lets go make pizza!" "Chico?" "Yes y/n?" "Oh my god. I thought you were someone evil... dont fucking do that." "Im sorry. Come on we need pizza!"
We reach the kitchen and there are pizza bases laid out on the large metal table. "Come on. You have those 3. I'll do thses 4." "Why so many?" "Its a pizza each, for everyone." He chimes cheerfully. Chico goes to the fridge and takes out a large bowl of tamato sause. Then takes a magnitude of other topping out. "God thats alot of stuff Chico..." I laugh. "Well yer y/n... I love pizza!" He grins at me and takes out an even bigger bowl of cheese. "Holy crap..." "PIZZA CHEESE!" Chico shouts. We both start laughing. "How will we know what people want on their pizzas?" Chico points to a intercom that speaks out all over the pizzaria. "Oh oh can I?" I ask, really wanting to try it. "Go ahead!" Chico laughs.
I walk over and press the button. A little chime goes off through out the pizzaria."Hello. I hope your having a nice time at Fazbear Pizzeria. Please may the following children please come to the kitchen in a orderly fashion to order their pizzas. Freddy, Foxy, Bonnie, Mark, Felix. Thank you." I let go of the button and burst into laughter. "That was funny y/n!"
Afew minutes later, everyone stands outside the kitchen door. "Freddy you first. What would you like on your pizza?" I ask. He steps up to the small window next to the door. "I would like a Fazbear supreme pepperoni pizza please." I write pepperoni onto a little note pad. "Bonnie?" "A cheese pizza with peppers and sweetcorn. And a spot of english tea." Bonnie says in a posh english accent (why am I stereotyping myself? Im live in England and near to all other countries think we speak all proper and drink tea. I hate tea.) "Foxy?" "Ey lassy. I be wanting a mega meat feast." "Ok and Mark?" "Pepperoni, Thank you." "And lastely Felix?" "BBQ chicken." "HEY!" Chico shouts from in the kitchen. "Sorry Chico but your kind is delicious!" Felix shouts back. I just laugh as I write down the orders. "Ok you can all leave now!"
"Cant we help make them?" Freddy asks. "Nope go away." Chico laughs.
When everyone has left we decide who is doings whos. Im doing mine, Freddys and Foxys. Chico is doing the others.
Whilst creating my masterpeices Chico was still busy making his. Thats when I get an evil idea. I take a handfull of pizza sauce and hide it behind my back. "Hey Chico." "Yer?" He looks up and I immediately throw the sause at him across the table. It his him right in the face. "Hey!" He shouts. I just laugh as the sause drips down his face. Without me realising Chico grabs a handfull of the sause and chucks it at me. "Oh no you didn't..." "oh yes I did." "Your ganna get it now!" "Come at me!" He smirks evilly. "Its on!" I laugh. I grab the bowl of sause and throw its contents at him. He is drenched in it. Chico grabs the bowls of toppings and throws them at me. I become covered in meats and vegetables. I duck down under the table. "Hey? Where you go?" Chico asks as he walks to my side. As he gets closer I grab onto his ankles. "AHHH!" He screams. "Gotcha!" "Get off!" "No." Chico grabs the bowl of cheese and pours it over my head. I yank his feet and he falls to the ground.
We scavenge for food on the ground and chuck It at each other. Im covered in a concoction of pizza toppings, sauce and cheese. Suddenly im tackled to the ground. "Hey!" I shout. Chico smiles down at me. "That was fun." He laughs. "Yer it was. But now im mucky." "Come on. We have sinks we can just clean up. Its fine." "I just laugh as I shove him off. We both stand up and I start to run one of the sinks.
As much as possible I scrub my hair and clean up my face. Chico does the same. "All clean. I need to put these pizzas in the oven. I'll be back in a minute." Chico says as he carries multiple pizzas to the stove. I realise he left two. I take them both and go to find the stoves. I see Chico placing in pizzas. "Hey you forgot these." "Oh thank you." I smile as I place them on the counter behind him. "Y/n?" "Yer." "You still have some sause on your face." "What? where?" I say a I rum my face trying to find the spot. "Here let me get it." He uses his finger and rubs off the sause. But leaves his hand on my cheek. "Thanks." I say trying to be polite.
Chico rubs his thumb over my cheek and smiles at me. He then presses his lips against mine. At first im shocked but I start to melt at his gentle touch. I rap my arms around his neck and he moves his hands to my hips. Intensifying the kiss. Fireworks go off in my stomach.
This us wrong. I kissed Freddy, Mark and now Chico aswell. I pull away and look down. "Whats wrong?" Chico asks. "Its nothing. Dont worry. Im ganna go see the others." "Oh.. um.... ok." His once wide smile now draws down alittle.
I just walk out of the kitchen and down the hallway to the main room. I need to talk to someone. A hand grabs my arm tightley. "Stay quit you slut!" He says. My vision fades. All noise turning to a sharp electrical buzz.

I fall.

Hi. I would just like to thank everyone for so many reads and for all of you who are voting. Also all the kind comments you guys are writing really makes me happy. It brings a smile to my face.

I also want to let you know. I have a book dedicated to you guys. Its a Q&A book. So if you have any questions about this book. Or just about me in general. Just go and post your questions.

I love you all. Like ive said before. You are all amazing people!

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