Dreaming reality.

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The drive home was beautiful and peacefull. Not many people were on the road because its so early, only the gentle hum of the engine and the whispering chirps of the birds.

I walk towards my door after locking the car, man I'm tired. Grabbing a snack from the fridge. I wonder to my room and plumet backwards onto the soft pillows. I set the snack on the side and stare at the ceiling thinking about that boy.

Who is he? Why did he get so snappy towards foxy? He was only trying to help. Thinking back to everything i know about these boys. Nothing. Did they work there? I should ask Mike later.. headrush. Ive been up a while. I glance at the clock, 6:45am.

"What am i gunna do..." if they're there again tonight i'll ask them what they have to do with the pizzaria.

Laughing. Sweet childs laughter. Its.. calming... i open my eyes to be greeted with a playground.

Something tugs on my arm.

"Hey (y/n)! Lets go and see the ice cream man!" Who are you? A boy with.. well thats it i cant see anymore than that. His face is hazey, nothing but a blurred patteren of colour. He's wearing a pair of black trousers and some kind of... hat. With a small brown jacket.

Who are you? My stilled lips try to ask. But to no avail. Instead i say without thinking.

"Yay the ice cream man is here!" Time jumps. Im in a town shouting.

"{~>>*!" The gibberish word makes no sence to me at all. I cant tell what im saying. I think its a name. Am i looking for that boy?

"^*#'~-, where are you!?"

I run around, going back and forth between places until I regonise one. Fazbear pizzaria.

Time Jumps yet again.

Sadness has overwhelmed me so fast.

No.. he's missing.. gone.  That feeling of happiness from that boy. All disappeared.

"I'm sorry dear. They still haven't found him.." my mother. She tries to comfort me, but it doesn't work knowing I'll never see him again brings me to tears. Tears. I can't accept that.

But then I see him out in the window waving."$&@-Y!" I dont know what im saying. Why cant i figure out what im saying! I look around.. I'm in my room again.

I must've dosed off. But why would I dream of him again.. It was years ago that he went missing... him and his stupid outfits. They were always funny because nobody dressed like that anymore. I smile at the thought.

Looking out my window I see daylight. Thank god I'm not late. That would suck if I slept the entire day away and to be late for my second shift.

Crap. I already slept my first shift away. I PASSED OUT ON MY FIRST SHIFT! I facepalm myself, hard. I'm such a moron. Better not do it tonight.

10:37pm. Ages yet.

(I would like to thank my friend. CrystalDL2 for writing this chapter. She did a great job of it.)

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