Who is she! What is she doing here?

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*Freddy Pov*

Where are they? Bonnie and Chico where meant to be back over 1 hour ago! WHAT ARE THEY DOING! OK. That’s it I’m ganna go ask Foxy if he has any ideas. I think he’s down in the dumps today though. Mike ripped him again... Mike is such a dick.

I walk to Pirates Cove hoping to find him. I can see him. Why is it so dark in here? I reach around to find a light switch. The lights flicker on temporarily blinding me. Then I see him. A huddle over object in the corner of the room.

“Hello Foxy. How are you feeling?”

“What do ye think!” foxy growls at me.

“Gosh, sorry for asking. Just wanted to make sure you were ok.” I put my hand on his shoulder.

“Look I’m sorry Freddy. ‘Tis just. I thought... I thought Mike was my friend. But he just. He turned on me.”

“It’s ok Foxy. You still have us.” He looks up at me.

“Thanks matey” He stands up and looks straight at me. Foxy’s quite intimidating, I’m a year older than him but he’s at least 2 feet taller than me.

“So, what did ye come ‘ere for matey?” questioning me with a look.

“um, what did I come here for.... Oh yer! Have you seen Bonnie or Chico around?”

It obvious he doesn’t know. It in his confused look.

“I’m a-feared I haven’t. But, I did hear a mighty scream earlier on.”

“Any idea where it was from?”

“Thee office I reckon. The thing is Freddy. It sounded like a lassie.”

“A GIRL! No, No, NO! She can’t be here it’s too dangerous. What is we lose control on her. She could be killed!”

Foxy grabs my shoulders, “CALM DOWN MATEY!”

“Ok, ok. We need to find them. Soon.”

Me and Foxy rush off down the left hallway. We need to get to the office. What if they killed her.

 I hope this new night guard is safe.

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