Im Back

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*y/n pov*

11:30pm. Might as well get there abit earlier. I could go ask Mike about those boys, if hes still there. The roads clear. Only the rare car passing by. Darkness on all sides.

I arrive at the dreaded pizzaria. 10 minutes early. Ok wheres Mike. "Hello (y/n)." I see a shadow growing behind me. I turn. Oh its the man himself.

"Hi. Mike i have a question."

"What is it?"

"Do you know who else works here at night? I... um... i found 4 boys in the pizzaria last night. I had no idea what to do."

"Um. Well it should only be you at night. Theres 4 men who work here, in the day as chefs. But, they never come in at night. I dont who who would be there at night appart from you though." He has a worried look on his face. Hes scared for me, i can tell. Its in his eyes, like a dark void spredding like wild fire over a feild of dry grass.

I dont mean to but i step closer to him. I never noticed how fit he is. Medium short brown hair. Blue eyes that shine like stars. Casual white tshirt and jeans with black sneakers. His tshirts skin tight. I can see his six pack underneath. Oh god!

I dont want to blush but i cant help it. He looks down at me.

"Look. If that happens again. (Y/n) please dont be affraid to call me. Let me put my number on your phone. Than you can call me whenever you need me." I take out my phone and he snatchs it out of my hand. Making a new contact and adding his number.

"Thank you Mike."

"No problem (y/n)." He smiles at me. I cant help but blush.

"Bye Mike. See you tomorrow."

"Bye" He waves goodbye and i wave back.

I know hes the one that told me the animatronics would try and kill me. But i dont think he did it to scare me. I think he did it to warn me of the danger. Thoughtful of him. Better than letting me die.

11:58pm! Time to work! I need to find out about these boys...

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