My Doll

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*y/n pov*

I open my eyes to a dark room. Lit with a dim purple glow.
"W..where am I?" I ask myself no expecting a reply. And yet someone answers.
"Oh just a dream. Dont worry."
"Why am I here?"
"I want to let you in on a secret."
"What secret?"
"Your going to be my doll."
"What do you mean, your 'doll'?"
"It means you will belong to me. Its that simple."
"I would never let you own me."
"Well thats to bad isnt it. You should know. We are coming."
"Oh. Just me and another. May know him. He wants to kill you."
"Yes. I wont let him kill you dear. But I promised him afew things from you."
"What things?"
"Thats for me to know and you to find out. You may leave now."
A white door appears infront of me. Its weird. Theres no wall around it. I look round the back of the door to find a crying child.
"Who are you? Are you ok?"
The child doesnt answer. He just sits on the floor crying.
"Leave." The voice says again. I walk back to the front of the door and open it up. The room become dizzy and my vision fades. Just before I pass out the boy turns to face me. A wide grin on his face. Tears still streaming down his face.
"Untill tonight."

Never Forget ( fnaf x reader )Where stories live. Discover now