I missed you.

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*Freddy Pov*

The others left to give us some alone time. Me and (y/n) sit on the stage. My head faces the floor. Full of pain from that day, years ago. (Y/n) head is in her hands leaning on her knees. Her (h/c) hangs down, covering her face from my view. We sit in silence. Thinking.

"I missed you Freddy." "I missed you too." "Everything changed after you left. School, friends, family... your mum went insane..." "i...i know." She turns her head to me. Tears run down her face. "Your mum would just turn up at our house. Random days, times. She would always say, 'i dont know what i was thinking. Leaving my child behind. Now i would prefer the curse because i am blind.' Or 'i remember his eyes. His smile. His voice.' She would just burst into tears in my house." Her sobs become louder. I lift her up and put her on my lap and hold her close to my chest. (Y/n) puts her face on my chest and holds me tight. Water starts to blure my vision. "Im sorry (y/n)." "I..it wasnt your fault Freddys... thats what drove her to insanity. Then... then Gorden disapeared... it got worse." She says between sobs. Tears start to fall down my face. I hold her tight in our hug. Im glad (y/n)'s here right now. "What happened to my mother in the end?"
She looks up again. Her face covered with regeret and worry.
"Sh...she killed herself..." my eyes widen. Pain. Thats all i feel. It rips at my brain and heart. I screem out. (Y/n) jumps out of my lap. She crawls a little away from me.
I stand up on the stage and screem the loudest i can. It doesnt help. The pain turns into regret. My knees buckle over and i fall to my knees onto the wooden floor. Tears stream down my face. "I...i should have walked home... she didnt deserve to die.. i cant die... i should have died.. not her.. not my mother." I whisper out between sobs.
(Y/n) wraps her arms around me. "Its ok Freddy. It wasnt your fault." Her words are comforting. I looks up into her eyes. Before i could even think i press my lips against hers. Her eyes widen in shock, but then she relaxs and starts kissing back.

*y/n pov*

Freddy looks up at me. His eyes full of sorrow. Suddenly i feel cold lips press against mine. My eyes widen as i realise... Freddy is kissing me. I was only comforting him. But I start to melt into the kiss and kiss back. Are lips move in sync. It felt amazing. This was my first kiss and it was so different from what i thought it would be like.
Two hands grab my shoulders and lift me up. My eyes shoot open and I scream out. They slam me hard into the wall. His dark eyes stare at me. He only has white dots at pupils.
"The problem is, my dear. Your the reason Freddy died." His eyes start to release a dark black mist.
What im a going to do...

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