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* (y/n) pov *

Chico stands up and helps Bonnie up aswell.


"Yer (y/n)." Chico answers.

"Why did i wake up on the floor?"

"Well. Technically you wernt on the floor. You were on my lap." Bonnie says annoyed.

"Yer. Sorry Bonnie. But why was i on you lap when i woke up?"

Bonnie and Chico turn to each other and mouth things out. I just cant tell what they are saying.

Chico decides to speak up. "We walked into the office. To say hello. You being the new night guard. But then when we got to the doors and we found you had passed out and was on the floor."

Bonnie continues. " We were worryed. We checked your pulse. You were fine. But we were still worried. So we came in and sat with you untill you woke up."

"Hm. I slightly remember people coming to the door. But. I dont remeber what happened after that..."

"Its ok (y/n). You'll be fine" Bonnie states. He steps closer to me and hugs me. Hes so warm.

Then a loud alarm goes off through out the pizzaria. Thats the 6am alarm to end my shift. I wave Chico and Bonnie good bye.

"See you later (y/n)." They say in sync.

Walking through the main dinning area, near the stage, i hear voices behind the curtain.

"What be your problem matey?"

"I just... Foxy. Please dont get involved."

"You can tell me"

"Its personal. Im sorry."

Thats when i hear footsteps coming closer to where i stand. Thats when the boy, the one i dont know the name of, walks out. He stares at me. He looks sad.

"I was just coming to say my shift is over. And i was leaving."

"Ok. Good bye." And with that he walks away. Foxy leaves the curtain. He reachs a hand out to grab the boys sholder. But the boy shrugs him off.

"LEAVE ME ALONE FOXY!!!" He shouts. Turns to me. Then runs off to the bathroom.

Foxy looks hurt.

"Is he ok Foxy?"

"I dont know lass. I guess i be seeing you later."

"Yes. Bye." I feel sorry for him. His friend just shouted at him. For an unknown reason...

Thats it i need to leave. This is becoming awquard. I jog to the enterance and leave. I get in my (f/car) and drive home.

When i get back i cant stop thinking. About what happened. About what those boys were doing in the pizzaria. Why i woke up on the floor. But mostly. Why that boy walked off when he met me and then ignored his friends.

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