What should we do?

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*Bonnie pov*

Oh no. Did i scare her. I didnt mean to. I just wanted to see the new night guard. Say hello. I think shes unconcious. I hope shes ok.

"Chico.." i whisper across to the other door. "Chico." I say a little louder. Soon some magenta eyes look over in my direction.

"What Bonnie" I think hes worryed too.

"Should we make sure shes ok?"

"Yer. I think we should"

I take the first step toward her. She looked so scared when she screamed out. I think she was worryed we would kill her. Well... we probably would have. But this girl... shes so. Different.

"Is she dead?" Chico asks quickly.

I kneel down, touching her wrist. She has a pulse, she"ll be fine. I give a nod to Chico and a small smile lightens up on his face.

"Do you think... you know... its safe?" I question. "Do what Bonnie?" I dont think he understands what im refering to. "To change Chico. Do you think its safe, to change?"

He waits a second then nods slightly. At the same time we change. We transform into our human forms. I need to comfort this girl. I need to keep her safe. She just looks so fragile. So weak. So helpless. I must protect her.

*Chico pov*

I never ment to scare her. It wasn't my folt. But i still felt guilty. Bonnie said she'll be fine. Shes passed out though. I feel sorry for the poor girl. How did she even get this job?

This girl shes just so. So. Beautiful. Her gorgeous (h/l) (h/c). And her cute face. She was just amazing.

Now me and Bonnie are in human form, i hope we dont scare her again when she wakes up.

Bonnie lifts her up onto his lap as she stays unconsious. I feel a slight pain in my chest. I want to look after her. Not let her fall in love with him. Omg what am i saying?!?  This is wrong. She can do what she wants.

My thoughts are interuped.

"Chico. What should we do?"

"Wait untill she wakes up, i guess"

So we both sit with the girl.

And wait.

(A.n. hi guys. If your liking the story please vote. Also feel free to post any comments in the story. Thanks)

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