Where is she?

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*??? Pov*

I stare at her unmoving figure. "You cannot kill her." I argue with Golden. "I need revenge. Shes the reason me and my brother are dead!" "AND IM THE REASON THAT YOUR SPIRIT IS HERE!" That shut him up. "Like I have said. You may torture her as much as you wish. But you cannot kill her. She is mine." "Fine."
She starts to sture. "W...where am I?" She asks. She tries to move her arms to her face but they are cuffed to the wall. "Why am I here?" She asks. I smirk. "Hello again." Her face covers in panic. "Y...you..." "Yes me." I step into the light. "Now lets get started shall we?" "Let me go!" "Sorry but that won't be happening." Golden says as he steps into the light aswell. She thrashs violently on the wall trying to free herself. I just laugh at her pathetic attempts. "Golden. Go ahead." "Wait... who are you?" She huffs in exhaustion. "Oh. Where are my manners. My name, my doll, is Marionette. But you, shall call me Mari." I kiss her cheek.
Golden takes her down from the wall and ties her onto the metal table. She tries to stugle away again but only fails. "This is going to be sweet." He chuckles. I step into the corner and sit onto a chair. I have to keep an eye on him. He cant go to far. She cannot die.
He goes to a table of tools. "What is that?" She asks, terror hinted in her voice. She pants heavily. Golden grabs a small scalpel. And turns to her. "No. Please. It wasnt my folt." "But it was. You cant get out of this." He smirks.
He presses the scalpel into her ankle and starts to slowly bring it up to her knee. He only cuts at the skin and not into the flesh. She screems out in pain as thick streams of blood flow from the cuts. He continues to do this all over her body. Always smirking. Always chuckling. Her screems are deafening.

*Bonnie pov*

They've been making those pizzas for an awefully long time. "What do you think is taking them so long?" I ask everyone. We had been sitting on the stage talking about random stuff that came up. But, Chico and y/n had been making pizzas for over a hour. "I have no idea." Felix says. "Im ganna go check on them." I stand up and head to the kitchen.
When I get there the whole place is a mess. "Chico? Where are you?" "In here!" Chico shouts from the oizza stove room. He was taking out fresh pizzas. "They smell good. Wheres y/n?" "I thought she went to the main hall to find you guys." I shake my head. "She isnt there. She never turned up." "She left around 10 minutes ago." "Come on we need to find her. Lets get the others." I say taking his hand and dragging him off down the hall.
"Y/n is gone." I say as we get to the stage. "WHAT!?" Freddy shouts. "She said she was coming to see you guys. Around 10 minutes ago." Chico says. "Lets split up and look around for the Lass." Foxy suggests. We all nod. As we start to look around, theres a loud screem and a low chuckling. I turn to Freddy. His face drops. "Golden." He says. His voice weak. Mark and Felix rush over. "That sounded like y/n. Do you think it--" Felix asks and Freddy interups "yes. It was. We need to find them. I have an idea where they will be. Follow me." Freddy starts to run down the hallway to the backrooms. We never really go in there because we have no need. It would be the perfect place for Golden to hide.
As we get to the back rooms there are more loud screems. "We need to hurry. The lass is in trouble!" Foxy shouts. We split up looking for the room which he has her in. I get to a door and hear the chuckling. "Over here!" I shout whisper to everyone. They crowd around the door and listen. Someone is crying. It must me y/n.
Freddy slams into the door. It doesn't budge. "We need to get in help me!" Freddy pleads. All at once we ram into the door. It flies inwards and we fall on the floor. Chico is the first up. The instant look of terror and hurt crosses his face. We all get up and look at her. Lines cover her body. All ossing out, fresh, thick, bloody. "Oh god y/n!" Freddy says as tears fall down his face.
I check her pulse. "She is still alive. But she is loosing blood quickly. We need to hurry. Foxy run ahead and get a first aid kit, your the fastest. Chico look around for Golden, see if he is still around here. Freddy, Mark and Felix help me carry her to the stage." They all nod. Foxy runs back down the hall and Chico scavengers the area. We gentely lift her up and carry her to the stage. She is very weak and every breath sounds corse and harsh.
We lay her down genterly. Foxy turns up with a dozen first aid kits and I get to work. I stich up the wounds, dab small amounts of alcohol on them to serialize the cuts and bandage them over.
While I had been trying to fix her up, Chico came back and said there is ni sign of Golden. Freddy then flipped out and started trashing the place. The others are still trying to calm him down when a hand gentely takes mine as im bandaging her leg. "Thank you Bonnie." She manages to say weakly. Barely a whisper. "I will always be here." I say back gently. I kiss her forehead. She smiles weakly and goes back to sleep.

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