What was that!?!

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What... what am I doing!? Omg! Mike. He said they want to kill me. No no no! This cant be happening. I check the tablet on the desk. It shows the stage. All the animatronics stand there. Moionless. Good! I dont want them to move. Ever!

I put the tablet on my lap as i slump down on the seat. On either side theres two buttons. I click one. Ok so those are the lights, good they work. The others control the doors.

I check the cameras again. BONNIES GONE! NONONO! WHERE IS HE!?! I quickly flick through the cameras. Ok he's in the closet. Thats close. Why is the screen black. When it comes back on hes gone... WHERE! I cant find him anywhere. I quickly put the tablet down and check the lights. Hes not here. Phew. Wait thats bad!

I check the stage again. CHICO! Hes gone too. This isnt good. "WHAT WAS THAT!" I heard a sound. It was in the left corridor... "HELLO!? ANYONE THERE?" I think someones in the corridors. WAS IT A ANIMATTONIC!

The camera! Grabbing the camera quickly you look at the main stage. Freddys there. Pirates Cove is still the same.

I need to check the doors. Im ganna hit the lights at the same time. Just to be safe. Simultaniously, I hit the lights. A bright purple rabbit stands peering emotionlessly into my eyes in the left corridor. Theres a bright yellow chicken smiles in the right window! "AHHHHHHHHHHH! SSSSHHHHIIIIITTTT!!!" I cant handle this. I... i feel dizzy. My vision is getting dark... whats happening... why do i feel limp

Then it all went black.

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