We're home.

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*y/n pov*

We walk into my dark cold apartment. As soon as we step in Felix jumps onto the sofa and raps a lose blancket around him. "I have a spare room you know." All i hear is a low grumble. "Its ok y/n. I'll have the bed. You got any food? Im really hungry." Mark asks. "Yer sure. Come on." We walk into my small kitchen. I open up a cuoboard and find tins of food. "Spugetti O's?" I say laughing as i hold them up. "Sure. I dont mind. I'll just have what you have." I blush a little at his words. Mark is pretty handsome. His deep voice and gorgeous face. I pour the O's into a hob and start the heat them up. I grab two bowls and a slice of bread each. While we are waiting for the food to be done we just talk about random things. What animals we like. Our favourite colours. I ask Mark about his youtube channel.... whatever 'youtube' actually is. I notice the pan over heating and pour the O's into our bowls. "Enjoys" i smile as i pass the bowl and bread to mark as we sit on the table top. "Thanks y/n." "Hey its no problem really." He smiles at me as i turn and dig in. This is good after that shift. That was so crazy. I found my best friend who went missing for years. I was attacked and nearly killed and these two men appeared from a demention portal. Woah.
After we finish i take the plates into the kitchen and start to wash up. Mark enters the kitchen. A mischevious smirk over his face. "Mark?" "Yes y/n?" "What are you doing?" He starts to walk towards me as i back away alittle. "Nothing. Why?" His grin grows. "Mark. Stop." My back hits the wall of the kitchen. His arms blocking my roots to escape. "Its just. Well. Y/n. Youve been so nice to us. You diserve something back." What was he talking about. Something back?
I then realise how close his face is to mine. Noses nearly touching. "What do you mean?" "This." He smashes his lips against mine. Im totally took by surprise. Fireworks go off inside of me. But i know this shouldnt happen. He isnt from here. I push him away. His face covered in sadness as i stare at him wide eyed and shocked. "Mark. What was that?" "Um a kiss. Duh. I wanted to show how much this all ment to me." "I... i... Mark we cant be together." Pain washs over his face. "Why?" "Because one day. You will disapear. Your not front this demention Mark. Im sorry." I look down. "Fine. Ok. Night y/n." Mark walks away. Well that went well, i thought. Screw it. I need some sleep. I step into my bedroom, get changed into some comfy clothes and snuggle into bed. Sleep sweet sleep.

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