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( y/n pov )

"Time to go! Come on you two!" I call to the men watching TV on my couch as I put on my shoes. "Coming!" They cheer in sync. I chuckle and start to walk down my apartment block hearing their footsteps follow behind me. We climb into the car and buckle up. "Ready?" I raise a eye brow. "Yep." Mark smiles. "Definitely." Felix grins. "Lets go then!" I chuckle and start the engine and head towards the pizzeria. 

A few minutes later we arrive at the place and head inside. The animatronics stay standing still. Mike must still be here. "Guys you need to hide for a few minutes." I whisper gesturing for them to find a place to hide from Mike. I walk to the office as casually as possible and knock on the closed door. Mike peers out and smiles when he sees me. "Oh hey y/n! What you doing here so early? Its only 11." He asks warmly when he opens the door. "Thought I could do some work on the animatronics thats all. Also you could leave earlier which is probably a good thing." I shrug. "Oh. Well... thanks I guess. I'll just take a few minutes to pack up. What you planning to do with them?" Mike asks whilst starting to chuck random things into a backpack. "Just some work on their voice box's and wires. Make sure they are all intact... that kind of thing." I lie. 

Mike finishs and leaves the building with a few extra thank yous added in. I follow him out and run back in when he has gone. "Mark? Felix? You can come out now!" I shout into the emptiness. I listen for a minute but receive no response or replies. "MARK? FELIX? GUYS SERIOUSLY YOU CAN COME OUT!" I shout walking around the place. 

"What seems to be the matter Lassy?" Foxy asks behind me. I jump and turn to him panting holding my chest. "You scared the poop out of me Foxy!" "Sorry Lassy. Whats wrong?" "I cant find Mark and Felix. They came in with me but now I cant find them..." I sigh. "Its ok lass. I'll help you find them. Lets get the others first shall we?" "Yer. The more helping to find them the better."

"Oh hey Y/n. Whats the matter?" Freddy asks jumping done of the stage and wrapping me in a surprisingly warm hug. "Mark and Felix are missing. The came in with me and now i cant seem to find them." "How long has  it been since they went missing?" Chico asks. "Around 10 minutes." Freddy stands in front of me in deep thought then shares a plan, "Bonnie and Chico you search the back rooms and kitchen. Foxy you search the office, hallways and supply room. Me and Y/n will search the main room and the maintenance room." Everyone nods and we set out. 

I hope we find them soon.

( Mark Pov )

W...where am i? I try to stand but all i hear is chains. I weakly turn my head to the side... My wrists are chained to the wall... Great just great. I cant even get out of here. Wait... Where is here? I squint and look around more in the dark room. On the opposite side of the room is another body. "F..Felix?" I stutter whispering. "Mark? Is that you? I thought you were dead." He whispers back. "Yer its me. What happened? Where are we?" "Im not sure. All i remember is, running to hide from that Mike guy then waking up here." "Oh." "Yer..."

The door squeaks open and a tall figure stands in the frame. "Hello. I see you have woken up. Unfortunately for you, your stay shall not be very pleasant." Even in the darkness i see white eyes glowing and a evil grin plastered on their face. A..Are they a animatronic? "Who are you?" I ask. "Oh Markimoo." How does he know my name? "I my little biscuit and the one they call the Puppet but you see im none of that. I have no strings. I control the strings. I am the Marionette." He walks closer to me, grinning widely in my face. "And i will not allow others to get in the way of me and my doll being together!"

He stands again, leaving the room and slamming the door. "Mark, you alright?" "Y...Yer im fine. What do you think he meant by his doll?" I raise a eyebrow. I see Felix's figure sink down closer the the floor. "I think he meant Y/n..." He sighs. Realization sinks in. Mari... Marionette... It all makes sense now. I start to pull at the chain. "Mark what are you doing?!" Felix shout whispers. "Im going to save Y/n!" I struggle on the chains. They cut into my wrists and start to draw blood. "Mark! Stop! Your only hurting yourself!" "Oh yes. And all i want to see is pain." A evil low chuckle echos in the room. From the corner of the room walks a blonde boy. Very much like Freddy just very... Golden. "All i want to see is suffering. Like how i went through. Seeing others in pain relieves the burden of my own. How i wasn't able to save me and my brother!" He cackles. Its easy to sense pain in the way he talks. Like a child who knows they have done wrong but doesnt want to admit it. "Whos your brother?" Felix dares to ask. The boy turns to him. "My brother, Felix, is Freddy. I am his elder brother. I hunted for him for weeks on end, when he went missing. It was crushing my mothers heart. I had to help stop her pain. My pain. When i came here, to the Pizzeria, a man said he had footage of my brother from the security cameras. So i followed him to the back room, so i could see the so called footage, to only find death. I only found the same KILLER WHO MURDERED MY OWN YOUNGER BROTHER! AND I COULDNT SAVE EITHER OF US! SO MY MOTHER HAS BEEN LEFT ALONE FOR YEARS! NOT KNOWING WHAT HAPPENED TO HER CHILDREN AND ITS ALL MY FAULT!" He shouts.  Tears stream down his face and he crumples to the floor. "I couldnt save us... Its my fault..." I look over to Felix, sympathy in his eyes. "Hey. It wasnt your fault. It was just a tragic event that happened to both of you." Felix coos. I continue, "You had intentions to find your brother because you cared. You cared about your family and not many people do now a days. You wanted to save your brother and you did everything you could to find him. Thats the most courageous act ive ever heard about." He looks up and at my face. I smile gently to him. "But i could save either of us. I left my mother alone." Felix says, "Yes. But your brother was already gone and you where there to try and help him. You left your mother to help her. Thats the most important thing. You had good intentions. But you have let sadness and guilt crush you. Its consumed you. You need to understand that you did everything for the good side. You arnt to blame." He sits on the floor thinking. Staying still for a few minutes then standing and walking over to Felix. He crouches next to him. "Thank you, Felix." He smiles to him and unbuckles Felix's chains. He then walks over to me and undoes them aswell setting my tired arms free. "Thank you to you aswell, Mark." "I dont think we caught your name." I point out. "Oh. Im Golden. But you can call me Gold. Come on. Hold onto my hands." He offers his hands. I raise a eye brow but take his hand and Felix does the same. Before i know it we are standing in the dining room. "Thats awesome." Felix grins. I nod. 

"Come on. We need to find the others." I start looking round. I hope Marionette hasnt done anything to them.

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