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*Golden pov*

Where is she? That stupid girl, she's the reason! She's to blame! Not directly no... he's the main culprit but he's not here... she's the next best thing.
If I ever find him... I chuckle at the thought of what I could do... Focus, the girl is the objective right now.
Why is this stupid place always so dark!

*Foxys pov*

What be going on with thee lass... why is Golden after her? Did she do something to the lad? No. (Y/n) wouldn't hurt anybody. Perhaps purposely... I ignore that thought immediatly.  I shouldn't doubt the lass.
(Y/n) is such a kind, caring girl. She would never do anything like that. Her beautiful (h/c) hair and her deep (e/c) eyes... shes so... perfect.  Snapping out of my thoughts to hear the echoing voice.
"(Y/n) where are you!"
I rush to the main dinning hall with Chico and Bonnie. Freddy throws puchs at Golden whilst Golden kicks him to the ground. "Why you bastard!" Chico says. He runs over and pulls Golden away from Freddy. Bonnie and me both run to help as Freddy stands. Black blood runs down his forhead. "You will NOT hurt (y/n)! Ok brother." He spits coldly. "Oh brother. You cant save her. Its to late." He chuckles deeply. I turn to Freddy. His face covered in anger and worry. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" "Oh. Dont worry. I havent done anything... Yet!" He smirks. "Ok ive had enough of this!" Bonnie punchs Goldens stomac as me and Chico hold him down on a table. Just before the punch his he dissolves in our hands. He disappeared. "That be weird..."

*Golden pov*

Dont worry. I'll be back. My plans already been made. Oh. And its not just me!

Hi its me Lucy. My friend CrystalDL2 wrote the majority of this. I just finished it of. Make sure to check out her profile. If you want to see anything happen with or to a certain character just comment. Thanks for voting for the story. And for 1700 reads! Thats just awesome! Also, best wishs to Markiplier who is curently in hospital. Hooe he gets well soon. Ok. See you in the next chapter. Buh bye.

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