Good Bye Bunny

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(Mari Pov)

"What do you want with us Mari!?" The poor chicken whimpers in the corner. His dear bunny rabbit friend strapped to the chair in front of him. "Oh. Im just going to teach you whats what. I'm afraid you gentleman have brought this upon yourselves. You have become too close to my Doll and i will need you to change that behavior. And this time. I'll make it sink in." I chuckle. I bend over to the purple haired boy in front of me, whispering sweetly, "Is that clean, Bonbon?". I hear him groan in reply. "Thats not good enough Bonnie my friend. Use your words." 

"You can't do this. Shes our friend! Why are you acting like this?" a single tear flows down his cheek. I chuckle. How cute. I take my cold gloved hand and wipe it off this cheek. "Because i was not appreciated and i will no longer hide in the darkness! On my own!" I shout. He flinches under me. 

Sobs come from the corner. "Poor poor Chico. So helpless. Its a shame you'll never see your dear sister and father again. It must be so lonely without them. Just age 9 when you were taken from them. 8 years gone." I hear more sobs. I walk over slowly and crouch next to him. "And do you wanna know the saddest part?" I chuckle deeply. Whispering, "They're still looking for you." I back up. Watching his huddled figure shack and hear him scream out. I grin widely, "It's a shame they'll never find you. Never have closure." 

"Now, Mister Bonnie Edward Wills." He flinches as i say his full name. Shock seems to cover his face. "H.. How do you know that?" Oh this is just grand. "Boy, aged 7 goes missing. His parents die at the age of 5 in a tragic car accident leaving him in a foster home. Only to be adopted by a rich, British couple. Living in a mansion, many rooms, so many toys, servants when ever he needed them. Yet... Little Bonnie had no friends. One day, he wanted to try and make friends at a commoners party location. Name? Fazbears Pizzeria. For his seventh birthday. However, Bonnie never returned from the party. In fact, he never left. His rich parents looked and payed investigators and tv stations, even paid for Billboards all over the Country. Just to try and find their sweet Bonnie Edward Wills. Yet... They never found him. Shame really. They were so, very, sweet." He cries under me. A loud gasp coming from Chico. Im guessing poor little Bunbun never told his friends about his past.

He shakes in the chair i have shackled him too. Rage must be flowing threw his poor childish mind. "Now Bonnie." I begin. "Im going to hurt you. So that you learn. She is mine. Y/N is my doll! And you will go no where near her!" And with that i grim widely, waving my hand and watching him turn back to his animatronic form. And so i set to my work. Drenching the bunny in water. Chico quivers in the corner. I turn to him as i snap my fingers and 2 spark plugs appear in my hand. The look on his face. Oh how it makes me laugh. He knows what im about to do. "You, next." I chuckle. His eyes widen and he cowers in the corner more as tears flood his face once more. 

Turning back to the bunny i attach one cable to his ankle, and the other his wrist. Ensuring the electricity will coarse threw his body. Though he may be in animatronic form, he feels exactly the same as if he were not. "Now BunBun. How does 40,000 Volts of electricity sound?" I grin. "Please! Please Don't! Mari Please! We were friends! Please!" He pleads. With that i step back. Hold the lever on the wall. And pull it down...

Sparks fly off his metallic body immediately. He shakes and his circuits fry. A deafening, coarse screech fills the air as he feels the volts rush threw his body. 

Chico cries and screams out in the corner. Trying to hide the fear of his dear friend frying, in front of his own eyes.

I smile. 

"Good Bye Bunny."

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