《Chapter 22》Secret Relationship

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Adam POV*

"So tell me everything" Rachel attacked me as soon as lunch started and started picking me for a story. I was impressed by how she was able to wait so long to ask me. i. "What? Why?" I asked. not really wanting to share . "because I'm your friend and friends tell each other these things" she explained. "especially when this friend helped you do the thing she's asking you about." I laughed "okay fine-" I gave in and told her about the date.

After I got home that night I spend a good amount of time just staring at his name on top of the screen. I debated if I should send him something or not. I mean, we were daring now, right? weren't we? in the end, I didn't send anything and just went to sleep.

"Nothing special happens if that's what you want to know" I explained, but she kept asking. "tell me anyway." I sighed. "it was just normal, really" I shrugged. "I don't know what to tell you" she kept looking at me, but I didn't have anything to say. she waited for a bit more before she finally gave up. "All alright fine, did you at least have fun?" she then asked. I let out a small chuckle "yeah, we did" I smiled. she started smiling with me. she started talking again but I got distracted when my phone went off.

It was Jefferey. I looked over the message a couple of times before getting up. "I gotta go-" I said when I walked away. "hey- wait- where are going?" I heard Rachel yell behind me but I was already too far away. I read over the message again. 'meet me behind the school'. what did he want to meet me for? I turned the final corner and saw him standing against the wall. he noticed me almost immediately and gave me a small wave. I walked up to him, not sure how to act.

"You came!" he smiled as I stopped next to him. "well, yeah" I answered back, leaning against the wall. "what did you ask me to come here for?" I asked, curiously. "well, I thought maybe you'd like to have lunch together?" he explained. I let out a quick laugh. "well, yeah," I laughed. "but why did you send a text, you could've just walked up to me and asked...". he let out a nervous laugh.

"Yeah, I could've, and I should've-" he started. "but I thought- it might be weird." he said as he scratched the back of his head. "what do you mean?" I asked confused. "well, we never really hung out at all before... you know. this happened." he said. gesturing between us. "so I thought maybe we shouldn't-"

"Tell anyone?" I interrupted. "well, yeah" he sighed. I stayed quiet for a while. I wasn't sure what to think about this. I mean, I get what he means, but hiding it? "okay," I said back. he smiled and sat down on the floor. "then let's eat," he said as he patted the ground beside him. I sat down and we started our lunch.


After lunch, we both went off to separate classes. I walked in and saw Rachel already in her seat, as soon as she saw me walk in she looked at me confused. I walked up to the desks and took my usual seat next to her. "dude where were you?" she asked confused. "you just suddenly ran off." I looked at her, trying not to smile too much. "having lunch?" I trying saying as casually as I could. "I thought that was what we were having before you left me?"

I stayed quiet for a bit, trying to avoid eye contact, suddenly feeling embarrassed. then Rachel's face lit up as if she understood. "you were with him, weren't you?" she smirked. I nodded, still looking away. "ah! see I told you!" she nudged my side. "I told you everything would be fine". I just smiled at her in response. "it was just lunch," I said back. "yeah, but it's progress!" she answered enthusiastically. I guess she had a point. "so what did you talk about?" she asked. "well nothing, just small talk," I said. "mhm," she smirked. "what?" I laughed. "I should've switched seats with him a long time ago," she said, sounding way too proud of herself. I didn't say anything back and we focused on the class.

Later that day we had a class together again. the one Rachel switched seats with so I was forced to interact with Jefferey. I wonder if it'll feel different now. I walked into the class expecting him to be in his seat, but instead, Rachel was back in her usual seat. I sat next to her, looking at her confused.

"What?" she said back innocently. I just kept looking at her. a week ago she insisted on switching seats and now she's back here.

"Listen, you're dating him now, and you already left me alone for lunch so sitting next to me is my way of still having some time to spend with you," she explained. "I'm not gonna let you ignore me because you have a boyfriend now," she said softly.

I smiled, still slightly confused. "I wouldn't ignore you," I said. "you don't know that," she said, forcing a smile.

Just as the rest of the class started coming in. when I saw Jefferey I could see him walking toward our tables, he stopped in the middle of the room when he saw Rachel back in her old seat

Rachel smiled and gave him a wave. he looked confused for a second before waving back and walking back to his old seat in the front. soon after the teacher came in and class started.


This was how it went for a while. Jeffrey and I started hanging out more, but mostly behind the school or sometimes even an empty classroom. but never in the cafeteria.

I understood it was new for him, as much as it was for me. but surely if we started hanging it out, people wouldn't think anything of it. they wouldn't immediately think we were dating.

but I also get why he didn't want to risk it. a lot of people in this school were raised religious or were just not very accepting. so I felt comfortable with hiding it for now.

We didn't hang out much besides school. I went to his house once or twice, he never went to my house. I probably could've found a gap where my dad wouldn't be home, but David would still be there to make it awkward.

We got pretty close. But I got to admit, not as close as I was expecting. We never made any progress with the relationship. we never held hands or even touched in general.

I know it was new for him, but I felt like he wasn't as interested as he said when I confessed. But I tried to ignore that as much as possible for now.

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