《Chapter 5》 Should We Really Be Hiding It?

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Hello to the 2 people who read this, if you're even still here. Thank you for doing that. You're awesome ;3 just letting you know

Nathan POV*

I finally managed to find my way to the canteen. It took me longer than I dare to admit. Guess one thing I learned today is that I'm really bad with directions. I wasn't sure why I was there, It's not like I was hungry or anything.

I walked up to an empty table and sat down, looking around at the other people who had most likely met up with friends. I was not one of those people. I decided to get my phone and see if I missed anything while on my little adventure. Suddenly I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

I look over, I was right. It was Adam and he wasn't alone. It seemed like he already made a friend as well. I put my phone back in my pocket and got up to walk over.

"You guys seem to be getting along". I said as I stood next to Adam. "Oh hey," he said, surprised. I showed him a small smirk before taking a seat next to him. "Uhm, who's this?" The girl opposite of us asked confused.

"Oh. This is my... friend, Nathan". he said hesitantly pointing at me. "That's how you're going to introduce me?" I said jokingly.

He was silent for a bit before saying a small. "Yes". I gave him a smile to tell him I understood.

"Ok... Hi, I'm Aimee" she said breaking the awkward silence. She held out her hand and I shook it.

"You made friends quick," I said looking back down at Adam. "yeah, I guess. She helped me find my way around" he answered looking over at her again. "so you also had some problems with navigating this thing" I said referring to the buildings. He let out a small laugh "yeah, kind of"

"Thank god, for me then," Aimee said proudly, her arms at her side. "Alright, I think I've praised you enough for one day" Adam laughed. She just smiled as she put her arms back on the table.

"What about you". He asks, turning at me. "What about me?" I repeat the question. "Did you make any friends?" He asks.

"Funny enough, something similar happened" I answered. He looks at me confused. "I also met someone who helped me to not get completely lost". I explain.

"Really?" He asks surprised "That's kind of cool" He smiles.

"So how long have you been friends?" Aimee asks, almost out of nowhere. "Uh- where did that come from," Adam asks, just as surprised at me at the sudden question.

"Just wondering, You two seem very close". She says, leaning in ever so slightly. We stay quiet for a bit, and I could swear I could see just the faintest blush on Adam's face. "Almost three years". I say breaking the silence that had formed.

"That explains it". Aimee sighs leaning back into her chair.


We sat there for almost an hour. I think. we just talked and got to know each other better. Well, too much, there was some stuff we left out, of course. Not sure why though.

Afterward, we separated and Aimee went back to her room, so we did the same. After she showed us the way, of course.

"So.." I started as we were walking towards our rooms. "so?"
I stop walking, making Adam stop and turn around as well.
"Are we really not going to tell people right off the bat," I ask looking around me, making sure no-one could overhear us.

"Tell them what?" Adam asks, nit sure what I'm talking about. "You know" I start "about us?" I say as I gesture between the two of us.

Adam just gives me a confused look, "us...?" I sigh. I love him, but he xan be so dense sometimes.

"...being together". I say quietly as I take a step closer as to not let other people hear too easily.

"Oh, right" he finally realized what I was talking about. "Well, I mean, I didn't think about that," he says as he looked down.

"Yeah, I mean, we didn't say anything to Cole or Max yesterday. And just now you did introduce me as your 'friend' ." I explain. "You're right." he realizes

"Well I didn't mean it like that-" he said looking back up. "It kind of just... happened I guess"

"I know- I get that. Just, We had a hard time telling people before, maybe we shouldn't hide it at all" I suggest.

I mean, it's true. When we first started going out, we pretty much kept it secret. Only when we got 'caught' we told everyone. Maybe it would be much easier if we just didn't try and hide anything this time.

"I get that it might be hard, but I mean, Look at Cole, I'm sure he would support it," I say referring to the posters and books he has in our room. He let out a laugh in response. "And I'm pretty sure Max would too, he's friends with him"

He stays quiet for a bit, before answering. "I guess you're right" He smiles. "It's just-" He hesitated for a bit, looking away. I could tell something was on his mind, but I didn't know what. "Can you let me think about it?" He finished.

I nod and we both started walking back to our rooms.


that's it for now bois.

My shortest chapter ever.


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