《Chapter 39》Saving Up

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Nathan POV*

I quickly developed a new routine. I'd wake up, go do the couple hours of lessons, and then take the bus to the bar to work. It had turned out to be more fun than I had anticipated. This was going to work out well. I do something fun, and make some money for my secret project.

A couple of weeks have gone by and I had already managed to save a pretty good amount already, it would be too long until I had collected enough. Which was exciting but making me nervous as well.

One of the downsides to this was that I had to think of an excuse if Adam asked me where I was going. I didn't want to lie to him, and I honestly don't know why I am. Surely just saying I had a job wouldn't be suspicious. But I had already told him excuses from the very first day, so I couldn't go back on that. Then it would get suspicious because I was making excuses.

I sighed, this was all getting more complicated than it should be.

"Hey, everything alright?" Kai asked concerned. I looked up and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking," I said back as I continued to work.

It got quiet again, the only noise being the talking of the customers. But suddenly Kai's phone went off. He usually puts it on silent so it was a little confusing, maybe he forgot to turn it off?

He picked it up and his face got serious. "I'll be right back, can you handle it on your own for a second?" He asked as he turned towards me. I nodded and he turned around to go into the back. I could see him pick up, his face looking serious before he went through the door.

I looked at the door for a second before I was called by someone wanting to order. I managed to serve a couple mor Kai suddenly busted through the door.

"Alright people, I'm sorry but we're closing early today!" He yelled as we walked in. Everyone looked up confused. "Well we open same time tomorrow. I'm sorry." He repeated. Everyone looked around, but soon people got up and left. Some complaints here and there, some people having a harder time to walk khan other.

As soon as the bar was empty Kai took a seat on a stool and started frantically texting.

"Is everything okay?" Charles asked concerned as he walked up. "It will be, I just have to leave." He said again. He looked at both of us and we got the message. I went to the locker room and quickly changed. When I got back in Kai had also changed I to his normal clothes and was waiting for me by the door.

"I'm sorry about this it's just- family emergency" he apologized again. Shook my head "no I get it it's fine." I said as I walked through the door. They followed me and Kai locked up. We said goodbye and I walked back to the bus stop.

I got back about 30 minutes later, like expected, and made my way back to my room.


I walked in and noticed a lot of unfamiliar faces. Except for Adam. "What's going on?" J asked confused. "Oh right sorry-" Adam said, getting up. "We needed a room to work in and well, Max needed it for, um, reasons." He said awkwardly. And by that, I knew enough.

And Cole said I'd be okay-" he continued. "If it's bad we'll find some other place to-"

"No it's fine" I interrupted him. "You guys do your thing." I laughed. He smiled before turning back to the rest.

"So who's this?" One of the girls asked. "Oh right," Adam said awkwardly, before stunning back to me. "This is Nathan." He said. "This is the people. I'm doing the group project with" he said to me.

"This is Jean, Julie, and George." He said introducing us. "Hi," I said awkwardly as they all smiled at me.

"Is this the boyfriend you were talking about?" George smirked. I looked at Adam surprised. I could see a faint blush creeping onto his face. "You told them about me?"

"Well, yeah- I guess-" he stuttered. I laughed before giving him a playful push. "It's fine." It's actually cool to know he didn't hide it this time. But then again I didn't see a reason why he did tell them.

"Well you guys continue what you were doing- "I said before the mood could get even more awkward. "I'm gonna take a quick shower," I said before going into the bathroom.

I stayed in the shower for a bit before deciding it had been long enough. I got out and got a fresh pair of clothes. Trowing my work clothes into the laundry basket before going back to my room.

As I entered I noticed them already packed up and instead of working they were all just talking.

"You're done already?" I asked as I sat down on my bed. "Yeah, we're pretty much finished, at what's left to do is check all of it carefully to make it look as good as possible," George explained.

"Okay," I laughed, a bit taken aback by his explanation. They stayed for a little while longer, just talking about all kinds of stuff. Involving me every once in a while. But after about an hour they left.

"Alright!" George stretched a she got up. "We'll see you tomorrow?" Julie asked Adam. "Yeah" he smiled as she left the room.

He closed the door behind them and it got quiet. He walked over and with a sigh sat down next to me. "Rough day?" I smiled. "Kinda" he smiled.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him down with me as I lay down onto the bed, hugging him tightly. He let out a laugh before relaxing next to me. We stayed like that for a bit as we both just enjoyed the quietness of the room.

"You were back early today." He bored the silence. "Mhm.." I said back. "Are you still not gonna tell me where it is you keep going to." He sighed.

I stayed quiet, not sure what to say as I sat up. I looked him in the eyes. "I'm sorry, but no, not yet, I just cant-"

"It's fine." He cut me off. I looked at him, feeling guilty as he smiled. "I trust you." He said looking at me. "Thanks."

It got quiet again before he looked up at me again. "I-It's been a week..." he said quietly. I looked at him confused. "A week since what?" I asked.

"Since we've well... properly seen each other." He said quietly. I kept looking confused before I nothing a blush creeping onto his face. "Oh I see-" I smirked.

"Wh- no- I don't mean-" he stuttered trying to take it back. I laughed as I pulled him closer. "I know what you meant. I laughed as I hugged him tightly. I felt him hug back as he let out a sigh.

"I miss this" he sighed. "Yeah..." I answered back. We stayed like that for a bit before we pulled apart. He finally looked me in the eyes and I managed to take my chance and pulled him closer again to kiss him. I felt him kiss back almost instantly.

I felt his arms wrap around my neck as he pulled himself up into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his waist as the kiss deepened.

We would've kept going if I didn't force myself to pull away because I know Cole could come in any second, and that would turn into a very awkward situation.

He blushed brightly as he caught his breath, making me chuckle. He showed a faint smile, not saying anything.

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