《Chapter 24》Getting Out Of Hand

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Adam POV*

When I got home I went straight to my room. I didn't even bother to say anything to my mother. Everything that had happened just now started to sink in. They know. Someone saw us and now they know. I didn't want this to happen. everything was going so well.

I see now why he wanted to hide it so badly.

I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling as I tried to control my breath and the tears threatening to fall doen my face when I heard a knock on the door. "Adam, come on talk to me."I heard David. I stayed quiet, but he didn't care and just came in anyway.

He sighed when he saw me and came over to the bed. sitting down beside me. "I get it if you don't want to talk about it-"

"I don't" I Interrupted. "...Well I know, but you should," David answered, slightly taken aback. 'I stayed quiet. talking about it was the last thing I wanted to do. "what happened?" David asked carefully. "Nothing," I said back.

"Adam, what happened' He repeated, a little louder. I let out a sigh and sat up in my bed, resting my head against the wall. David looked at me, awaiting my answer. "they know...'' David looked at me confused. "W- Who knows, and what?" I looked down into my lap.

"Someone saw me and Jefferey the other day..."I explained. "Oh..." I nodded. "Well, actually they only recognized me." David was quiet for a bit. "I'm sorry..."He eventually said. I shook my head. "No, It's not your fault."

It got quiet again. "Do you want me to talk to them?"David suggested. "No-"I said quickly. "that will only make it worse, I'll be fine," I reassured him. he nodded, but didn't look convinced. "I will be," I said again. "I sure as hell hope so..." David said before he got up again and left my room. I sat there for a couple of minutes before I finally got up again and decided to distract myself. I'm sure if I just try to ignore it, it'll be fine.


I was wrong, it wasn't fine.

After that day, the bullying started. slow at first, but eventually I was barely left alone. People in the halls, looking at me weird. Or just stared at me disgusted. I sometimes got the occasional childish piece of paper thrown at my head. I could handle those.

But what hurt was when they started calling me names. Some would say the meanest stuff, at lunch, or sometimes even in class.

It helped a lot that I had Rachel with me. She stood up to a lot of them, so did David. But in the end, it didn't make much of a difference. The bullying didn't stop. It only got worse.

She sometimes blames herself for all of it. Because she 'forced me to confess. But I told her countless time, it wasn't her fault. In the end, I was the one who confessed. I could've just not done it.

But I did. And he said yes, the last thing expected. And someone found out.

It got to a point that I would only eat lunch with Rachel, not even in school, but outside where no one would be. we did find an old room we would sometimes eat, but that was rare.

"So, did you talk to him yet?"Rachel asked as we sat outside. I shook my head tiredly. "not at all?" I let out a sigh. "only texting, a bit." he hadn't talked much after that day. Or after school. I never saw him much, he was always busy with school or hanging friends.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up," she said quickly as soon as she noticed how I felt about it. I shook my head and showed her a small smile. "Don't worry it's fine..." I tried to reassure her. I could see she wanted to say something back but she stopped herself. She changed the subject and we continued eating.


Later that day, when I was walking towards my locker I had had even more words thrown at me from others. At first i was able to gmignire it. But at this point it felt like the whole school was turning against me. I went around to find Jefferey, mayybe he couldnt help in soem way. People seemed to like him, maybe if he explain...

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going when I bumped into someone. I fell to the floor, and when I looked up, I saw it was Jefferey.

He looked down at me confused, and I just looked away. I could see he wanted to help me up but I hear a voice from behind. "Het dude? What are you doing?"I heard one of his friends yell. He started walking closer and I could see Jefferey pulling back. "Nothing it's just-"

"who is that guy?" His friend said as he walked closer. I got up slowly as his friend stood next to him. he noticed it was me "Don't tell me you're hanging out with him?" He said disgustedly. Jefferey looked at this friend and then at me. "I-" he stuttered. But before he could speak, his friends turned around again.

"let's go," He said. But he stayed. His friend stopped halfway down the hall, looking at us like he didn't believe what was happening. "don't tell me you know him?" His friend asks.

I looked at Jefferey, hoping he'd tell him the truth and go with me instead of back to his friends. "No, I don't." He said silently, not looking at me. I stood there staring at him in disbelief, but all he did was turn around and walk back to his friends, leaving me alone.

I could feel tears threatening to form as I ran away as quickly as I could. I didn't bother to stop by my locker and went straight home. I had to get out of there. I ran past Rachel and I could hear her call for me, but I didn't care. I continued running home.

As soon as I got home I got inside, almost slamming the door behind me, leaning my back on it as I let the tears fall. Not much later my mom appeared from behind the corner, looking at me worried. I quickly wiped away my tears as she walked up to me. "Adam, What's wrong, sweety?"

I shook my head, trying to suppress my tears. "I-" stuttered. I don't want to go to school tomorrow?" I said. She looked at me concerned, slightly smiling. "We cont just let you stay home?" She explained, "Yeah I know- It's just-" I sighed. "Why don't you want to go?"

"I just don't feel welcomed anymore..." I said, as my eyes filled with tears again. "What happened?" My mom tried again. I just stood there, not sure how to tell her what was happening, I wished David would just show up and save me from this situation, but he wasn't home. My mom kept waiting for me to answer when my father joined in.

"For crying out loud, Adam.  Just tell your mother!"  he yelled from the living room. His sudden outburst startled me, and soon my emotions went from sad to angry. "They found out I'm gay!" I yelled out, I regretted it immediately. my mother looked at me shocked, but my father, hos face soon filled with anger, but as soon as he could say anything, I quickly ran upstairs, slamming the door behind me.

I wanted to lock the room, but that was another one of my father's rules. No locks on the doors. Privacy didn't exist in this house. I stood against the door for a while, as I stopped fighting the tears and let them fully fall down my face.

I slid down onto the floor as I buried my face into my knees. It's all over now. not only was school going to be hell, but now I couldn't even feel safe at my own house. I just wanted to disappear.

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