《Chapter 34》 Special Gift

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Cole POV*

"Hey dude, you should pay attention," Andrew said as he pushed me in the shoulder. We were in the middle of class, but I was more interested in my phone at the moment.

"Listen, I know your favorite story just updated but you can read after class, you don't want to get in trouble," Nathan whispered, on the other side of me. But I kept Ignoring them.

For the last couple of days, as a way to distract me from Max and his girlfriends constantly hanging out, I found a new story to read online, and so far I was really into it.

Nathan and Andrew tried a couple more times to make sure I wouldn't get in trouble but eventually gave up. I read the whole chapter and finally decided to try and pay more attention. In the end, I gave up and decided to look at the comments.

I was distracted the whole time and didn't hear anything until the time was up and everyone started leaving. I grabbed my books and put them away before following Andrew and Nathan out of the room.

"Dude, you're never going to pass if you keep this up." Andrew sighed as we walked towards an empty lunch table.

"Yeah, yeah. Dont worry, 'lt's fine" I said as we sat down. "But I am going to copy one of you guys' notes" I added. "Yeah, you can copy mine tonight." Nathan sighed. "Thank you~" I smiled.

We talked for a while before getting lunch and going right back to our table. We sat there for another tem minutes before Adam and Max had joined us.

I was surprised to see Aimee was also with them I knew she was a friends with Adam, I didn't know she knew Max.

They all took a seat. Adam and Aimee next to Nathan and Max next to me. By now everyone knew each other pretty well. So we just talked about whatever.

Halfway through I grabbed my phone again, to read a bit more as everyone continued to talk. "Did you find something new to obsess about?" I heard Max whisper. I looked up.

"Yeah kinda" I laughed as I went back to reading. "So what's it about?" He asked looking with me at the screen "well-"

I then began to explain the plot of my latest story. This is something he'd always do, even tho he's not interested in the same things as me, he always tried to act as if he did. I continued to explain when I noticed Aimee looking at us silently.

She had a smile on her face that seemed almost sorry. She must've figured out who I meant when I said the person I like was taken too. I smiled back and we both went back to talking.

After lunch, we split up again. Max and Andrew had a class together. And Adam still had one more to go as well. So Aimee decided to go back to her room since she had a project to work on, while Nathan and I went back to our room as well.

"Alright, borrow me those notes now please" I sighed as I dropped into the desk to copy them. I might as well just do it now and get over with it. He laughed before handing them to me. "Next time just pay attention." He said. "I'll try"


I sat there for a while, as I copied all the things Nathan had written down. I was lucky I understood most of it. I did need to start paying more attention to classes or I'm gonna fall behind. I sighed as I finished the last sentence, leaning back in my chair dramatically. "Done," I said as I dropped my pen onto the desk.

"Right, then give me back my notebook," Nathan said as he got up. He took it to form my desk and turned around to walk back to his bed when he stopped.

"He can I ask you something...?" He asked hesitantly. I leaned back in my chair looking at him confused. "Yeah sure."

"Okay, don't laugh but I need help with something..." he continued. I kept waiting for him to continue. "Well you know it was Adam's birthday last week?" He said putting his notes on his desk. "Yeah..."

"Well I feel like I didn't really get him a gift..." he said, looking down. "But didn't you guys.. know" I smirked. His face turned red. "I- yeah but- No that's not what I mean," he said flustered.

"It's jus-" he started. "He told me something- well, personal." He said not saying any more than that. "And it's just-" he struggled to find d the words.

He took a breath. "What's a good gift to let him know I'm not going anytime soon," je said quickly. Looking nervous, which I don't really see why he should be.

"Well, first of all, that's adorable-" I said, sitting up. He rolled his eyes. "And second. Rings." I smiled. "Well let's not go that far-"

"No- I didn't mean it like that" I interrupted. "Look at it more as like... I don't know, friendship bracelets..." he looked at me unconvinced. "But like, more meaningfull..." I said quietly.

"I see... do you think-" he said sitting down. "Do you really think he'd like that?" He asked again. I smiled as I held onto my necklace. "Yeah, I do," I said honestly.

He stayed quiet for a bit before looking back at me. "Did you read this in one of your stories?" He smirked.

"Well yeah.. that too." I laughed. "But believe me he'd like that." Nathan nodded and went back over to his bed.

"Well I guess I'm gonna have to find a decent job then" he joked. "Because the money I have now is not going to be nearly enough." He said as he dropped down onto his bed and picked up his phone.

"Yeah, good luck with that." I laughed. I turned back to my desk in finished the bit of homework I had for the day.


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