《Chapter 15》Back To Normal

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Nathan POV*

I woke up sore. I could feel the sunburn on my shoulders from walking in the sun all day. I threw the covers off of me as I sat up, cooling down my damp body. The temperature had dropped a lot during the night but my body felt like it was glowing. I hoisted myself off of the comfy mattress and made my way over to the bathroom, careful not to wake up Cole. He experienced even more excitement yesterday, and he didn't have any reason to be awake for a while.

I stepped into the bathroom and turned on the shower, I stripped down and stepped in. I drew in a sharp breath as the ice-cold water touched my back. It stung for a couple of seconds before numbing down. I stood there for a bit, enjoying the feeling of finally cooling down. I washed my hair and body before turning off the water and stepping out. I threw on a towel and quickly brushed my teeth.

I walked back into the room, towards my dresser, and put on a fresh pair of clothes. I heard some rustling coming from the other side of the room, I looked over alarmed, thinking I had woken him up. But he just turned around and continued to sleep.

I grabbed my phone and decided to go out and see if the canteen was open yet, so I could get so something for breakfast.


I stood in line as I felt a sudden smack on my back. I jumped in shock as the pain shot through my sunburned shoulders. I turned around and saw Andrew staring at me surprised, holding up his hand in front of him.

"I'm sorry." He said quickly. Not sure what just happened. I shook my head.

"It's fine. I just didn't expect that." I smiled trying to ignore the pain I still felt. "Are you sure it's fine, you look like you're in pain" he continued as he slowly lowered his hands.

"Yeah I'm sure, I'm just a bit sunburned is all," I explained. I turned my attention towards the counter and ordered something to eat. "So I'm guessing you went to the beach then?" Andrew continued as he followed me to a table. I looked at him confused before sitting down.

"I mean, if you're sunburned I guess you went outside this weekend." He continued. I nodded before taking a bite from my sandwich. "That's nice." He sighed. He looked at me in anticipation. As if he wanted to tell me something.

"So did anything exciting happened to you this weekend?" I asked eventually. I saw a spark in his eyes for a second, but he soon looked at me blankly. "I mean.. not really." He said plainly.

I looked at him confused for a bit. "Okay fine." He said as he looked around a bit. As if to see if no one was listening in. I followed his gaze around the room before he leaned in closer.

"This guy's got himself a date." He whispered proudly as he leaned back focusing his gaze on the girl that just walked into the cantine, I look over and she seemed to already have noticed Andrew, she smiled softly before giving him a wink and continuing to go get some food. I look back at Andrew as he sat there smirking, looking at me proudly. I smile at him, Not sure what to say "That's nice."I laugh. his smile drops and he looks at me confused. "Nice? Dude, it's awesome, I'm awesome" He praised himself.

"I mean sure, You are." I agree with him. "That aside, where are you going?" I ask, genuinely curious. He looks over confused "What do you mean?" I let out a small chuckle. "Your date, where are you gonna go?" I asked again.

Suddenly realization dawned on his face. his looked turned panicky as he sat up straight and looked over towards her again. "I- I'm not sure, I didn't think about that." He said as he held his head in his hands slightly. "seriously?" I ask in disbelief. "Dude, you gotta help me," he begs as he straightens his back, looking me dead in the eyes. "Help you?"

"Yes. please" He repeats. "And what exactly would I be helping with?" I ask as I lean back in my seat, "with my date, of course. You probably have experience." He assumes as he gestures towards me. "I mean- Not really?" I answered confused.

"Oh come on, look at you, I'm sure you have a girlfriend." He said again. Should I take that as a compliment? "I- have a boyfriend, does that count?" I say quickly, trying to sound nonchalant.

Sure, I didn't care what people thought about it, but after all the worrying Adam did about telling people about us, I had to admit I was getting slightly nervous about his response.

"There we go," He shrugged. "Now, please help me plan this date." I sat there slightly taken aback by him not even glossing over the fact I told him I had a boyfriend. The nerves that had built up suddenly melted away and I just sat there not sure how to respond. I let out a nervous laugh "Sure, Okay" agreeing to help him. I let out a small laugh as he silently cheered, still trying to understand what happened.

See Adam, I told you not to worry what people think.


I got back to my room to set up for Andrews visit in a couple of minutes. I noticed Cole was already back and was seated behind his desk, probably working on some school work. "Hey, Andrew is coming over in a bit." He gave me a thumbs up and continued to finish his work, he seemed concentrated now, and probably wanted to finish it quickly before he got distracted again.

It was quiet for a bit as I decided to tidy up ever so slightly, not sure what else to do. As I finished picking up the last of my clothes I dropped down onto my back, letting out a sharp gasp of pain as I fell on my sunburned back. I quickly sat back up. earing a startled look from Cole.

"Are you okay?" he asked with a slight smile on his face, but still looking concerned. "Yeah I'm fine" I sighed "I just got a really bad sunburn from yesterday" I explained. Cole showed a quick smile and stood up, walking towards the bathroom. "Give me a second". He disappeared for a bit before emerging with a small bottle. "Here, this will help" He handed me the bottle. I look it, trying to find out what it was, but the label long been gone. "What is it?" I ask curiously, wanting to know what he's asking me to put on my body. "Don't worry, It's nothing bad. But it on your back, it'll cool you down" he said crossing his arms.

I looked at him for a while, trying to send him a message asking how the hell I was supposed to reach my own back. He seemed to get it eventually. "do you want me to help you?" he chuckled. "yes please?" I answered sarcastically. he took the bottle from my hand and took a seat behind me on my bed as I took my shirt off.

"oh wow, that really is bad." He said as he got a good look at the burn. "Yeah, it hurts a lot, remind me next time to use all of the sunscreen" I heard him laugh as he opened the bottle. "Alrighty" was his only warning before he applied it to my back, well mostly my shoulders.

It hurt at first but I could soon feel the effect kick in, and I felt it cool down against my skin. "Oh wow, that really does help," I admitted as he carefully applied the rest. "Told you, It's my mother's secret weapon against sunburn." He said proudly as he closed the bottle. He was about to stand up when the door opened and Andrew walked in.

"Hi guys- oh is this a bad time?" he interrupted himself, I looked up confused before realizing the situation. "What- No-" I let out a small chuckle "I see what this might look like, but no. Cole is just my roommate." Andrew nodded carefully before smiling widely again and walking in completely. Cole looked at me confused but I shook my head telling him id explain later. But I'm sure he could already guess what happened.

Andrew walked toward my desk and pulled out the chair to sit on, Cole awkwardly got up as well and went to put the bottle away. "So? "Andrew started, earing my attention again. "So," I repeated after I carefully put my shirt back on. "What kind of advice could you give me?" He smiled brightly. I let out a deep sigh. Right.

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