《Chapter 10》A Hot Day

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Nathan POV*

We were all laying in our room. Dying because of the heat. The air conditioning in Adam and Max's room had broken down, so now we were all huddled up in Our room.

Which wasn't helping. It was only making it worse because now we were sitting too close together in order to feel even the slightest bit of cold air.

"This suuckkkss~" Cole complained as he let himself fall onto the bed. "You can say that again" Max agreed from the floor.

"Why couldn't they afford a bigger A/C" he complained again. "No, why did the one in your room decide to stop working on a day like this" I answer back.

"I mean we could go to the pool or something?" Adam suggested as he sat up. "What pool?" Cole shot back. There wasn't a pool for at least an hour away. He sighed defeated.

"Beach?" Max suggests looking at the ceiling. "What- wait I don't know if there's a beach close by." Cole sits up as well. "Well look it up then?". I say giving him my phone.

He unlocks it and starts searching. After about a minute of silence, he finally gets up. "Guys were going to the beach!" He says as he walks toward his side of the room.

"How close is it?" I ask as I get up for my bed as well. "About a 10-minute walk." He mumbled.

"Wait what? Its that close?" I ask surprised. "Yup, I have no idea how we didn't know." He said as he started looking for his swimsuit.

"Alright, the beach it is then." Max also got up from the bed and together with Adam, they headed back to their own room to get their stuff.

We all got our clothes, some towels, and something to drink and headed out.


"Tell me again how far it was?" I complain as I turn to Cole. "Uhm, 10 minutes?" he shrugged. "Then why have we been walking for almost 20," I say back.

He gives me an innocent smile. He must've either told us a lie so we would go. Or we were lost. Probably the first one.

"Well, it can't be far?" Max said trying to break up the tension. "I don't know.." Adam started "do you guys see anything in sighs or something?" He asked. We all looked around, "Hold on, there!" Cole yelled enthusiastically.

We look at the direction he pointing, and sure enough, there was a sign that said the beach was closer by than expected.

We followed it and within 5 minutes we were looking out to the sea.

"We made it!" Max ket out an exhausted sigh as he started walking down towards the sand. "Only took us an hour.," I complain.

"Don't exaggerate," Adam said as he gave me a playfully punch. "It sure felt like it" I punched back.

"We're here now, so let's have fun." He smirked before following the rest to the spot they already picked out.

Now that we were here, the temperature was a lot more doable. Mostly due to the fact, there was a bit of a cold breeze coming from the sea.

"Alright then, who's joining me for a swim?" Cole said as he took his shirt and his slippers off. "Oh definitely!" Max agreed as he did the same.

They both look at us is in anticipation. "No, ill be there in a second," I say as I layed out my towel on the sand. "Yeah... me too." Adam awkwardly did the same.

Cole and max just shrugged "Alright then, see you in a bit" Cole smiled broadly before storming off towards the water.

I turn back around and took a seat next to Adam on my towel. We sat in silence for a bit, catching our breath for the walk that was anything but relaxing. "It has been a while since I went to the beach," I say finally breaking the silence.

"Yeah me too." he said as he thinks back on the last time "I guess that's just something that happens if you live in the middle of the city." He adds. I nod in agreement. we sat there in silence for a moment more while we both stared at the water.

I don't know if it was the heat today, or something was wrong. He was acting strange. "Hey, is something wrong?" I ask. he flinched as I said it and turned his gaze towards the sand. "N-No, why would Something be wrong?" He asked nervously. "Cause it feels like there's something you're not telling me," I say as I lean in closer. "Nothings wrong" He reassures.

I was going to ask again, but before I could I was interrupted by Cole as he ran back to us. "Guys cmon you gotta come swim, it's really refreshing." He said as he stood in front of us. "Alright fine," I said as I stood up and took off my shirt as well.

"You coming?" I looked down at Adam. "no I'm fine, you go." He answered back. I wanted to say something but I let it go. I followed Cole to the water where Max was just floating, enjoying the cool, saltwater.

I walked in to, and as soon as the water reached my feet, I could feel what they were talking about, the water was still kind of cold, but you'd get used to it pretty quickly. I walked in further until the water reached my chest and let myself fall backward, mirroring Max.

I floated there for a bit, letting the water cool me down. Going to the beach was a pretty good idea after all.

But my relaxed mood was soon interrupted by Cole pushing me down into the water.

"What the hell was that for?" I yelled as I came back up. "Oh come on, it was just a joke." He laughed.

"Oh, I'll show you a joke," I said, trying to sound menacing. He let out a little yelp as he quickly swam the opposite direction way from me.

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