《Chapter 37》My First Job

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Nathan POV*

I forgot how great it was, not waking up to an alarm. I oped my eyes, the room was already bright and I slowly got up. Stretching as I woke myself up. Looking around Cole was nowhere to be found. But he's always doing something.

I got up and took a quick shower before taking the clothes from yesterday and putting them into a bag. Today I had to find a way to get there by bus since I couldn't expect Andrew to drive me every time.

Guess that's next on the list of things I need to save up for.

I took the last of my stuff and headed out. But when I opened the door I was surprised to see Adam standing in front of me. "Oh hey," I said awkwardly as he raised his had that was about to knock. "Hi? He laughed, confused.

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked as he noticed the bag. "Oh yeah," I said quickly. He looked up at me doubtfully. "Where are you going?" He continued. "I'm- uh. Going...out" I said trying to find an excuse.

He continued to look confused as we stood there in silence for a bit. "Okay, well then I guess I'll go back to my room?" He said awkwardly. I nodded and he went back down the hall. I got back inside for a second as I rested my head against the door.

I hope that does happen too often, there's no way ill be able to find a good excuse. The last thing I want is to lie to him.

I took a final breath and opened the door again, this time uninterrupted, and went toward the bus stop, waiting for the next bus.

It took about 30 minutes with the routes I had to take, plus a 5-minute walk to get to the bar on my own, not too bad. I could see myself doing this a couple of times a week.

As I got inside I immediately noticed it was a lot busier than last night. I wouldn't say it was packed, but there were certainly more people than last time I was here. But similar to yesterday, Charles had again confiscated an entire booth in the back of the place, while kai worked the bar, every once in a while sending irritate glances his way as he served customers.

I walked up to him and he immediately noticed me. He handed the drink to one last customer and gestured me to come over. "Oh you here, I was wondering what was taking you so long." He sighed as I took a seat in for of him.

"Well you didn't tell me a time or anything" I laughed. He looked at me confused. "I didn't?" I shook my head. "Huh, well ok my bad." He said as he walked around the counter, towards a door.

"Follow me" I got up and went after through the door. It was filled with lockers and a few benches. So my best guess is.. what changing room? How does this work again?

"Ok so," he started as he looked for something in his pockets. Once he found it he took it about and handed me a small key. "This is for you, a place to put your stuff-" he said pointing behind him. The key had the number '14' on it. I'm guessing that's my locker.

Then I realized, why does a bar need a changing room? I looked around slightly confused before Kai continued to explain.

"You did bring what I gave you last time?" He asked. I nodded and showed him the bag I brought with me. "Ok good. Get ready and come back to the front" he said hastily as I went back out through the door. I didn't have time to answer before he had disappeared.

I put on, what appeared to be a uniform and put the rest of my stuff in the locker he gave me. I put the key in my back pocket and joined him back at the bar.

As soon as I walked in he immediately asked me to join him behind the counter and started explaining what to do. "Okay, like I said before. It's not fancy, nothing special like mixing drinks, it just pouring whatever they order." He explained as he showed me around. I listened carefully as he told me where everything went.

"If you ever forget what to do, or something happens, feel free to just call me over, I'll most likely be around. And if I'm not Charles will probably be in the back like usual, he can help too." He continued. "Thanks" I smiled. He turned back towards the room and continued to serve his customers.

The rest of the day was filled with me getting used to it. At first, it was confusing and stressful at times when everything went fast. But I managed to do a pretty good job so far if I do say so myself.

I started to get the hang of it pretty early, but then again, all I'd have to remember is where everything was and I could just go.  Every so often I would forget though, but luckily either the regular customers or Kai could point me in the right direction. Eventually, I didn't need that much help anymore.

The place got emptier as it got later. A few people, like John, of course, stayed for a while, right up until we had to send him home because it was closing time.

At some moment Charles had left this spot in the back and had joined us in front as we cleaned up.

"So how was that for a first day? Stressful?" As soon as he sat down he started to question me. I shrugged. "It was fine." Charles nodded. "You seemed to get the hang of it pretty quickly" Kai commented. "Well yeah, it sounded hard than it was, I guess."

Kai smiled. "Oh right almost forgot." He said before disappearing into the back. He stayed away for a bit before emerging back behind the counter. "Let's get your paperwork done." I sighed, walking up to him and reading along.

He asked me a bunch of standard questions. Like my name and age etcetera. And wrote everything down as I answered. Once we were done he closed the paper and put it aside.

"Just out of curiosity, is there any special reason you suddenly wanted to work here?" Kai asked leaning onto the bar top.

I shrugged "no, not really" I lied, not making eye contact. "Mhm, really" I could hear by the tone of voice he didn't believe. "You said that before, but back then was a little strange" Charles added.

Kai agreed. "Yeah, my sister wouldn't recommend this place if you just wanted something to do, you could've just chosen some other random job." Kai continued.

I tried to stay silent but their stares got at me. "Ok fine, this is the only thing that I heard about that sounded like it would be fun to do, and I kind of actually really needed money," I said quietly. They looked at me surprised.

"Why do you need money?" Kai asked curiously. "You aren't in some kind of trouble are you?" Charles asked, a little more excited than he should've been.

"What- no it's just... personal," I said, not wanting to elaborate just yet. Telling them would risk Aimee finding out, and that was not what I wanted.

"Okay, fine. I get it" Kai smiled a she got up, picking up the paper. "I'll go process this, you can go home if you want to." He said as he went back through the door.

Charles kept looking at me, probably expecting me to keep talking about my reason for being here. "So personal, huh?" He started.

"I'm going home." I cut him off as I walked towards the changing room. "Wha- oh come on dude!" I heard him say before I closed the door.

I changed back into my normal clothes and took my stuff out of the locker. For now, I left the key there, I didn't have anything to keep her anyway, and as far as I knew I was the only other person working here.

I said goodbye to both of them before walking back to the bus stop. And another 30 minutes later I was back at the college. It was now 8:50 pm as I walked into my room.

"Oh hey, your back!" Cole said as he noticed me. "Yup," I said as I tiered let myself fall onto my bed. "So how was your first day?" He asked curiously.

I turned around, looking up at the ceiling. "It was fine, a little busy but.. fine," I said, I had gotten pretty tired on my way home.

"That's good, so you'll stay there?" He continued. "Yeah I think so, it seems like a lot of fun" I smiled. "Then you better expect me to show up once in a while." He laughed as he got up.

I laughed "Alright!" I said slightly confused. I let out a tired sigh before I got up to take a shower. Afterward, I went straight back to bed. And fell asleep pretty soon.

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