《Chapter 28》Going Home

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Nathan POV*

I woke up the next day, Adam had rolled away from me and was laying very close to the edge of the bed. I couldn't help but chuckle.

I got up, carefully not to wake him up, and threw on a t-shirt, not caring which one. I went over to the bathroom. To brush my teeth. As I looked in the mirror I noticed the bitemark left on my neck and shoulders from last night. I trace over them thinking back.

I still can't believe that happened. But it did, and I have the marks to prove it, and I'm sure my back also looked pretty rough.

I felt slightly proud as I did nothing to try and cover them up. I heard a door open in the room and quickly finished before walking back.

Went I got there I noticed Cole had come back. "Goodmorning!" I said, just quiet enough. He just stood there as he looked from me to Adam.

Then he laughed. "Oh my god- you guys had sex." He almost yelled.

"Shh," I said walking over to him. As I looked towards Adam, who was still asleep.

Cole's eyes widened as I lead him to his side of the room. "Oh shit you actually did- I was just joking," he said as he laughed.

"I never said that-" I tried to defend. "No, but it's pretty obvious." He smirked looking towards my neck.

"Alright, just- don't say anything," I said back both meaning not to tell anyone, which he wouldn't, and to just be a bit quieter.

But I realized it was too late. I heard movements from behind me and noticed Adam already sitting up.

"Good morning!" Cole smirked as he sat on his bed. "Hmm." That was all he said in response.

I walked over and took a seat on the bed next to him. "How did you sleep?" I asked as he tried to wake up. "Fine, I guess," he said sleepily. "What time is it?" He asked almost immediately. I chuckled. He always needed some time to wake up.

"Too late for you two to still be in bed" Cole joked as he walked over toward us. He picked up a random t-shirt from the floor and threw it at Adam. "You might want to put this on" he smirked.

Then I noticed he was also pretty badly covered in marks. I felt both proud and embarrassed at seeing those.

Adam blushed as he remembered what happened and put on the shirt. Which just happened to be the one I was wearing last night.

He looked back towards Cole. "Yeah but what time?" He yawned. Cole pulled out his phone to check the time. "3:05 pm," he said.

"Whoa, it's that late already?" I asked confused. I knew we slept in but that's long. "Yeah, I told you." He smirked as he got up.

"But hey, I get it. You had a very busy night last night." He joked as he walked towards the door.

"What do you mean?" Adam asked, not knowing Cole had figured it out. "Oh, you know what I mean" He smiled before he completely left the room.

I looked back towards Adam and he looked at me confused. "What?" He asked still not completely awake. "Nothing" I laughed.


Later that day we went down to the canteen to get lunch. Adam had changed into a different shirt which, much to my disappointment hid the marks around his neck.

I was still not making any effort to hide them, which he had a few complaints about, but I didn't want to cover anything.

So we went down and got some food before sitting down at a table. Planning our little trip this weekend.

"Are you sure you want to tell them everything?" I asked again. He nodded "yeah, it's been way too long. And I don't want to hide it from them anymore." I smiled. He had changed a lot.

At first, he didn't want to tell anyone, and now that I know what happened at his last school I completely understand.

"It's different this time." He said shyly. I chuckled as I could see a faint blush appear on his face.

We continued to talk about it and both agreed on leaving tonight. But not before texting our parents if it was okay if we'd stay over.

It was more than okay okay, they were all pretty excited about it too. It has been a while since we went home though.

After we got confirmation, we finished our lunch and headed back to our room to get some stuff.

We went back to our room and as we entered I noticed Cole sitting on his bed, reading one of his books. But he didn't look all that happy.

He looked at us briefly but soon went back to his reading. "You're not in Max's room?" I asked. He had been spending a lot of time there lately, it was almost weird to see him back here.

I- no not now-" he said still keeping his eye on his book. "He has his... girlfriend over!" I looked at him wide-eyed.

"He has a girlfriend?" I asked surprised. "Yeah..." he answered quietly. "When did that happen?" Adam joined in.

"I-" Cole started as he lowered his book. "I don't know! If you want to know just like him!" He snapped. I could see by the look on his face that this was something that bothered him a lot more than it should.

"Alright-" I said raising my arms in defense. He sighed and went right back to reading. I looked at Adam and he looked back at me probably thinking the same. Something was up.

But I ignored it and continued to grab the necessary stuff. Then we headed towards Adam and Max's room.

We knocked on the door just to be safe. Soon I heard the lock open and I knew what was going on in there. The door opened and Max appeared. Shirtless as expected.

"Hi, what's up?" He said innocently. "Hey- can I come in, I need to get e few things quick," Adam said trying to get in.

"Yeah- I'm kinda busy at the moment, Max said back, looking behind him briefly.

"Oh come on, it'll just be a minute." Adam continued and after he looked behind him a final time he nodded and opened the door. We got in and as expected his 'girlfriend was there as well.

I stood there awkwardly as she waved to me. I waved back but it stayed silent. Not soon after Adam had gotten everything and we headed out towards the bus stop, leaving Max to do whatever he was doing before.


We got to the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive when it did we got in and were on our way home.

"Are you nervous?" I asked Adam as soon as we sat down. He sighed. "Honestly yeah. But that doesn't mean I'm backing out" he defended.

"Good." I laughed "Because it was your idea" He gave me a playful push on my shoulder and we continued to talk the rest of the way home.

We stopped at the bus stop closest to Adam's house. It was easy to get to because it was a direct line from college, and also because we decided we'd stay there for tonight.

We got off the bus and headed towards his house.

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