《Chapter 14》 Fireworks!!!!

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Nathan POV*

As soon as we got back, we were met by an over-excited Cole. He came up to us with a big smile on his face. He stopped in front of us and paused to catch his breath. "Guess what," he said before standing up straight.

Adam and I shared a look before I carefully answered, "what?". His face lit up again as he handed me a flyer he probably found on the beach at some point while we were gone. I looked at him confused before studying the piece of paper.

It was a colorful piece of paper. At the top of with was in big letters. 'Fireworks Show ' with a bunch of fireworks artistically painted behind it, underneath it was today's date. In the middle was a picture of the beach we were at. I'm pretty sure that if I really tried I could find the exact spot the picture was taken from. I could already see why he was so excited, towards the bottom it had the location and time.

"Tonight at 10?" Adam asked curiously as he was reading to paper with me. "Tonight!!" Cole smiled again, excited as ever. "Woah, that's actually pretty cool." I admitted. "so I'm guessing you want to go?" I smirked handing him the flyer back.

"Of course I want to go!" he exclaimed a she turned around. "It's been so long since I've properly seen fireworks" He continued as we started walking again. "besides, we're already here." He had a point, we had been at the beach for basically the whole day. It wouldn't be too long before the fireworks we're gonna start. We had about an hour to spare. I thought about going back first to change, the sand being everywhere was starting to get annoying. But I might not make it back in time.

All three of us walked the short distance back to our towels. Cole ran up to Max to tell him we'd stay. he only got a nod and a thumbs up in return. We soon joined them. We grabbed our stuff and made our way up the beach. We had to move because they were going to block off most of the beach to make sure people wouldn't get hit by pieces flying off of the fireworks.

"I still can't believe we didn't hear about this earlier" Cole said as we were walking up. "It's so close to us too."

"Well before today we didn't even know this beach even excited." I laughed. He looked at me for a second before looking at the sand and then nodded. "Yeah, you've got a point" he laughed.

We continued to walk up to the beach, following everybody else until they stopped. We choose a spot in the sand between the crowd where we thought we'd have a good view. It got kind of noisy as everyone started talking among themselves. The sky was getting dark and we could already see boats going by, setting up for the show.

"Are you guys excited?" Cole eagerly asked as he leaned. I shrugged. "Yeah kind of" I smiled. And I was. Not as excited as Cole got, but I was for sure excited. I can't even remember the last time I went to see fireworks, aside from New Year of course.

I can still remember how different it felt, it was more planned out. Not just a bunch of people lighting whatever they bought. Legal or not. But a show like this felt so much more spectacular. Fireworks always do, but this made it all so much better.

Suddenly the lights around the walkways went on and the beach was lit again. The sky had turned a dark shade of blue. For a second people started talking louder, getting excited as the evening set in. So the show was going to be starting soon. "Whatś the time?" Cole leaned in looking with me on my phone. It was now 9:57, close to starting as I said. And just as I turned off my phone, the street lights turned off as well and a voice sounded across the beach.

"Ladies en gentlemen, Welcome to the annual fireworks show!" the sounds of people talking completely died down as everyone listened closely, "We are glad to see you here once again" They then went on to thank the providers for the fireworks and soon it got quiet again.

I heard a few people talk again and a few excited giggles from both kids and some adults, including Cole. Then suddenly the silence was filled by a whistling noise and a loud boom as the sky was filled by a bright red light. The show had begun. Quick after that two more loud booms were heard and even more colors filled the sky. suddenly music started playing and more fireworks were shot up in the air and synced up to the music.

People were cheering at all the action, some people were singing to the lyrics some songs had, kids were dancing all over the place. I just sat there as the sky lit up again and again, and color got shot all around.

before I realized it it was over. The streetlights pulled me out of my trance. I blinked a few times as the people around us started to drain away off the beach. I stood up, still trying to come back from wherever I just went like I said, magical. "That was freaking amazing!" Cole shouted as he stretched. "Yeah, It was pretty cool." Max agreed as he got up as well. I simply nodded and started gathering the stuff. I checked the time. 11:27. Wow, did it really last that long? I closed it still looking confused, and then suddenly realized we still had to walk back. It's gonna be late at night.

We all grabbed a bit of the stuff and made our way towards the exit. Good thing we brought some jackets because the temperature had dropped severely now that the sun had set.


We made it back to campus about 20 minutes later, we took a little bit longer than we thought after we almost got lost. It was harder to see where we were now that the light was gone. But luckily we spot it in time and avoided an extra hour of walking.

As soon as I got back to our room, I didn't waste a second before diving into bed. I'll shower in the morning. Adam and Max said goodbye and made their way to their room. I hear Cole head towards the bathroom, guess he is going to shower.

it didn't take long before I fell asleep, this day has been exhausting.

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