《Chapter 32》Wedding

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The other side of the story : [Het Internaat]


Nathan POV*

*Some time later*

I slowly opened my eyes, as the sun came in through the window next to me. I let my eyes adjust as I try to move up, only to notice a weight on my chest. Tiredly I looked down, only to notice Adam soundly sleeping by my side, his arm wrapped around me. I let out a giggle as I lay back down. not wanting to wake him up just yet. I start to relax again, but just when I was about to drift back to sleep, I hear my phone go off on the stand next to me. I let out a sigh as I reach to check who it is


Did you wake up yet, we can't be late for the wedding

Still tired I look at the message. "Mmm.. what is it" I look down to see Adam staring at me, waiting for a reply. "Just Cole being dramatic again, did it wake you up"

"Nah, it's fine.... what time is it," he asks as he slowly gets up from the bed. "8:45" I answer as I get up, wrapping my arms around his middle, leaning my chin on his shoulder. "That means we have to get ready" he yawns "hmm".

Still tired I let out an annoyed sigh as I get up and start walking towards the bathroom.

A wedding huh?


A couple of minutes later we were fully awake and almost done changing when we suddenly heard a knock on the door "Must be Cole" I say as I get up to walk towards the door.

And I was right. As soon as I oped the door I immediately see Cole standing with a wide grin "you guys excited" he smiles

"I mean, I guess, I answer, not really sure. It's not like I wasn't excited, it's just... the last time I went to a wedding has already been a couple of years. And that one was totally different. I just felt... nervous.

"Oh come on, it's gonna be great." He smiles as he walks past me into the room, followed by Max.

"Have I told you how much fun weddings are, the flowers, the food, the people, and it's just a beautiful thing to see. Two people who love each other so much they promise each other to never abandon each other, no matter the cost... it's beautiful" Cole explains, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I get it, you like it, I never said I disagreed...it's just-" I start

"Just what?" Cole asks

"I mean, the circumstances of this wedding are a bit... well, I just hope nothing bad is going to happen" I sigh.


We get into the cab and start heading towards the wedding location.

We get there not too much later and all walk into the building. I could hear Cole's exciting sounds behind me, which made me feel at ease.

We walk up to the reception as were treated by unfamiliar faces. We gave them our names and proceeded to go into the room. It was filled with people we didn't recognize, which is normal, we don't live anywhere close to this place.

We walk up and take a seat somewhere in the back "awe cant we sit a little closer?" cole complains "What's wrong with these seats?" Max asks.

"Well- nothing it's just- I can't see much." he pouts. "You can see just fine," Max says back. Cole lets out a huff, not agreeing with him. But he let it go.

"I've never been to a wedding before." Adam said as he leaned in. "really?"I ask pretty, surprised by that. "nope never, this is all new to me."He said as he looked around amazed. "None at all. Not even your parents or something?" I ask, still not believing what he said. he shook his head. "No, they were married before David was born." He explained.

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