《Chapter 25》The Move

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Adam POV*

I sat against the door for what felt like forever, as I overheard my parents fighting downstairs. "Are you kidding me?!" My father yelled. I heard him get up. I got scared he'd come up but my mom stopped him.

"My God, Christian. Can you, for once, not do this?!" She yelled back angry. "What's that supposed to mean?" He snapped back. "You know damn well what I meant" she yelled back. I could already picture my father's face when she said the word 'damn'. "Excuse you-"

"No-" she cut him off. "I am sick of you acting like this to your children" she continued. My father stayed quiet. "I understand what just happened isn't accepted in your religion, but come on, they are your children."

"But it's not normal" I jumped when I heard him say that. I could feel tears coming back. This is what I was afraid of. "I can't believe you right now!" My mom yelled.

"Rebecca, you know how I think about this." He said back. " yes, and I have respect for that. But you should also have some respect for them, do you honestly think they wanted this to happen?" It stayed quiet. And I assumed my father, like usual, had just ignored her comment.

"You know what I'm sick of this" I heard my mother. "I was willing to accept this when it happened with David. Mostly because he asked me to and told me not to worry- but now you've gone too far" she yelled. "And what do you expect me to do?" I heard my father yell. "Either accept them for who they are or-"

"You know that's not easy for me," my father said irritated.

"Fine. Then I want you to leave." I heard my father laugh. "I'm not leaving, this is my own house" he scoffed. "Right. Then I am" was the last thing I heard my mom say before I heard her head up the stairs.

"Where do you plan to go?" My father yelled after her. "I'll figure something out." She said as she disappeared into her own room.

I can't believe this just happened. Is she serious, does she really plan to leave? She can't leave us behind. If she does I do t know what to do. David won't be here much longer either. He'd start college next year.

I sat against the door a while longer until I finally decided to get up and distract myself. Sitting here won't solve anything. So I got up and went outside. Ignoring my father as I crossed the living room.

I walked around the block for a little while, when I suddenly spotted Rachel coming towards our house. As soon as she spotted me, walking turned onto running, and in no time she had caught up to me.

"There you are, I was worried about you!" She said as out of breath. "I- yeah I'm sorry-" I apologized "It's okay- that's-" She said she caught her breath. "Are you okay?" She finally asked when she had calmed down.

I looked away before slowly shaking my head. "I thought so?" She said with a soft smile. She got close and pulled me into a hug.

"Tell me what happened?" I let out a faint laugh as we started walking towards the park. We sat down at a bench as we stayed quiet.

"My dad-" I started. "He found out" I sighed. she looked at me concerned. "And h-how did he react' she asked carefully. "Well I'm not sure, I ran up to my room as soon as he could say anything to me," I explained.

"I'm so sorry-" she converted me. I shook my head. "I know- it's just-" I stopped myself.

She looked over at me confused. "What?" She asked again. Trying to get me to talk. "My mom- she said she was leaving," I said quietly.

Rachel just looked at me for a while. "I'm sure she didn't mean what you think she meant-" she tried to explain.

"No, she was very clear!" I cut her off. "I heard her say it herself." I looked down, holding my head in my hands as I took a deep breath.

I knew Rachel still wanted to say something, but she stayed quiet. As she tried to comfort me. We stayed there for a while, just in silence until we finally decided it was time to go home.


As I got back home the living room was empty. I didn't see my father or my mom. David wasn't there either, but knowing him he was most likely upstairs in his room, doing homework or whatever. So I decided to go upstairs as well.

I dropped down onto my bed as I tried to let everything that had happened today finally sink in. So much happened. And not just today.

I laid on my bed for a long time, until I heard the door open, when I looked up I saw my mom asking if she could enter. I nodded and she took a seat next to me on the bed.

"Are you okay?" She asked calmly. I carefully nodded. "A little" I answered honestly. She smiled slightly. "About earlier" she started. "really sorry you had to hear that..." she explained. I stayed quiet.

"No, I understand," I said back. And I did. And honestly, I was kinda glad she said what she did, I was worried she'd always ignore him.

"That doesn't make it better." She said back. I forced a smile, trying to calm her down. And soon it got quiet again.

"A-about what you said-" I asked quietly. "When you said you were leaving- did you mean that." She didn't answer, she looked away for a while. I just sat there waiting.

"Well, I did." She did. I suddenly felt like crying. "But I meant we were leaving, not just me," she said looking at me.

I looked over at her confused. "We?" She smiled. "I'm taking you and your brother with me, this place isn't good for you. And as much as I live your father, he went too far this time." She explained.

I felt like crying again, but this time because I was happy. I got really scared, thinking she was gonna leave us behind.

I hugged her and she let out a small laugh. "Id never leave you two." She smiled.

I sat back again. My mom smiled brightly at her, and I gave her a smile back. She then got up. "You should get some sleep," she said. "We have a busy day tomorrow" at that last sentence her smile faded slightly. And I knew what she meant by that.

I nodded and she left the room. I dropped back down onto my bed. Feeling much better than earlier.

I got under the cover and soon fell asleep


The next morning my mom woke me up right after my father had left. As soon as I got downstairs what I was already expecting was happening.

David was already there with a few boxes from his room. He looked somewhere between relieved and happy, but I could also see he was slightly sad about what was happening.

She explained she found a friend we could stay with before we found a new place to stay. She really didn't waste a second before getting away.

She had called both me and David sick in school and we spend the day gathering stuff we wanted to take with us for now. We would come back for the rest later. We then got into my mom's care and left the house.

We stayed with our mom friends for a while, David still going to the old school while I soon transferred.

It was like that for a while, but eventually, my mom found a new home, and I was surprised to find d she got one right across from Rachel. So we would spend more time together than before.

And after a lot of asking her parents, she finally got them to agree to her also transferring schools. And from that point, everything got better.

*End of flashback*

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