《Chapter 7》Movie Date

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Nathan POV*

"I Knew it!" Cole almost yells from beside me. Loud enough for the people in front of us to hear. But just quiet enough for Michael or David not to notice.

"I didn't see that coming," I say sitting back down and looking back at the movie screen.

The trailers were almost over, and the movie was about to start. But at this point, all I could think of is how the hell David convinced my brother to do this.

"I can't believe he actually managed to do it" I hear Adam say to himself. "Wait what do you mean" He looks over at me confused, not realizing I heard him.

"I- uh- Its nothing, forget it" He stutters, struggling to look me in the eyes. I wanted to say something but Cole beat me to it.

"I can't believe it, just when I thought this day couldn't get any better." He laughs to himself.

"Don't you think it's just a little creepy to get this excited over two people you don't even know being on a date," I say amused?

"Nope." He simply answers proudly. It stays quiet for a second before he continues. "I mean- come on. You got to be excited too. Just a second ago you looked so shocked to find your brother on a date, why is this any different" he asks, gesturing over at the two.

"That's not it- it's just... I wasn't excepting it" I answer back honestly. "My brother has never been out in his life, and then I see him on a date."

"With my brother of all people" Adam adds. "Exactly!" I say looking at him. "We have to help them" Cole suddenly says. "What"

"You said it yourself, it's his first date" he explains. "We don't want him to ruin it, now do we?" He says completely seriously. "I guess. But how do we help here, I mean there's not much to do wrong when watching a movie?"

"I guess you're right" Cole says as he stares at the floor trying to think of a way to help. Eventually giving up. "Alright, I guess we just hope for the best?" He answers slightly disappointed.

"I guess" I look back at them for a second before turning my attention at the screen as the movie started.


About ten minutes into the movie, Cole suddenly shoves the now empty box that used to be his popcorn in my face.

"Could you maybe go get me some more?" he asks, his eyes fixated on the movie. I let out a sigh before taking the box from his hands.

I sat there for a bit, deciding if I should just leave it there and watch the movie, or be nice for once and actually go get more.

I decided on the latter, realizing the other box was also getting pretty empty. I got up quickly and awkwardly made my way out of the seat and out of the room.

So far I've been having fun, even tho the movie was not what I was expecting, its actually a pretty good movie.

I stood in line and quickly grabbed some extra popcorn for Cole and started making my way back to the screening room.

But just when I turned the corner, I bumped into someone.

I managed to catch the popcorn just in time.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you-"

I looked up to apologize as well when I noticed the familiar face in front of me. "Nathan? What are you doing here?" David asked confused.

"Uhm.. watching a movie." I chuckled. "Right..." he answered quietly. "Well- what about you?" I asked breaking the awkward silence.

"Same I guess" he laughed. "Are you here alone?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

"Well no, that would be a bit weird, would it not?" He laughs ad he crossed his arms.

"You here on a date," I said with a smirk. He looked away for a second as if to decide what to say.

"Uhm... I guess you could say that, yeah," he answered awkwardly. "What about you?" He smirked.

I didn't know if I could even say yes, I mean I was here with Adam, but I wouldn't say it was an actual date.

"Not really?" I answered hesitantly. He looked away for a second before talking again.

"Well I gotta go get some more snacks" he said pointing behind him. "I guess ill see you later... maybe"

I nodded "maybe" He then walked away and I returned to the screening room.

I sat down and gave Cole his popcorn, he took it, still not taking his eyes off the screen.


After the movie was over we go up and started walking out of the room. In the end, I did have fun. Like is said before, I didn't mind going to watch something that wouldn't normally catch my eye. But in the end, Cole chose a good movie.

I stretched my arms, that were stiff from sitting in that seat for a whole movie as we walked out to the hallway.

We didn't make it far before Adam stopped me. "Wait a sec. Where did Cole go?"

It was then that I realized Cole wasn't walking with us. "He must still be in the room?" I shrugged. He had probably just forgotten something and stayed behind without saying anything.

"Should we go back?" Adam suggested. "Nah, he'll probably be out soon," I said as I leaned against the wall.

It wasn't that long before, instead of Cole, Michael and David walked out. I almost forgot we were watching the same movie.

I smirked as I looked over at them. A date huh? I chuckled thinking back at how unexpected that was. They weren't that far away when Michael spotted me first. Looking as confused as ever.

"Nathan? What are you-" "Oh hello again!" David interrupted as they both walked up to us. "Wait you knew he was here the whole time?" Michael asked surprised."Yeah, I ran into Nathan when I went to get more snacks" David answered honestly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Michael asked confused."I didn't think it was that important." David shrugged. I laughed at their bickering.

"But wait" David started."I thought you said this wasn't a date?" David asked confused. Looking between me and Adam.

"Why would it be a date?" Cole interrupted as he emerged from behind David. Oh boy-

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