《Chapter 12》Walk On The Beach

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Nathan POV*

"I told you you got this!" I encouraged as Adam swam the way I showed him towards me. As soon as he got close enough he stopped and stood up, as much as he could.

"I feel like a little kid." He complained as he held onto my shoulders. We had gone a bit further into the ocean, he couldn't stand anymore and I could just about reach.

"Don't worry, no one is judging you" I reassured. "That doesn't change anything." He said back unamused. "Oh come on, it's pretty fun right, you're learning a new skill!" I said, trying to cheer him up.

"Well, it's a hard skill!" He said back. "But you're doing so awesome," I smirked as I wrapped my arms around him. "That's because I am awesome." He joked as he leaned into me.

"Oh, you are?" I chuckled. "That, and I have a good teacher." He said as he looked up. "Thanks, I try, "I smirked.

We stayed like that for a while, floating in the ocean with arms wrapped around each other. Relaxing after an exhausting day.

"Hey?" Adam started, finally breaking the silence. "Yeah?" I answered back tiredly. "Thank you" He smiled as he leaned back to look me in the eye. I looked back confused. "Thanks for today, I mean. For not judging me because I can't swim and for, kind of teaching me how to" he explained.

"Kind of?" I asked jokingly. "Oh shut up you know what I mean." He defended.

I laughed before talking again. "You know I'd never laugh at you," I answer honestly. I look away as he blushed slightly. "Yeah I know it's just- I wanted to say thanks you know-" he stumbled over his words.

I just held him as I waited for him to finish. "You're just- I-" he kept stuttering. He stopped for a second, but before he could try again I pulled him a quick kiss.

"Me too" I smirked as we pulled apart. He let out an embarrassed sound as his face turned even redder.


We saw Cole and Max turn the corner, back to the beach with a bag. Guess they bought some stuff. Cole waved excitedly as we made our way back to our towels. He held up the bag with a big smile

"Guess what I bought?" He grinned. "A book!" I said back sarcastically. "Well, yeah. That too, but that's beside the point." He said as he struggles to get the mystery items out of his plastic bag.

As soon a she got it out completely he held it up with a little 'taadaa' like in a video game. "seriously? a kite?" I ask amused. His smile widened, and he nodded excitedly as he put down the rest of his stuff and started to unpack his new toy.

"I tried to stop him, but you know how he is," Max explained. "Well, did you see it?!" Cole defended as he held up his now unpacked rainbow-colored kite above his head.

"Doesn't change the fact that you're can be such a child sometimes." max laughed.

"Oh, you love me," Cole said back, giving him a playful push before starting to assemble his kite. I could tell Max wanted to say something, but decided against it and just stood there, startled. I could see a faint blush creeping onto his face.


We were all sitting on our towels, relaxing after all the excitement, except for Cole who was standing a bit away from us, having the time of his life with his new kite. Making it do all sorts of tricks I didn't even know were possible.

It felt nice to relax a bit, but I had to admit. Now that I had cooled down a bit, it was getting really hard to sit still. But there weren't any activities left that I could think of.

"Alright!" I sighed as I got up from the sand. "I'm going to check out the restaurant," I announced, referring to the building on the other side of the beach.

"Why would you walk all the way over there?" Max asked confused. He had point, it was kind of a long walk.

"Because I am bored?" I shrugged. max looked at me for a second before talking again. "You're going to walk all the way to the other side of the beach because you're 'bored'?" He repeated.

"Yeah.' I smiled. " you want to come with me?" I asked as I went to go grab my shirt from the sand. " No thanks, I'm good" he sighed as he laid back down onto his towel. I shrugged and turned towards Adam. Giving him a look as if to ask if he wanted to come with me instead. He sighed and got up as well. " Sure, why not" He shrugged

I thought about asking Cole, But he looked too busy, reliving his childhood, I decided to let him be.

And so we started our 15-minute walk to the restaurant. it wasn't a very eventful walk, except for the occasional ball that got kicked our way and we had to kick or throw it back.

We talked about recent things, such as school and other stuff.

"Hey? Can I ask a serious question?" I asked, breaking the comfortable silence. "Yeah, of course?" Adam looked up slightly concerned.

"Is it just me or is there some sort of weird vibe happening between Cole and Max lately?"

I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he had to think about it for a bit.

"What do you mean?" He eventually asked. " I don't know. It just feels like I'm missing something you know. Like something happened?" I tried to explain.

He thought about it for another second before answering again; "No, I don't see what you mean?"

"Then I guess it's just my imagination," I said defeated. " No-" he started as he reached out and grabbed my hand.

"I'm sure you're right- I just don't see it" he tried to reassure. "You know I'm not always the smartest of our group" He added quietly.

I bumped my shoulder against him playfully. "yeah that must be it then." I smirked. He smiled softly as he moved his hand and locked our fingers.

The conversation stopped and we started walking in silence for a bit again.

"Very smooth by the way?" I joked, referring to our hands. "I don't know what you mean." He asked innocently like he didn't know exactly what I meant.

I gripped his hand tighter and pulled him towards me. I could see him smirk slightly, as his face started to turn a shade of pink.

We continued to walk and soon we reached the restaurant.


Thank you to the one person who reading this. Ily.

You know who you are. ;)

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