《Chapter 13》Ice-cream Date

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Cole POV*

"Where did Adam and Nathan go?" I ask confused as I returned to the towels. I was just flying my kite when I suddenly saw them walking away.

"They went to go check out the restaurant.' Max answered. Not looking up. "all the way over there?" I asked confused.

"Yup," He answered. "But you know Nathan, he's weird like that.!" He chuckled. I let out a small laugh and took a seat next to him.

"You didn't want to join them?" I asked, already knowing the answer. "Are you kidding, I'm not walking 15 minutes in this heat."

I laughed a little louder, earing his full attention as he finally looked up at me. "I guess I should've expected that reaction." I joked.

He showed a small smile. "But for real-" I started. "Did you manage to cool down at least a little?" I asked honestly.

"Yeah... It way better than staying in that cramped room- we should really get someone to fix our airconditioning soon." He explained.

I nodded. "And if you don't you could always come over to my room-" after I said that he looked up at me with a small smirk. "I might take you up on that offer." He laughed before sitting up.

I suddenly realized what I said. It was completely innocent, but my mind went to all sorts of places I didn't want it to go. I could feel my face burn up quickly as I was most likely blushing really brightly.

"Hey is everything okay?" Max asked, confirming my suspicion.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine-" I squeaked out. Turning away from him. "Are you sure, you looking really red?" He said, reaching to touch my forehead.

I jumped up quickly taking a step back. "Yeah totally, I'm just really hot- I mean the sun- I'm just gonna go swim-" I blurted out before turning and walking towards the water again. Leaving Max confused.

'Well that was stupid' I thought to myself. I had calmed out a bit while making my way towards the water. 'Why am I like this' i sighed hiding my face in my hands.

'You've been friends with him ever since you can remember, why does this still happen' i thought back on today. 'You were doing so well, what the hell went wrong.'

I dropped my hands and took a deep breath before continuing towards the water. It would be weird if I came back dry after storming off like that.


Nathan POV*

We finally arrived at the restaurant after an agonizing walk through the soft sand. It was hotter than I had imagined. We stumbled up the stairs as our feet finally cooled down and took a seat on a bench near the entrance.

"My god that was horrible!" Adam laughed as he leaned back.

"I feel you, I didn't know sand could hurt that much" I laughed as I caught my breath for the weird exhausting way we had to walk just a second ago.

"But hey look-" I gestured to the building in front of us. "We made it" I laughed.

"Yeah but we still have to walk back-" Adam said back. "Shh- let's not think about that yet." I laughed.

After sitting for a while, both resting and cooling down in the shade we finally had after walking in the burning sun we got up to start exploring. We walked into the building and were immediately met with a crowd of people. Guess that was to be expected, with the beach being so packed.

We made our way inside, it was mostly in the shade, but about half of the tables were in the sun. Some tables had parasols and others didn't. I couldn't imagine sitting in direct sunlight while trying to eat. A lot of people were just talking while waiting for their food, while others were already done. I considered waiting so we could maybe get a table too, I did bring some money after all but decided that would take too long.

"So much for exploring, I guess" I sighed as I leaned on the wall behind us. "Well we're here, we could still look around." He suggested. I decided against it, that would probably get problematic with all the people trying to eat.

"You brought money right?" Adam asked nudging my side. "Yeah? Why?" I asked confused. He smiled widely as he pointed to the other side of the restaurant. I looked over, there was an ice cream shop. I chuckled as I pushed myself off the wall.

We walked over and stopped to pick out a flavor. I marveled at all the choices, I've never seen so many doffer et ice cream flavors at the same time. I looked over at adam who seemed to have already made his choice and was waiting for me. I stood up as the person behind to counter took our orders.

Adam went with two scoops, one vanilla, and one chocolate. I also went with one scoop of chocolate, and one pistachio. I would've gotten something news, but I didn't feel as adventurous today and backed out and got my usual. Last-minute I asked for extra sprinkles.

We got our cones and I paid for the order, we quickly made our way out of the restaurant and back down the stairs, stopping around the corner at the last bit of shade we'd have for the next 15 minutes on our way back. We stood there and hastily started our ice cream, making sure it didn't all melt before we could eat it.

"See With didn't come for nothing after all." Adam laughed as he leaned against me. I laughed and agreed. "I guess you're right." I didn't go as planned but it was still successful. And besides, at least I'm not bored anymore.

We stood there for a bit longer before deciding to head back, we got through the soft sand as uncomfortable as the first time until we reached the ocean. We walked into it a bit, cooling our feet and weirdly enough I felt my whole body cool down. Somewhere along the way, our hands had intertwined again, and we walked back together finishing ht e last of our icecream. As the sky slowly got darker.


The next one is the last I promise, after this, I'll start on the main story again. Bringing back some characters I added last minute, making sure they don't just disappear out of nowhere.

Thanks again. ;)

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