《Chapter 33》Feelings

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Cole POV*

After the wedding, they brought us back to the hotel. I had a fantastic time, but I was ready to shower and go right to bed. We got out of the car, Nathan and Adam went to their own rooms, so did I, Max following.

He looked tired as well, most of that must've been because I forced him to dance for a while with me. But when I finally let him go he didn't waste a second to disappear to an empty table, probably texting his girlfriend.

I followed him to our room, as he immediately took off his jacket and dropped onto his bed. "Tired, huh?" I asked as I awkwardly took off my shoes. He let out a sigh. "Yeah, I've had enough excitement for one day.

I let out a small chuckle before going into the bathroom to get ready for the shower. I locked the door as I stood in front of the mirror, awkwardly holding onto my necklace.

It had been a gift from Max when we were younger. I took it off to look at the locked. It used to hold a picture of my favorite tv show character at the time. Back then I thought it was the coolest thing, but that picture has long been replaced.

I opened it up to look at it before putting it down and turning on the shower before stepping inside. By now Max had most likely already picked up his phone again. To text, her. I was happy for him, really.

I showered for another 10 minutes before turning it off and getting ready for bed. As Just as I finished getting dressed And unlocked the door, but before I could exit, I was met with Max. "Wh-?" I jumped by his sudden appearance.

"Oh I'm sorry, I wanted to see if you were done..." He explained as he looked towards the shower. "Yeah, I am." I blushed as I picked up the necklace before leaving the shower. "It's all yours."

He looked at me confused as I put it on. "You still have that?" He said referring to the necklace. "y-yeah," I said. He laughed. "That's cool." he smiled before disappearing into the room.

I heard the water turn on again and I made my way over to my bed. I dropped down, letting out a sigh. That was awkward. I brought my hands up to my face. Why is it that one moment I can act all normal with him, but other times I can barely function when he's in front of me? You think after a year I'd be pretty good at hiding my feelings.

Well, I probably did, considering he hasn't suspected anything. I stared at the ceiling for a while longer before getting up and climbing under the covers. Max must've stayed in the shower for a while because I didn't hear the water turn off before I fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning to my alarm. I looked at my phone confused, I must've forgotten to turn it off last night. I sat up, looking over to the other bed I notice Max still asleep. I sat there for a bit before deciding to get up.

I got dressed and sat back on my bed, turning on the tv and connecting my phone with it to watch some Netflix, I put in my earphones as not to wake Max up.

I watched a couple of episodes, starting to feel a lot better than last night. After a while I saw movements in the corner of my eye, looking over I saw max sitting up, looking at the tv confused. I paused it and took out my earphones.

"Goodmorning!" I said cheerfully. "Goodmorning," He said as he got from underneath the covers. he looked over at the tv then back to me. "Have you been up long?" He asked as he put on a shirt.

I looked at my phone. "Yeah, a while. I forgot to turn off my alarm from yesterday and decided to just stay up." I explained. He nodded before getting out of bed. reaching for his phoned to check messages. He disappeared and I went back to watching tv.

But I couldn't concentrate on it anymore. He got back from the bathroom with an obvious smile on his face when he looked at his phone. I ignored it before disconnecting my phone and getting up to turn the tv off. He looked up confused. "You're done?" He asked as he lowered his phone.

"Oh- Yeah," I said as I sat back down. It got silent for a while until I continued. "So when did you want to head back to campus?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I don't know? Are the others awake?" He asked. "I mean, I hope so" I laughed, they cant sleep forever. I picked up my phone to check.


Hey, you guys awake yet?

Yeah, It's 1:14 pm, of course, we're awake.

Yeah, idk, how am I supposed to know your sleeping schedule?

We are roommates, remember.


Why do you ask?

Oh no, just wondering when you were planning to head back to campus?

As soon as we find someone to drive us back


Ill ask them


I laughed as I put down my phone. I didn't hear back for a bit and decided to just look around on my phone. I got a text back and we soon got up to collect our stuff.

When we got out of the hotel a car was already waiting on us. we got in and soon we were on our way back.

I sat awkwardly in the middle of the backseat, between Max and Adam, Nathan had claimed shotgun was loudly singing along with the radio. Adam was staring at the window, slowly moving along with the music. While Max was again on his phone. The ride didn't take that long and soon we were back at our school.

We got our stuff from the car and headed inside. We split up in the hallway and all went to our own rooms to put our stuff away.

Walked into our room and Nathan dropped his stuff on the bed. "And we're back" He smiled as he sat down. I put away my bags and sat down as well. "You sound tired" I laughed. He nodded. "That's an understatement. I mean, A lot happened the last couple of days" He said.

"Yeah" He had a point, I mean Nothing much happened with me, besides the whole Max getting a girlfriend thing. But he did.

"So..." I smirked. "Did the whole wedding thing give you any ideas for the future?" I said, changing the subject.

He let out a laugh before getting weirdly quiet. "Oh shit, You really did." I laughed. "I was kidding," I said getting up to put away my stuff. "I know..." He smiled as he got up to do the same.

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