《Chapter 16》 Dating Advice

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"What kind of advice could you give me?" I had to think about that for a second, It's true I've had dates before, but I wouldn't say they were that special. the first one got kind of crashed by others, and after that date turned more into just hanging out at each other's places.

I wouldn't say I'm good at giving dating advice. I looked up to see Andrew anticipating my answer, but how hard I thought about it I couldn't think of anything, my mind was blank. Luckily Cole came to the rescue.



"Alright, That sounds easy enough," I answered, Andrew, nodded for a bit before turning it into shaking his head, telling me he didn't agree. "no it's not. I'm going to fail. I have a huge crush on her and when I finally get the courage to ask her out I'm going to fail the date and she will never want to talk to me again." He said in one quick breath. 

I look at him startled, I was not expecting a breakdown like that. I let out a quick sigh before reassuring him. "don't worry, it'll be fine. she already said yes to going on a date with you, I'd say you're halfway there." He looks up, but still not looking convinced.

"He has a point' Cole agreed, "And besides, even if it doesn't work out, you'll at least have had a good time together." I looked at him as if to say 'you're not helping' he shrugged as I heard Andrew let out a groan as he leaned over the chair defeated. 

"Don't listen to him, he doesn't know what he's talking about" I tried to help. "Then why are we taking his advice then?" Andrew asked, his voice muffled by his arm. I was going to say something but Cole cut me off.

"Hey, if you're so sure what to do, why don't you guys just go on a double date?" He smirked as I looked at him shocked. "I- I don't think-"

"would you do that?"Andrew asked as he sat back up, looking at me, almost begging me to say yes. "I- I don't know if that's a good idea. " I say, trying to reject this as nicely as possible. "Sure it is," Cole started. 

"You could go to a movie, so it will still be pretty private, and you'll have alone time. And Andrew could just follow you guys' lead, knowing that will be natural anyway" he explained. I tried to find a loophole, but he did have a point.

"I mean-" I stopped myself, thinking about it for a second. "Hey, if you don't want to you don't have to. Besides, your boyfriend has to agree as well." Andrew said back. as soon as the word 'boyfriend' got dropped I could feel Cole's eyes burning into my skull. 

He let out a small chuckle before clearing his throat to speak again. "I'm sure he'll be okay with it. don't you Nathan?" he put a hand on my shoulder, I took a deep breath before finally giving in. "Alright fine, a double date it is."


The amount of movie dates Adam and I have gone on just keeps getting bigger. I don't understand how we keep going to the cinema. I don't even really enjoy it, it's too busy and I can't cry as much as I could at home because people would look at me weirdly. But here we are again. 

I didn't expect Adam to agree that fast, he almost immediately said yes before I could even explain what was happening.

We stood in front of the cinema, waiting for Andrew and his date to show up. I learned her name was Lisa. I saw a bus stop and they stepped out. I sighed looking at my phone. Just in time. I thought. "Took them long enough," I said quietly to myself. But I assumed Adam heard as he let out a small laugh before nudging me on the shoulder and saying. "like you're ever on time"

I was about to argue against what he said when Andrew spotted us and reached the entrance. "Sorry we took so long, the bus had some problems along the way."He apologized. "Were you waiting long?" Lisa asked. I shook my head as I lifted my arms in defense, "No it's fine. But we should go in, the movie is about to start"

We got in, quickly got some snacks, and made our way into the screening room, we sat down in front of Andrew and Lisa, just as the trailers ended and the movie was starting. We had chosen some random romcom, per Cole's suggestion. 

"Next time let's not go to a cinema," I whispered to Adam, referring to dates, I've had enough of this already, but hey, according to cole this was one of the best places for a first date. Not that I totally agree. Adam nodded and we both turned our attention to the movie.

I gotta admit, at first I was skeptical, but in the end, the movie wasn't as bad as I expected. The movie was nearing the end, Adam and I had moved closer together the more the movie went on, our hands had found each other and our shoulders were tightly pressed together, his head leaning onto mine. 

I wanted to take a peek and see how far Andrew had gotten, but right now the movie had my attention.

Of course, it ended with a happy ending, the main character ended up with the main love interest as expected. During the final scene, people followed the movie, and all around us, couples started making out. 

Another reason I don't enjoy the cinema. If it were up to me, we would be doing the same, But Adam already feels awkward telling people we were together. So I knew that wouldn't happen.

 That doesn't say anything about when we get home though.

I stretched as I sat back up, Lights slowly turned on and the room was lit. I turned around and to my surprise, Andrew wanted to follow the crowd and had gathered up the courage to do so.

 When I looked over I saw them making out just like the rest of the room. I smiled, making a mental note to tell Cole was right about what he said about movie dates. Well for this time at least.

After about a minute longer, I finally cleared my throat, making them jump away from each other, Andrews's face turned red as he awkwardly scratched to back of his head. I gave him a quick thumbs-up when Lisa wasn't looking. he gave only a shy smile in return. 

We walked out of the cinema, making our way towards the bus stop. The bus came not too long after that, we got in and went back to our dorm. We walked with Andrew as he brought Lisa back to the other building. They kissed goodbye awkwardly and all three of us walked back to our section of campus.

"I told you it would be okay," I said proudly as we walked through the halls. "Yeah, Thank you." He smiled as we reached his room. 

"by the way, Adam?" he asked as we stopped in front of his door "we should hang out sometime, I barely got to speak to you today" he smiled. Adam nodded before Andrew disappeared into his room. We both walked towards our room, our hands once again intertwined. 

"That wasn't too bad, right?" He asked, referring to how much I complained when I asked him to go with me. "I guess it was fine," I answer honestly. "But next time let's just go anywhere but the cinema." He laughs before agreeing.

We reach my room first. "Alright, See you tomorrow?" I ask as we stop in front of the door. "I hope so." He smirks. I quickly pull him closer, planting my lips firmly onto his. He didn't waste a second before kissing me back. 

The kiss was sweet, not at all rushed. I felt him smile softly and we broke apart. he let go of my hand and walked towards his room. I went in and went straight to bed.

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