《Chapter 36》 Finding A Job

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Nathan POV*

Rings. I thought about it for a while, and I guess he had a point. It would be very nice to give him something like that. And yeah, it's not like we're getting married... even though that would be a good option as well.

But this was a good way of telling him as well. After what he told me I realized why he had been so hesitant. But I needed to make sure he knew I don't plan on leaving him. He'd be stuck with me.

But then there was one tiny big problem. I had no idea how I was going to get enough money to buy them. I could save up from the tiny amounts my parents still give me. But that would take another year before I had enough saved to buy rings with.

So I had to start to look for a job. I sighed as I opened my phone to look around online. I'd never done this before, I never needed a job or wanted one, really.  But now I had a reason too. And I had no idea where to start.

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"So any luck with finding that job?" Andrew asked as we sat down for lunch. "Nope." I sighed. I've been looking for over a week now, but so far I've found something that interested me. I know I shouldn't be too picky, but even if I was only going to stay for a bit, I should at least try to find something I actually liked.

"It shouldn't be this difficult.." I sighed "You're just making it difficult." Andrew said as he started on his food. I leaned down on my hands. "Have you had a job before?" I asked curiously.

He let out a laugh. "Yeah, a paper route.."He said, "But if you do that you might as well keep saving for actual wedding rings." He joked. I let out a sigh, grabbing my phone to take one last look online.

It got quiet again as Andrew continued to eat, I said there still not sure what to do, when Aimee joined us. "Hey" she smiled.

"Yo." Andrew nodded. She sat down looking at us confused. "What are you guys talking about?" She asked.

"Nathan can"t find a job-" Andrew said before I could answer. "Wha-?" I tried to protest. He shrugged and continue eating. "Why, do you need a job?" She asked.

"I- I just thought it might be fun?" I said, hoping Andrew wouldn't correct me this time. "Why do you know something?"

She thought for a second. "Well depends. Is there anything specific you're looking for?" She asked. I shrugged. "Not really, just something fun, I guess" Maybe I should be a little less picky.

"Well, then maybe I do have something.." She said as she took out her phone. I looked at her, waiting for her to continue. "My brother owns a bar, and he's been needing help for a while now." She explained as she gave me her phone.

"But don't you need some sort of degree to work behind a bar." Andrew joined in as I looked over the application. She shrugged. "well, he just needs help, and the bar isn't that complicated. He's let me work there before." She explained.

"well, it does sound kind of fun..."I said as I gave her the phone back. "Can you send me that? She nodded. "We could also just go there later, Then you can just talk to him right now.." She suggested. "It's not that far."

I thought about it, and she did have a point. "Yeah, okay?" I shrugged. "Mm, Can I come too?" Andrew asked as he finished his food. "sure.." She laughed.


Later that day we went to her brother's bar. We took Andrews's car- which I didn't expect him to have. And we're on our way. I sat in the backseat so Aimee could steer Andrew in the right direction.

We reached the city pretty quickly as Aimee continued to show Andrew the way through all the different streets neither of us has ever seen.

It was about a 15-minute drive. And I already figured out which bus lines to take if I was going to work there. I should start looking into getting my own car. We went into a side street and soon park across the street from her brother's bar. They got out of the car and crossed the street, me following.

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