《Chapter 18》 Old Memories

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Adam POV*

I couldn't believe- no, I don't want to believe it. Why was he here, why did he have to show up today of all days? The only person I never wanted to see again, just had to show up on a day that was supposed to be special.

"Hey, you okay" I snapped out of my thoughts by Nathan putting his hand on my shoulder,

"Yeah, uhm... I'm fine" I lied, I wasn't fine at all. "Can we please just go?" I asked as I started to walk away from the entrance,

"Wait a second." Nathan stopped me "Are you sure you're okay?" He tried again.

I wanted to just ignore it but then I heard a voice "Adam! Is that you!?" I turned around, and there he was, standing in front of me. He must've spotted me.

"H-hi" I answered hesitantly as I took a step back slightly.

"It is you!" He said excitedly as he looked me up and down. "Wow, how long has it been" he continued, trying to make conversation.

Not long enough.

"I don't know..." I answered quietly, really wanting to just go home. "It's been years" he continued, still not giving up.

"Wait, hold on-." Nathan interrupted "Who are you," he said confused, "Right, I'm sorry" he apologized. "My name is Jefferey" he introduced himself, "I used to go to the same school as Adam, we were classmates"

"Right..."Nathan said as he hesitantly shook his hand. "Nathan," he said simply. "Anyway-" he started again. "It is really good to see you again." He said.

"Maybe we could meet up sometime?" I didn't look at him, I tried to make as little eye contact as possible. "I really want to talk about what happened" he added.

I didn't say anything and he took this as a sign to leave. "Alright, maybe we'll see each other again?" He gave an awkward wave and started to walk away.

I stayed quiet as he walked away, as all the memories that I long ago suppressed started to come back to me. "Hey?" I got pulled back by Nathan taking my hand... I shook my head as to forget my thoughts and looked up.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked again looking slightly concerned but also confused. "Yeah.." I nodded. That wasn't completely true. A bunch of bad memories just got back to me so I was pretty far from okay.

After seeing him again after so long. A lot of bad emotions came back to me.

"Can we go home now?" I asked as I looked up to meet his eyes. "Of course" he smiled softly. We both started making our way back to the bus stop. We got on the bus and not long we were back at the dorms.

The ride home was quiet, I honestly didn't want to talk. As we were both pretty tired from the long day.

I had been able to avoid the subject for a while but eventually, the question I had been fearing was asked. "So who was he?" Nathan finally asked as we walked into our room.

Because we told Max and Cole we'd be home late, Cole decided he would steal my room, dining us his and Nathan's room.

"Just an old classmate," I answered back, not wanting to elaborate.

"Right, that's why you weren't looking him in the eyes." He said as he walked up to me. " I know you, Adam. Somethings wrong." He said looking slightly concerned.

"I'll understand if you don't want to. But you know you can talk to me about anything right?" He reassured me. I nodded, not wanting to look up.

I let out a sigh and sat down on his bed. "Alright. I'll tell you." I gave in, maybe it would be good to talk about it to someone. He took a seat next to me.

I let out another sigh as I started.


5 years ago*

I sat at the picnic table, just outside the entrance of the school. Looking around the schoolyard, until he walked by again.

The guy my heart beat faster for. That one stupid guy I couldn't get out of my head, even if I really tried. The guy has had a crush on, pretty much since the start of the school year.

Jeffery Calder

I figured out I was gay a long time ago. Around the same time, my brother came out. I thought something was wrong with me, but when David told mom and dad his exact feelings, I realized that was what was happening to me.

It felt good to know I wasn't the only one.

I still hid it from them. I was honestly scared of how they'd react. Sure, my mom was kind of okay with it. When he told her she was shocked, but she still understood and accepted him.

My dad wasn't so pleased. He was raised in a strict and religious family. And he believed what David felt was wrong. He still tried not to be a dick about it. But it was obvious he didn't accept it. And I was scared that if I'd also come out he'd snap.

That was a big reason why I never told them I was also gay. The only person who knows was my best friend, Rachel. She kind of figured it out on her own. But that's must be been easy by the way I always stare when he's close.

"Could you be less obvious?" I heard Rachel sigh, I looked back at her as she looked at me I am used as she rested her head on her hand. "I- I'm not obvious," I said, my face bright red. "uh-huh... "she sighed. She sat up straight as she smiled again.

"you should ask him out" she suggested. I looked up shocked and shook my head. "no way- I'm not doing that. Ever." I defended. She looked at me unimpressed. "why not, you don't know what he'll say, maybe he'll say yes." she smirked.

"He won't, he's not like that," I said quietly. "you don't know that." she defended. "and you'll never know if you don't ask." she continued. She had a point, I had no reason to know that, I was just scared, what if he did say no, this school isn't very accepting.

I shook my head again, looking down at my hands. "if you don't I will." she said determinedly. "please don't" I said looking at her again. She smirked before getting up. "you have until Friday!" she winked and disappeared into the school. I sat there not knowing what to do. Friday is two days away, what did she expect me to do.


The drama begins. The story is finally going to get a solid storyline- at least that's the idea.

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