《Chapter 30》 Wedding Plans

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Okay, yeah this needs more explaining.

So this whole section is from when my friend was also writing a book, my characters were in it in the first season( so if you haven't read it, go do it lol). So this is just more of that stuff.

Another side of the story : [Het Internaat]


Nathan POV*

"You're going to a wedding?!" Cole yelled as he jumped up from the bed "yeah.." I answered sitting down on my own "oh please can I come... please" he almost begged, "that not up to me you know." I sat pushing him off of me. "Well, can you ask them, I'm sure they wouldn't mind"

"sure, I'll ask them later, now can you please get off of me" I chuckle as I try and get up. I take out my phone and quickly send a message asking if they can join us "what do they say!" I hear cole yell.

"calm down, I just send the message" I smile "I know, I'm just excited okay," he says as he drops down on the bed again.

Just as he does my phone goes off. "Is that them" before I could answer he almost grabbed my phone out of my hand "hey" I take a step back as I lower my phone "easy" I laugh. Cole looks up to me and lets out a sigh "yeah yeah"

"Don't look so sad" I say as I take a look at my phone, and turn it facing Cole and Max. "we're all welcome" I smile "YES!!" Cole yells out jumping on top of me.

We get out of the car and walk towards the door "wait, this isn't the same house as last time" Adam points out "no, were meeting with Liv first"

"oh, I see," he says as he starts walking towards the house. Cole enthusiastically knocks on the door.

It opens and we all get inside.


"Ready to go?" Liv asks "YeS" cole enthusiastically answers "okay, follow me. "We all get back in the car, Liv tells Max the way to their house and we all leave.

We stop at the house we were at last time, Liv quickly gets out of the car and starts walking into the house, next.

Cole is jumping up and down in his seat "hey, calm down" Max says looking to the back seat "I'm just so excited" he says as he calms down a bit "I know, just...calm down please"

Suddenly we see the door open and Liv gives us a sign we could come in. We all get out of the car. Cole, being just a bit too excited, grabs my arms and pulls me inside "hey, wait-" before I could stop him, I trip and fall flat on my face. "Ouch..." I groan as I raise myself. "Hi.." I smile as I look back at everyone standing in front of me, Scott and Tyler are almost dying of laughter. "Oh shit, are you okay," he says as he reaches down to help me up.

As I am back on my feet, I see Amy walking towards me "are you okay, you need ice or something" she asks worried "no, I'm okay" I answer as I smile at her. Adam and Max walk in as well. "Uhm, what are you doing here? And who are you" she asks confused, pointing at Max and Cole. "Surprise, I invited them" Liv yells as she jumps on top of all four of us "for the wedding!" She says "Yes!" Cole joins in. "Congratulations!! By the way, my name is Cole" he holds out his hand. "Hi, I'm Tyler," he jumps in and holds out his hand as well.

"And I'm Max" he introduces himself as well.


We all sit down on the couch, waiting for, food, I guess. "What do you want?" Tyler asks, as soon as he comes into the room. "What about we get fries" Scott suggests. We all just nod. He walks to the hallway to get his jacket and comes back for his car keys "if you all write down what you want, I can go get it." He gives us all a piece of paper and then heads to the kitchen. We all write down what we want and wait for him to return.

He comes back in and takes the note from the table, "Amy what do you want?" He says, looking back towards the kitchen "same as always" he nods and walks out the door.

Amy comes back to the living room and walks up to the couch, then she suddenly stops "wait a minute, something isn't right, you didn't have glasses before?" she asks confused. "Your right!" Liv yells as she stands up and walks over to Adam and kneels before him. She leans in to study his face closely "that's what's different". Adam leans back slightly "did you have to get close," I ask. "I had to know for sure" she adds. Amy lets out a small laugh and got us all some ice cream.


Suddenly the bell rings, Amy gets up. She opens the door and the whole group walks in. We all hear a bark, and a dog jumps on top of Cole "whoa" he jumps up and the dog gets scared and jumps from the chair, over to the couch. "Wait no, come back" Cole yells out. But he gets no reaction. "No fair" he whines as he sits back down.

Amy bends down to pick up her dog, but suddenly straightens her back and places her hand on her stomach. "What's wrong?" Liv says with a chuckle. "She's kicking again" she answers with a smile. Brent just blankly stares at her, she nods at him and he bends down to put his hand on it too.

He just stares "you can go ahead and talk to her" she laughs. He lets out a small sigh "hey little one, I'm your uncle, Brent, we're going to have some fun times together" Amy lets out a laugh, and Liv walks up to them. "Well, now we know his sensitive side" she shrugs. He turns to face Britt "uhm.." she holds up her hands in defense "hah..this is fun and all, but I don't want a child right now...no offense Amy" she laughs.

The door opens and Tyler walks in, his hands full. Amy takes half and they hand out all our food.

"So, what are you planning to do tomorrow," Samira asks "well actually, we were planning to go look for clothes" Amy answers. "Liv was going to help me with my dress, and Tyler was going to take Scott the search for a suit. I guess you could join" she shrugs "sure!" The girls answer. "Who else?" She asks, looking at us.

"oh my god, Yesss " Cole excitedly yells out. "Dude, you seriously need to calm down" I laugh. "I'm sorry, I'm excited about all of this" he apologizes "can I join you guys?" He asks, looking at Amy. She stares at him in disbelieve. "What? I can't?" He asks disappointed. "No no, you can join" she reassures him. "Yes! Okay, Nathan, you're joining us" he demands "wait, what?" I ask surprised "come on it'll be fun," he says, giving me a desperate smile "do I have to?" I ask with a sigh "yes. Yes, you do" I let out a long sigh "fine.." I give in, it's not like it matters. It's just a day, and we're only going clothes shopping....with Cole...how bad can it be.

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