《Chapter 41》Presentation

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Adam POV*

The project was almost done. All that was left was the presentation. Probably the part I was least looking forward to.

I had prepared as much as possible, I went over everything we had to say constantly until it was time to leave. I spend the whole day stressing about it.

"Hey, what's up?" I was too busy staring at my food when suddenly Aimee appeared in front of me.

"N-nothing," I said surprised as she say down. "Are you sure, you looked pretty distracted there?" She started her food, waiting for my answer.

"It's just, I have this group presentation today." I sighed. She nodded understandingly. "And I'm really nervous..." I said as I also took a bite of my food.

"Why?" She asked. "Because it's scary to talk in front of such a big group," I admitted. "I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way."

She shrugged. "I've never really had a problem with it." She continues to eat. "Well, then you're lucky." I pouted. "Don't worry you'll do fine." She said, trying to encourage me. "I hope your right."

The next day, I nervously made my way through the hallways. Trying to keep myself calm, well my nerves, to no success.

It got better when I thought about the fact that there were four of us, so I'm not gonna have to say too much

When I finally got there I went in and took my seat next to the rest of je group. They didn't seem as nervous and tried to calm me down as well.

Other groups went first, which was kind of a relief. I didn't want to go first, but going last was even worse. The other group finished, and it was our turn. So we got up and made our way to the front.

At first, I didn't know what to say luckily they made it so u could mostly just move the presentation instead of explaining it. And it was over before I knew it.

After we were done we got back in our seat and waiting for everyone to finish. And even though it was nothing, I needed my heart to stop beating so fast.


"Good thing that's over." George sighed as he leaned in his seat. After class, we all had lunch break si we went together.

"I just hope we did it good enough?" Julie said, slightly nervous. "Oh calm down, you made sure everything was looked over multiple times, I'm sure we did fine." George laughed.

"I don't need it to be fine. I need it to be good." She said seriously. "You might not care about it but I really need this grade to be good." She sighed. George rolled his eyes and decided to ignore her.

"I'm sure we did perfectly." Jean encouraged her. She smiled back at her. "Thanks, I hope so."

It hot quiet for a bit as we all just ate our food, when suddenly George got up. "We should celebrate." He said simply. We all looked up confused.

"Celebrate what?" I asked. "Well... this. That we've finished the project." He explained.

"What reason is there to celebrate?" Jean asked. He said back down. "Should there be a reason?" He crossed his arms.

We all silently looked at each other. "Well, I guess-" "Alright then let's celebrate." George interrupted. " I know a place." He said show took out his phone.

"Yeah okay, but how do you plan to get there? I'm sure as hell not walking." Jean said she took a sip of her drink."

"Well no," he started as she put away his phone and got up. "I got that covered as well, just- meet in in front of the dorms tonight. Okay?" He said as he put away his stuff. "Okay but what time exactly?" Julieninterupted.

"I'll send you that is the group chat." He said as she turned around and left. "I'll see you later!"

We all looked after him confused, and after finishing our lunch we went back to our rooms.

On my way there George had sent the time. I went back and decided o had time enough to take a quick shower and a fresh change of clothes.

I got to my room, expecting it to be empty. But as I got in I saw both Cole and Max sitting in his bed.
"What are you-" I said confused a si noticed they were looking really concentrated. Well Cole did, Max looked more frustrated than anything.

"Gaming!" Cole yelled excitedly. I walked in further and noticed the wall was now covered by a way too big TV for this tiny room. "How did you-?"

"Max got it!" He said as he continued to aggressive press putting on his controller. "What do you mean 'got it?'," I asked a si put my thing away. "He bought it."

"Bought i-" "Oh BOOM! I win again." Suddenly Cole got up onto his knees before slamming the controller into the bed. "Oh come on!" Max said frustrated. Doing the same.

I let out a small laugh before ignoring them and getting into the shower. Afterward, I quickly changed. Looking at the time I realized I had about 10 minutes left, so decided to get a few things, like my phone, and headed to the meeting place.

I got down and saw the rest also waiting. But no George. We waited for a bit, then suddenly heard a hint nearby. Looking around we found it was Geroge. In a car.

"You- where did you get that?" Jean yelled as she walked towards it. He rolled down the window. "I'm borrowing it from my dad." He smirked. "Come in, get in."

We all got in, Jean claimed shotgun as Julie and I got in the back seat. "I didn't know you could drive," Jean smirked. "One of my many secrets." He smirked back.

"So where are we going anyway?" I asked. "Oh, you'll see" He laughed. He started the car and we were off.

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