5 (Edited)

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"we've only met and you miss me already shuntarou?" she said with a knowing smile as she slipped the last heels on, standing up.

His face was already wiped clean of the blood earlier, a few splashes on his jacket remains though.

she was still irritated by his action earlier. if by chance that his bloody hands came in contact with her skin earlier, she would have killed him then and there.

but then again, she was the reason behind his bloody hands so she decided against it. and besides, he's attractive.

"so what you got there" she mumbled, eyebrow raising a bit as her eyes wandered to his fist. "got it from miss horsey earlier?" she said smugly.

he only stared at her, she truly was observant.

he was kinda annoyed that she found out about his findings. not wanting her to be any more nosey he placed the piece of paper inside the pockets of his white jacket.

seeing the annoyance on his face amused her to say the least. it would be fun to keep annoying him..

stepping close her hand travelled from his shoulder to his chest— avoiding the splash of blood.

batting her eyelashes jokingly she smiled a flirty smile up at him "can i see?" she whispered.

there was a noticeable tension in the air.

rolling his eyes, his usual smile was still there as he grabbed her arm. eyes not leaving hers in a heated gaze before shoving her away.

she giggled at his response. he's playing hard to get..makes me want to have him to myself.

now she was really interested.

audibly clicking her tongue she playfully shook her head "now now shuntarou, you shouldn't push me away hun" she smiled "specially if you want this back"

raising her hand, there between her fingers is the piece of paper, scribbled lines drawn.

chishiya's smile dropped, eyebrows furrowing as his hand involuntarily searched his pocket.

"see you around~" she said waving her fingers.

blowing him a cutesy flying kiss before rushing away.

he was beyond stunned to even comprehend what just happened.

his reactions, responses and many other things caught her interest, it amused her how he caught her eyes in only a night of game.

but she just couldn't stand the stench and sight of the specks of blood on his skin earlier, especially his handsome face.

stomach churning at remembering the sight, she sighed heavily before grabbing 2 pills to swallow down her dry throat as she walked through the dark streets.

after a few minutes she sighed a breath of relief as she felt the churning of her stomach finally stop.

in all things she had to be scared of it just had to be blood.

her line of work did not match up with that and she had to admit that it made everything much harder for her.

but she learned to ignore it for as long as she can.

stopping infront of a drug store she looked at the almost empty container of her pills before deciding that it's time to get her refills.

entering the store, the darkness crept to her and so she quickly took out her flashlight. finally having enough light for her liking, she made her way to the counter, jumping over it before beginning to search the aisle and aisle of medicine.

after a few minutes of searching she finally found it.

just as she was about to take two containers she stopped. she definitely felt that someone was inside this very room with her.

she listened carefully and soon enough she heard soft slow footsteps closing in on her.

grabbing the containers, she stuffed in inside her purse before grabbing the discarded pipe she saw on the floor.

removing her heels slowly, she closed her eyes shut as she turned her flashlight off. she hates darkness, she's not much scared to it as to blood but she hates how much it makes her feel vulnerable.

a few seconds pass before she opened her eyes, fully adjusted to the darkness.

her eyes searched the darkness. "come out now before i find you myself" she loudly stated, her voice echoing through the walls of the store.

a sigh of annoyance was heard before two men walked out of the aisle. they were both wearing clothes that made it seemed like they came from the beach.

"the fuck do you guys want?" she muttered in annoyance, pipe still held in her hand.

noticing this the two guys looked at each other before turning to her "it'll be easier if you come with us willingly " one of them said.

sachi snickered. " well isn't this going to be fun?" she mumbled with a smile.


my boo be going to the bitch- beach. i meant beach 👀

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