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"so you convinced them to join the plan?" Sachi said repeating chishiya's words as she dried her hair roughly with her towel.

"Gimme that you're ruining your hair." He muttered as he snatched the towel from her hands before softly patting away the wetness of her hair.

"And yes they agreed to join in."

She smiled at his gentle movement

"Oh. Which part are they playing?"

Chishiya stopped for a moment, which sachi didn't notice.

"Yours" he mumbled as he swallowed the lump in his throat.

Sachi's eyebrows furrowed at this but nonetheless she shrugged, less work for her.

"So what's my role then? Assuming you'll have arisu as additional look out whilst his little girlfriend takes the cards-"

"No. Arisu will take the cards" he said as soon as he drops the towel.

"Oh." Sachi simply said in confusion specially at his dry replies.

He was definitely being weird about this.

Her role was supposed to be sneaking into the suite and taking the cards from the secret safe— which chishiya already knew the location of.

He also told her about the passcode which he'll tell as soon as she's in front of the safe.

She's actually impressed how cautious he was about it so she didn't question his plan one bit.

Chishiya nods satisfyingly after brushing her hair, immediately placing a soft kiss on top of her head before he stood up.

Sachi smiled a little at his actions as she watched him leave. "I'll be back soon, I'll just go and check the meeting room" he called out as he reached the door.

Sachi smirked as she rolled her eyes, "sure, be sure to tell Hatter's ass i said hi when you go kiss it" she sweetly called out making him stop.

Chishiya rolled his eyes at her childish teasings. "I'll bite yours if you don't stop about that" he said sternly although sachi could see the playfulness in his eyes.

She chuckled. "I would love that. Bye darling" she simply called out as soon as he was out the door.

"What?" Roku confusedly let out as sachi handed him a bag of his belongings and foods.

"Are you guys good to go?" Akiro popped back into the room with a bag on his shoulder, and a wide smile on his face.

He was definitely excited to see kaito.

Probably to screw him, but excited nonetheless.

"I'm not leaving you" roku sternly said, almost teary as he looked up at his sister.

Sachi chuckled as she shook her head at him. "You act as if I'm going to die. Although that would be lovely-"

"You can't" roku immediately said making her chuckle even more.

Sachi sighed as she caressed his cheek. "It's safer at the headquarters than here, and as soon as shuntarou's plans are done we'll head there as soon as we can" she assured him.

He sighed at her words but he nodded in understanding anyways. "Are kuina and usagi nee san coming?" He whispers trying to stop his sadness from showing.

Sachi sighed softly as she pulled him into a hug, humming in reply.

"Don't forget about arisu-ni" he mumbled to which she chuckled, nodding her head.

She gave him a kiss on his forehead before she turned to akiro. "I already showed you the map. I thrust you" she simply said .

Akiro nodded in determination. She just entrusted him with roku. That's a big deal.

Sachi and roku shared a long hug. She's been planning this for weeks all the while making sure that roku and akiro has atleast a month worth of visas.

Roku sniffed as he let's go softly. "Make sure to take the cat. I don't think he'll be able to live without you" he whispers as he looks away.

Sachi was confused knowing they didn't have one.

But the face of a certain blonde flashes through her mind, making her chuckle as she smiles.


She urged the two to go especially since it'll be a day of travel on their part since they may get followed if they take the shorter road.

After sneaking the two out, sachi went back to her room only to bump into kuina.

"I have to tell you something" she immediately said.

And that something is rather interesting.

Sachi's red heels clicked through the tiled floors as she excitedly went to the meeting room.

If kuina was right then this would be the only time she'd be delighted to attend it.

As soon as she arrived two of the militants who were guarding, hesitantly went to stop her only to froze when she rolled her eyes, hands waving to dismiss them.

"Don't be ridiculous" she mumbled to which they moved away.

She stood in front of the door, hearing voices inside.

"I should be incharge next since I'm number two-"  sachi chuckled as she heard the voice.

But her eyebrows raised in amusement as she heard niragi's voice retaliate.

"Woah wait. We militants have been keeping everyone safe— shouldn't the strongest of us be the one to replace hatter?".

She scoffed as she pushed the door open, all heads turned to look as the creaking sound engulfed the room.

"Are you saying that I Should be in charge?" Her sweet voice rang out making goosebumps rose up niragi's body.

"S-sachi." He mumbled.

They planned to put aguni in control of the beach, hence why niragi suggested those words in the first place.

Let's just say that he used the wrong words.

"I agree. Sachi had been the one giving us cards— she probably even gave us more than all you millitants had combined." Chishiya's voice rung out.

Niragi gulped at his words as he snared at the blonde headed smirking bitc-

"He's right. Sachi's experienced enough to run this whole place- with her, getting the cards would be faster." Ann second the motion.

Everyone seemed to agree so easily already raising their hands as if they were voting, all for sachi.

Sachi's smirk was annoying aguni the more he stared at it.

He gritted his teeth fully knowing that he'll lose this fight.

He sighed angrily as he gave niragi a short glance.

Knowing what it meant, niragi slowly rose his rifle only to stop when two clicks of sachi's heels were heard.

"Well, we already know what all those hands mean. I hope you and your militants can continue keeping everyone safe here... Aguni san." sachi's voice rose with authority for some reason.

Everyone felt it. Is this what it's like to have a real boss, lead you?.

Aguni could only nod stiffly.

"We should go and announce this to the members of the beach." Ann suggested it immediately.

"But until then. Not a peep about Hatter's death"



i already have a lot of chapters in store and am currently editing them but updates are definitely coming!!!

Angst is also coming so 👀


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