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Just.. when the heck did we reach 160k 😭😭 omfg thank you guys♥️ I've been wanting to update so bad but it's been rough because of school JAVDJWBZAM

Anyways love you all 😭♥️


"-and then Boom! The laser shot down her head!" Roku explained with his hands flailing around, eyes shining in excitement as he reenacted his first game inside borderland.

Sachi smiled at his excitement as she sat beside chishiya on the bed, with roku on the chair he pulled near the bed.

Food littered the bed as they ate their breakfast in peace, alongside roku's storytelling.

Chishiya's usual smirked seemed more genuine as he watched the girl beside him giggle at her brother's antics.

"Wait so you're telling me that a total newbie was able to clear the game with only one loss.. by using his brains?" She asked a bit amused by this.

"Uhuh! Arisu-ni is a genius!! Im tellin ya!" He said excitedly obviously idolizing the guy.

Chishiya involuntarily rolled his eyes at the exaggeration.

Smart huh?.

"Arisu?.. where have i heard that.." he mumbled.

"Maybe you've played a game with him before?" Roku said as he chewed on a sandwich.

"Then we would've crossed paths with each other" sachi chimed in.

To be honest she didn't care what kind of person this arisu may be, who knows? she might've already used him as a bait in a game or something.

That's a pity if she has, but if this person turned out to be alive she'll have to pay her respects and keep him alive in any way possible as a thank you for not letting her brother get killed.

In short. Giving him the yabuki protection.

"They were being stupid wanting to play another game right away because they needed to find a doctor or something?" He said looking up as he was recalling everything. "- they could've just waited outside the arena then asked the people coming in BUT NO they had to play-"

Sachi giggled fully knowing that roku was just worried.

"But IM not that stupid so i decided to just look around for a doctor instead since I still have a few days left." He said before biting on a chicken leg.

Chishiya was silent as he listened, eating peacefully, his hands under the comforters that covered both the half of their bodies.

Hands softly caressing her lower back in an endearing way to lessen the pain he brought unto her.

Sachi sighed in content and bliss at how perfect things are at the moment.

Comfortable silence engulfed them as they ate, the atmosphere was serene, soft sound of chewing was heard and they hope there would always be any peaceful days like this.

"Uh.. noona?"

Sachi hummed in response to this, smiling.

"I was hoping you could give arisu-ni the yabuki protection? Him and usagi-nee helped me survived until we got separated" he perked up at the end, reasoning and hoping that Sachi would give in.

The yabuki protection huh.

In the real world only those who the yabukis' felt greatly indebted with gains this title, and everyone in the gang are to sacrifice themselves for the safety of those given this title, which is why only a few people have received this.

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