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"your lucky" she mumbled to the girl trembling beneath her.

"Ten seconds" the voice from their phones said.


The sound of the empty gun falling to the floor resonated within the room as everyone fell silent.

"Congratulations, you have cleared the game we will now supply you with visas"

"Ni- nichan?" Roku trembled before a clanking sound came from his collar as it fell to the ground.

Chishiya stood there frozen as he stared at the scene infront of him.

"S-sachi?" Akiro mumbled as he paled from the dripping blood on the floor.

Tears dripping from his cheeks, roku ran to his sister, hands circling on her waist in a tight hug "Niichan! you-".

"I-im okay" sachi said, cracking a smile as her bloody hand that once gripped her arm, rose to ruffle his hair just like before.

"Y-you shot your self yabuki-sama" one of the beach members mumbled in utter disbelief.

"I-its fine, I've had worse" she mumbled despite feeling numb on her left arm.

"T-thank you" the snotty girl mumbled slightly jolting when sachi turn to look at her.

Roku beamed at the girl before urging her to leave.

Sachi's eyes stared upfront into chishiya's, trying her best to get her bloody hands away from her sight.

She cringed when she felt the stickiness of the red liquid seeping between her fingertips earlier, the smell was horrid and was making her gag.

Trying to hold the nauseous feeling in she smiled at roku. " I told you I'd. I'd protect you" she mumbled which made roku weep more.

"Ugh i got blood all over you" she cringed as she tried to wipe her blood off him despite the churning feeling of discomfort in her stomach.

Sachi jolted slightly when chishiya suddenly grabbed her injured arm examining it.

His eyebrows creased in annoyance before flicking her forehead.

Sachi winced glaring at the guy as she rubbed the spot.

"The bullet is still inside, quick we should get back before you lose too much blood" he pulled her planning on just carrying her.

He seemed calmed but inside he was in a turmoil. It was his first time seeing her cry like that earlier. First time seeing her lose her composure. First time seeing her hesitate on killing someone. The churning feeling within him was unpleasant to say the least.

Sachi was someone who'd surprise you on a daily basis, that's one of the reasons why she caught his attention and why he's still not tired of her.

But he'd never thought he'd be surprised like this tonight.

"Come on roku-san" akiro's soft voice was heard as he softly tugged on the childs hands to let go of sachi so that they can leave.

Roku slowly let go staring as sachi softly smiled at him, chishiya carried the girl, grabbing the back of her legs softly.

Akiro held roku's hand guiding him back up until they reached the car.

"Hurry the fuck up" chishiya ordered 'calmly' the the guy driving.


This is freakin short but I'll update soon


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