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Hatter arrived at the eerily quiet scene.

"Stay out of this hatter-" aguni started.

"Nothing hatter, just asked aguni to leave the newbies alone" Sachi said her voice dripping with malice in contrast to her smile.

"Niragi?" He asked for confirmation.

"I- I only take orders from my boss."

"Huh. Then let me ask your boss. Who is your boss aguni?" He asked the taller buff men.

Although annoyed, he answered. " It's you right?"

Sachi rolled her eyes at the exchange.

"Go take a shower" hatter said, "ALL EXECUTIVES ARE TO GATHER AT THE MEETING ROOM"

"no thank you" sachi called out as she turned around hopefully to continue where she and chishiya left off.

"You too arisu!" Hatter called out to the boy, lips twitching up as he saw Sachi stopped.

Groaning annoyingly. "Looks like we're attending" she said to chishiya.

He smiled at her per usual as he wrapped an arm around her petite waist as they start to head to the meeting room. "Speak for yourself doll, i always attend the meetings."

"That's cause you like kissing your way up hatter's ass."

He roughly yanked her hair making her laugh out a painful shriek.

He immediately massaged the spot muttering a sorry as he chuckled at her giggling face.

"Walk faster before they start without us"

"But they're boring" she slightly pouted at him.

He chuckled at her, placing a kiss ok her temple.

She's too adorable.

Kuina walked beside them earning chishiya's attention. "So? What do you think about him?" He asked with his usual laid back smile.

Removing the stick she's been chewing on. "I like him"

"Ew kuina. Is that why you've been staring at us earlier—"



"If there are no face cards only the ten of hearts remains."

"It hasn't appeared in any game yet. Not that i know off" he said before glancing at sachi.

Sachi glanced at the man wearing glasses before raising her eyebrow.

It was honestly a surprise to see that she hasn't encounter the said card up until now, considering how she always seems to easily attract the hearts game to her.

"If it hasn't appeared yet, there must be a reason for it." She answered simply.

"Maybe it's outside tokyo?" Ann suggested.

"We haven't even found arenas outside tokyo"

"That only means We haven't searched far enough-"

"We're not changing the plan" hatter interrupted, fed up with the fighting.

Sachi scoffed as a small amused smile rose on her face.

A rule when it comes to leading and plan making, if the plan isn't making any progress in the long run, 'trust the process' won't always work. Adjustments should be made.

She learned that the hard way back in the real world.

"My visa needs to be replenished soon" is what brought sachi back to the meeting.

Along side chishiya's tightening grip on her thighs.

He hated the idea of hatter needing sachi as his personal shield.

Her eyes saw how aguni and his little toys looked at each other and rolled her eyes as she saw hatter's knowing glance at her.

She sighed knowing she'd have to save his ass in the next game.

She could leave him to die of course but it'll cause chaos within the beach and her brother is currently in it.

"Respectfully there is a way to win the game of hearts"

"Yeah, you just need to shoot everyone in the head before the game starts" sachi joked— was it a joke?.

Everyone seemed to tense at her words with the exception of chishiya and arisu chuckling a bit.

Clearing her throat mira continued.

"It's somewhat along those lines miss yabuki,—" she continued with a growing smile."— all you have to do is take a decoy willing to die and fix the game so that you survive"

Sachi giggled at her words, music to chishiya's ears.

"Do they have to be willing to die though? Sure they might not die inside that game but whose to say they won't in the next? You should just think of it as ending their misery early" she advised as her face slowly lost it's amused expression.

Chishiya smiled at her words as his eyes traveled to the nervous faces of the people around him.

"You're a natural miss sachi. But Arisu did it too.. that means. If he can do it, then anyone can." Mira continued slyly.

To this sachi's eyebrows rose as her eyes traveled to arisu's shaken up look and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

She didn't take him to be that kind of person. There's definitely more to the story.

But goosebumps stole her attention as she felt soft hands starting to carress her between her thighs.

With a sly look she side eyes chishiya who was silently listening to hatter's nonsense, not even paying attention to her.

She nudged his hand to gain his attention but he still ignored her whilst his thumb drew circles on the soft material of his own sweatpants that she was wearing.

"I can clear them all!"

she sighed shakily as she annoyingly listened to his nonsense.

She just kept her mouth shut not wanting to be there every second that passed by.

"Executives, you will be incharge while im away—"

"Wont sachi be a better option for that?" Chishiya finally spoke up.

Plan A.

He was starting to act.

Sachi perked up at his voice as she amusedly looked at him.

Hatter clenched his jaw as the executive awaited his answer.

Sachi smiled like a cheshire cat as she mended her fingers, elbows on the table, she leaned forward as she awaited his answer.

Hatter's already trying to get rid of her because of this. The fear that the people of the beach would shift their loyalties to her.

She had more experience in leading than him and he knows it.

"Yeah hatter, since you said that you can clear all the games, you won't need me with you, correct?"

She was feeding his words back to his mouth, with her silky smooth voice heavy with malice.

Everyone tensed at her backhanded words as they turned to hatter.

"Of course miss yabuki" he answered making her smile widen even more. "Does anyone have a problem with th—"

"Yeah, do you have a problem with me being incharge?" Sachi loudly asked with a smile, earning no's and head shakes from the people around the table.

"That settles it then." Ann said for the first time accompanied with a smile.

"Sachi will be incharge while hatter's away, ofcourse with the help of the executives." Chishiya finished with a laid back smile.

Things were going as planned.

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