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Yabuki Sachi

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Yabuki Sachi

"Wait. You what?"

"I said I'd like to live peacefully in a forest and become this bitch ass witch the kids nearby would talk about." She repeated as she ate another potato chip.

"Why? You're already a bitch who grown up people gossips about-"

Her mouth dropped at his words. "I said i want to be a witch not a bitch."

"Darling you can't have both."

She was absolutely dumbfounded at his remarks, she scoffed out a laugh.

With a quivering voice that tried not to laugh, she replied. "Well- you- you- your hair is fried as fuck" she poorly answered back.

Nonetheless his jaw dropped at the attack.

"Thats not even in connection with the witch thing!" He couldn't help but laugh a little, which made her laugh more.

"You're salty as fuck " chishiya mumbled teasingly.

With a deadpanned look, sachi grabbed the back of his head before—quite literally— shoving him harshly into the water.

She was laughing so hard the moment he got his head out gently wiping the strands of blonde hair away from his face.

"Oop careful or your wig will come off" she retorted as she snorted out a laugh.

With a side eyed look, chishiya immediately pounced on her, pulling her down to the water playfully.

But of course sachi won the small fight.

She may have kicked him in the balls.

But at least she won.

"God my balls hurt" he mumbled as they started to relax again, resting their backs on a rock.

Sachi giggled once more. "Want me to kiss it well?" She said jokingly.

He could only roll his eyes playfully at her words before reaching to get the drinks they packed.

As sachi regained her breath, chishiya took the paper straw, poking it into her drink before giving it to her.

Sachi looked up at the enclosure of the stadium. You can see the night sky through the large spaces.

Sachi had never felt so relaxed.

Like the world had stopped and there was only the two of them in it.

She loved borderland from the beginning. The games gave her thrills that the real world never did.

She didn't have to think about managing a whole organization and raising all those people inside it too.

She was free from her bloody and hectic life.

And meeting chishiya just made it better.

Not gonna lie. She thought of convincing him to just stay here with her.

But the real world couldn't be that bad if he was going to be a part of it..

Could they though?

She's never given it a thought.

When they go back, all her enemies would also be back, would they find out about him?. What if they kill him to get to her? Will he still be safe? She can protect him.. right?.

She snapped out of her thoughts when she felt chishiya gently fish out her hands from under the water.

Her eyes didn't leave the stars though. He must've wanted to hold her hand per usual.

But her eyes snapped down to their hands when she felt him slip something on her finger.

Her heart almost stopped.

It was the straw from his drink that he didn't open earlier.

He origamied it into a paper ring.

"You kept singing earlier.." he whispered to her.

She was confused. But then Her face flushed at the memory.

Chishiya was peacefully sleeping, it's already 12 pm and for some reason sachi felt energetic enough to cook some ramen for them.

She kept humming to her self. Which turned into words of course.

Her voice was quiet but it was sweet enough to wake chishiya up.

He quietly stood up from the bed, and with tired eyes he watched and listened in silence.

He leaned on the door frame, hands crossed with a smile on his face.

How he'd love to wake up to this every morning in his apartment.

He'd been leaving alone since he can remember, his dad was away for work most of the time.

He'd never woken up to such a loving morning in this apartment.

The way sachi moved around made it look like she belonged in this place. Belonged with him.

"--- i like shiny things but I'd marry you with paper rings uhuh~"

she sang again and again as if she got last song syndromed on that specific line.

"Paper ring.." she mumbled in awe as she gently touched it. "It's beautiful." She mumbled.

She can't even describe how she was feeling right now.

Chishiya chuckled at this. "You literally have so many golden accessories-"

"This one's prettier " she mumbled before smiling at him.

She reached to kiss him gently on the lips. "Thank you."

That small kiss was enough to make him feel mushy though.

"Since you gave me a paper ring- are you asking to marry me?" She jokingly said with raised eyebrows.

"Oh I'm not asking. You're already wearing it so." He said with a shrug.


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