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"father, do i really have to learn this?" 9 year old sachi asked as they arrived at a dance studio.

her father was as stern as ever.

"there are times when you'll need this skill." he simply stated before handing her over to the woman inside.

she used to love dancing but now it feels like it's just a chore that has to be done.

and maybe she hated that.

specially now that it reminded her too much of her mother.

nonetheless she learned pretty easily and her father was proven right when she turned 15, like every one of her countless missions, she went undercover.

this time at a bar, where she had to pretend to be a private dancer.

she hated every minute of it but the satisfaction of planting the bullets into their head were enough to make up for it.

one of the targets however, survived.

she accepted one hell of a punishment for that. let's just say that she was almost crisped from being electrocuted by her loving father..

filled with rage she infiltrated the hospital, late at night.

entering the private room however she was faced with one of the interns, checking up on the patient.

they both stopped.

her eyes darted to the paper in his hands. if she was correct then that could be his last will or maybe a statement stating her crime.

taking her gun out of her pants she pointed it to his face. the blonde only stared at her with a smile on his face as he raised his hand, surrendering.

"give me that paper" she threatened.

her small stature amused him, thinking that maybe she was just playing around.

"calm down doll, it's just a will.. im throwing it away anyway" he said with a smile.

narrowing her eyes at him, she watched as he crumpled the paper before throwing it out the window.

he turned around only to see her gun now against the sleeping man's forehead.

"you know, he's pretty much dying tonight, might as well just step on that-" he said before pointing at the hose tube beside her foot, connecting to the man's oxygen. "-to make it faster and quieter" he said before placing his hand inside his pockets, walking to the door.

she scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. why the hell was he helping her?.

"stop" she said, gun now pointed at him. "you're a witness now" she said darkly.

"if you shoot that then the police next door would come running here to catch you." he said smiling at her. "so i suggest not to, doll"

with that note her eyes widened fraction before slowly placing her gun down beside her.

she watched him leave with her foot stepping unto the hose and her victim struggling to breath.

the memory made sachi grin to her self as her choice of song started to play.

mushroom chocolate.

this was the routine she'd usually use. it was the perfect mix of seductive and sexy without anything vulgar.

it leaves the audience wanting more.

hands trailing up her body her every move screamed hot in any way.

the atmosphere around the boys were tense just like every one of her targets that she had to dance to before shooting them.

in a scenario like this anyone would pick the performance that they would want to see yet again.

that's why she was certain from the very start that she doesn't have to tell them how to clear the game, cause she'll win either way.

her moves and her eyes were alluring, enough to keep every one's eyes on her.

her eyes connected to chishiya's, her tongue lulling out a bit as her hands crossed around her neck, as if choking herself.

chishiya only rolled his neck trying to release the tension around it to relax himself. her teasing were getting to him and it was only her first night.

he doesn't even know if he could manipulate her to follow his plan without her finding out.

her music stopped with her laying on the floor, she was mesmerizing and they were lying if they say that they wouldn't want to see more.

breathing out she stood up,grabbing the phone as the familiar sound of the eerie anouncment came once again.

"we will give you one minute to vote before the game ends"

"the countdown will now start"

"sachi i know you're planning to just let everyone die but remember that this is a test" chishiya spoke out earning everyone's attention.

sachi sighed at this, sending him an annoyed stare.

"w-wait.. do you know how to clear this game without anyone dying?" one of the girls ask, hope etched on her face.

"who cares? let's all just pick the same girl and be done with it!" one of the dudes from the beach said.

"Baby what are you saying?! you're letting me die just like that?!" the girl who sat on his lap earlier asked.

"what? of course not! what im saying is that I'll put my vote on you and they should too-"


and he fell with a scream higher than any skyscraper.

"now we can save everyone" sachi said with a small laugh masked by a scoff.

"please just tell us how!" one of the girl asked again.

humming, sachi smiled."beg me"

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