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A large explosion was heard as everyone had just finished telling their symbols

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A large explosion was heard as everyone had just finished telling their symbols.

Sachi quietly leaned on the door, shaking in excitement as she smiled into the lollipop she was holding.

The sound of a door opening was heard through the silence.

It was deafening to say the least and she itches to just open her door already.

But the waiting was all worth it when she heard him speak. "I won." He mumbles, followed by a simple laughter, which escalates into a crazy madman laugh.

Which of course, stopped when she happily opens her door, stepping out to look at his bewildered face.

She stops to look at him with her smug smile, hands on her cheeks in a teasing manner. "Oh? How rude. I should've let you laugh a bit more."

Enji's stomach dropped at the sight of her.

"But you see. You sounded really annoying." She blankly said which scared him even more.

"Now now dear, you're hurting his feelings." Chishiya called out from inside his room before opening his door. "I had a feeling you're the jack of hearts." He called out as he stood beside sachi.

"Ha- how?.." enji couldn't help but say as he was frozen in disbelief.

"Well, you teamed up with banda— a serial killer, but I've always known you wouldn't have trusted him so easily." He explains.

Banda opens his door, making enji flinch even more.

Sachi could only watch in amusement as banda talks to him, just in time his little toy came out of her room giving enji a little wave.

"Y-you guy's are wrong.. banda is the jack!" Enji frantically called out.

"Yeah. And we'll just forget how you practically celebrated winning earlier." Sachi sarcastically called out with a cat like smirk.

"Sorry, kid. It's not banda." That guy in the suit called out as he came down.

He walks to the group, "you and kotoko are connected. I've already told her, her symbol and yet she-"

"Hey, your girlfriend's dead!" Y/n called from above.

"I know!" He shouted back rather annoyed.

"Don't shout at her." Banda calmly says.

"Noted— as i was saying, she still died. Meaning someone else was manipulating her." He explains.

Enji seemed panicked making sachi put the lollipop into her mouth as she smiled amusingly.

"T-then you should be accusing him!" Enji shouts before pointing at chishiya.

Sachicrose her eyebrow.

The sound of her teeth breaking the hard candy into two made enji flinch as silence ensued.

He gulps as he turned to sachi's raised eyebrows. The dark smile on her face.

"Are you ensuing that my boyfriend was fucking that girl to manipulate her?" She darkly says as the smile left her face.

They all seemed intimidated at the change of her aura.

But all chishiya could focus on was the fact that she called him her boyfriend. The redness of his ears was so visible that kento almost laughed from inside his little cell.

Seeing as chishiya isn't talking anytime soon, Sachi decided to explain.

"He already noticed you and kotoko communicating through that god awful four flavoured snack at the cafeteria."

"Then you told kotoko to lie to me."

"When did you all start working together." Enji spoke out flabbergasted.

"Well. This game is all about how much we can trust one another.. we just applied that. To trust one another, we can't instill fear, manipulate, control or guide them.." he explains rather smoothly as he walked to stand beside banda. " It's called equality."

"I- t-that's not enough-!"

"Oh please, me and boss were the first ones to arrive. Well, of course. Aside from the jack himself who was already here. All alone~" kento called out as he left his room.

To this enji grew more frantic to protect himself.

"Just stop. Have you given it a thought?  If they already had accused you of being the jack.. why'd they not kill you immediately?" Chishiya says as he walked alongside sachi to where enji was standing.

Sachi giggles in amusement as she stood with her arms crossed.
"Let me answer that for you.. we made sure you'd be alive till the end- well. You see, you have really really valuable information.. and we plan to take it all" she disturbingly said.

Sachi's crazed face made enji's eyes grow in realization as his eyes left hers to look at the two men behind her.

A mistake. That's what he made.

"Round 14, start"

"Here." Kento called out before placing a pill into sachi's palms.

She immediately swallowed it as her body shook in excitement. Atleast now she's sure she won't puke from the blood.

"I'm gonna go pack all the snacks!" Kento called out as he ran to the cafeteria.

Sachi turned to chishiya as banda and the other guy threw enji into one of the rooms.

"You might wanna go and help kento. This might take a while— oh! Do you have any questions for emo kid?" She asks with a smile.

Chishiya smiled down at her before shaking his head, "you already know what to ask. enjoy." He simply says before kissing her forehead goodbye.

Sachi turned around excitedly, heading to the cell where the three were.

She giggled as she noticed banda sharpening his knife. "That's lovely- so do we peel the skin of his arms first or  perhaps the fingernails first?" She simply asks him as if it was a normal thing.

Enji's face grew white.

Banda shrugs. "I was thinking of trying the one thousand cut challenge—"

"I believe we should be asking first before doing the hurting?" The taller guy suggested as he pinched his nosebridge in stress at the two.

Banda's eyebrows scrunched. "Where's the fun in that?"


Chsihiya and kento loaded boxes and boxes of snacks. Ignoring the screams from down the hall.

"You like strawberry flavored snacks huh." Chishiya called out to kento after seeing him hold a box filled with the pink snacks.

Kento shrugs. "Nah. It's boss' favorite." He mumbled.

Chishiya chuckled." Nah, sachi likes matcha flavored snacks— but she doesn't like the taste of the actual drink- you've also always picked the strawberry flavored pockys every round as a treat," he explains making kento's jaw drop.

"No wonder boss likes you.." he mumbled but chishiya still heard it.

They started picking snacks again in comfortable silence.

"So is this our father-son bonding shit or?" Kento asks jokingly.

Chishiya chuckled. "Definitely."


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