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"another booboo eye chishiya-ni?" sachi said as she sat on his lap.

it has already been a week and she had nonstop played every night, clearing games faster each night making it seem like the games were getting more boring as the time went by.

it was just like any other night, chishiya had gone back from another game and as usual she was already in either her room or his.

even if she was to play two games in one night it still astounds the inhabitants of the beach with how early she gets back.

"how many games did you play?" kuina's voice rung out from one of the sofas inside sachi's room.

"two" she said still staring at chishiya whilst he simply smiled at her.

"now who did this to your handsome face shuntarou-ni?" she whispered to him with a cheeky smile as she traced her finger on his cheeks.

"someone whose probably burning in hell" he whispered, earning a giggle from her.

"kamisama is this the sign that i have to leave now?" kuina said with a groan interrupting the two.

sachi giggled as she watch kuina smile tiredly before standing up to leave the two alone.


early morning chishiya woke up on sachi's bed. alone as usual.

every morning he'd wake up to the cold bed alone as if there wasn't so much heat the night before.

groaning he sighed knowing that he won't be able to find her whereabouts until much later.

he knew that she seemed to be exploring every nook and cranny of the whole place, perhaps old habits?

but by now he wasn't so sure if she was still just within the vicinity of the beach. they have militants guarding the place for possible traitors but it wasn't really that hard to get pass them.

even chishiya could leave the place if he wanted to but he had his plan all set

he won't leave the beach without the cards within his hands.

for the next hours he laid there going through his plans, was there even anything to to think through? maybe thinking if sachi would accept his offer of teaming up.

if there was one thing he'd known of her. she hates working with people.

it sometimes makes him wonder why she was enduring the beach.

deciding to head downstairs to eat his late breakfast, he went to take a shower.

as the cold water ran down his skin a thought entered his mind.

my fucking paper.

realizing that it's been days and he still hasn't gotten it back irritated him. the curiosity is killing him and the back of his mind kept telling him that it's something important.

hands raking down his face he winced , inhaling a sharp breath as he  accidentally pressed on his black eye. fucking game of spades.

finally done he headed to the restaurant of the hotel -now called beach- to grab his meal.

grabbing a sandwich and a can of juice, he sat down at one of the empty tables.

some of the beaches inhabitants who were oddly up early, avoided him.

that was until a tray of various of foods were placed infront of him. there were chicken, rice, pizza, side dishes, bread, fruits and many more. damn.

ignoring the intruder, chishiya continued eating his food until the tray was pushed closer to him.

finally looking up, his laid back expression faltered in bewilderment.

"what? if you dont want sum I'll eat it all" sachi said with raised eyebrow before she took the drumstick, biting unto it.

chishiya only smiled as usual as he took a slice of pizza, eating it.

"i didn't know they only stuck the bodies in a trash bin." she said her face fill with amusement.

she wasn't smiling that much, even in a teasing way and as much as chishiya doesn't care he couldn't help but wonder why.

"if I'd known earlier I would've given them tips how to dispose a body rightfully" she mumbled before taking a huge bite.

chishiya only watched her, her cheeks rounding up as she stuffed food in them, kinda like a chipmunk.

"you're such a sourpuss chishiya-ni" she teased seeing his stare.

she noticed his quietness when she arrived earlier.

sighing, chishiya looked annoyingly to the side."give me my paper now."

to this sachi let out a laugh that made the few people inside the room turn to her melodic but psychotic sound.

"ah, so that's why you're being a sourpuss" she mumbles with a smile.

chishiya only rose his eyebrow at her, laid back and still smiling.

dusting her hands she interlaced her fingers, resting her chin on it as her elbows rested on the table.

both had a staring contest, almost not blinking. it was as if they were fighting with their minds until sachi sighed.

"ok then," she said "say the magic word first shuntarou" she teased.

chishiya scoffed rolling his eyes slightly. "just give it" he said.

"uhuh. what's the magic word~?" she said in a singsong voice.

chishiya leant over the table slightly to get closer.

"give me the paper" he sternly said.

smiling teasingly, sachi rose her eyebrows, lips jutting out as if she was waiting.

chishiya let out an annoyed groan.

"please." he mumbled eye darting to the side as he stubbornly rested his back on the chair.

smiling satisfyingly, sachi stood up "actually the magic word is daddy, but I'll accept your please since you got a boo boo eye" she said doing baby voice at the end as she pinched his cheeks lightly before strutting away.

chishiya sat there, eyes staring blankly infront of him.

she is so screwed tonight.

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