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chishiya's smile dropped for a second after seeing all her cards.

it was all higher than 5, there were 5 hearts , 2 diamonds, 2 clubs and 1 spades.

seeing her heart cards made hatter smile widely, with her cards only the seven and 10 of hearts will be needed.

"how long have you been here?" ann, the girl sporting a short hair asked, eyebrows scrunching.

no wonder sachi find the games amusing... she's been winning every single one of them.

higher difficulty ones to be exact.

"hmm, it's my 8th day today" she said after counting with her fingers.

"a week ago" ann mutter under her breathe.

"how come you have more than 7 then? stole it?" niragi asked her in amusement.

"i played twice a night sometimes. it's fun, you should try it" she said before standing up.

she handed her cards to hatter to which he delightfully stared at it.

"chishiya, show our new addition to her room" he said dismissively as he turned to see what cards she has that they needed.

sachi smiled linking her arms to his before pulling him to the door.


the moment they entered her room she caught glimpse of a black bikini laid on the bed.

without any care at all, she pulled her shirt over her head tossing it to the side as she reached the bed.

chishiya just stood there, eyes on her.

he looked to the side, finding a sofa chair, he flopped himself unto it.

his eyes once again raked her body. with all the girls always wearing bikinis around the beach he never even once looked their way, this one shouldn't affect him at all, right?.

"enjoying the show shuntarou?" she asked  not turning back as she picked up the two piece bikini.

"give me my paper back" he simply stated earning a giggle from her.

she unclipped her bra, slipping it off before wearing the top of her bikini.

"and if i don't?" she said teasingly turning to look at him.

chishiya sighed in annoyance.

sachi giggled some more, amused with the change of expression on his face.

chishiya clicked his tongue, how come she's able to scratch away his calm demeanor?, bringing out the worst in him.

"just give me the paper, kid" the last word threw her off.

how she hated being referred to as a kid.

"she's too young to run the gang."

"im sorry but i wouldn't want an alliance to another gang with a kid running it"

all of those comments that she endured since she was sixteen. she proved them wrong, she showed that she was the rightful heir to the yabuki gang.

gritting her teeth, she tried her best to tease him with her smile.

"im not a kid shuntarou, im nineteen"

seeing the annoyance behind her smile, amused him, his usual smile was back as he stood up.

"and im 24, you're age is basically a ki-"

"wanna try that in bed then?" she teased.

"you're too young for that" he said, breath inaudibly hitching when she stepped close.

"im a big girl hun, i can take it" she whispered as her fingers travelled down his chest and... lower.

he stopped her hand to which she laughed.

"scared?" she asked.

he only looked at her before letting go of her hand, heading to the door.

"neh~  should i call you ni-chan then?" she teasingly said out loud.

chishiya only ignored her as he made his way to the door.

"shuntarou- nii~ come back!" she shouted as he went out before slamming the door shut.

she fell to the bed laughing at his reaction.

she'd never had this much fun with guys that she can't get enough of him.

quickly changing unto her bikini she headed straight out the door to find him.

quickly changing unto her bikini she headed straight out the door to find him

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(for reference)

making her way down, loud music embraced her which made her excited.

in the real world she was always stress with work. the only time you could catch her in a club is when she's meeting up with clients.

or when they're luring someone they want dead.

entering the bustling music filled with people partying, her eyes looked around looking for a certain guy.

around were people dancing, drinking, making out and a lot on the corners having public sex.

this is literally a hotel and they can't go get a room? she scoffed.

she decided to just go get a drink on the bar since she couldn't find chishiya.

walking to her destination she tried her best to just ignore or slap away any hands that threatens to touch her.

as she sat down on one of the stools she turned to her right to see a girl, chewing on a stick.

"i like your hair" sachi said.

the girl turned to her, a little tipsy but nonetheless sober.

"oh thanks~" she said in a slur before grinning. "you new?" she asked.

"yeah. im sachi" sachi said before ordering her drink.


"you quiting smoking?" sachi said before sipping on her drink.

kuina visibly smiled before muttering a yes.

sachi wasn't one to actually befriend people but meeting someone who was dealing with the same problem as hers was something she wasn't used to.

"you look young" kuina mumbled out as she stared at sachi.

"im not. im nineteen" sachi said a little annoyed that everyone was calling her young.

"oh, you're legal then~ nice" she said raising her hands for a high five.

she's definitely drunk, sachi thought before a grin rose up her face, smacking kuina's hands.


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