32 🍋

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Sexual content warning!!

Chishiya wasted no time pushing her back to the wall, connecting their lips.

The air was heavy around the cramped room as chishiya's fingers gripped on the soft skin of her exposed thighs, grabbing them to lie beside him as he rubbed against her.

Their lips meshed against each other perfectly. Heavy hot breathes where felt and exchanged as their tongues pushed against each other.

Feeling his erection against her throbbing flower made her moan softly against the kiss.

Her hands wrapped around his neck, fingers twirling his blonde hair as he started to nip on her neck, placing sloppy kisses, tongue eventually trailing down it until it reached her bikini bra.

His finger latched on the rope the connected the two bra cups, pulling down until her breast were pooling over the fabric.

His tongue lapped around the sensitive bud, earning soft mewls from sachi.

His hand grabbed her ass, pushing her to rock against him slowly.

Sachi could only mewl in response.

She didn't know she was craving him so much until she felt him against her earlier.

But such a cramped place would make it hard for them to do the deed, besides, his room was just around the corner.

In between heavy breathes she whispered "S-shuntarou-ni... Let's go to-"

Stopping he slowly let go of her. Sachi started fixing her bra and her hair as he only stared.

Giggling a bit she turned to the door, hands on his, only to stop as she felt him grip her arm. A hand fisting her hair and she soon found herself pushed against the door.

Her cheek flushed against the door as she tried to look back at him in confusion.

She was bent over. A hand now wrapped around her neck and the other holding her arm to her back.

Confused she mumbled his name.

Is this hatter's orders? There's no way he'd take me on-

Her thoughts was stopped after she felt his hard member rubbed against her from the back.

It was painstakingly slow. Low breathes were heard as tension started to rise between them.

As far as she wants to be in the comforts of a bed, her body can't wait any longer.

Chishiya's smug grin resurfaced as his palm went crashing down her ass earning a yelp from her.

Soft mewls left her lips as he painstakingly humped behind her, hands both grabbing her hip and ass.

Leaning over to her, she felt the heat from his body on her back as his tongue touched her nape down her back, earning goosebumps that travelled down her spine.

Whines emitted from her glossy lips as his fingers started pressing roughly against her clit.

Her slick was pooling on her bikini, tongue lulling out as she whined beneath him.

Between whines she started to whisper "S-shuntarou nii i-"

"What is it baby?" He said right next to her ear.

Her cheeks grew red and her heart pumped louder. Baby?

Flustered, nervousness suddenly enveloped her, shutting her eyes close as her lips trembled from the pleasure her little cunt was feeling. "I- i.. shuntarou-nii--" she tried forming words but nervousness from his words earlier kept her mind cloudy.

His grin grew wider, pulling the straps of her bikini, he growls slightly seeing her pinkish cunt, glossy with her wetness, a string of slick was seen as her bikini fell to the floor.

she shivered at the coldness, opening her eyes, with red cheeks she looked back at him, only to have her breath hitch seeing him stare at her lewd cunt, licking his lips as a low growl emitted from his mouth.

His slender fingers entered her without warning making her grip the door infront of her.

A needy almost raspy moaning gasp came out of her. All those teasing earlier made her more sensitive than usual.

A lewd sound came from his fingers that kept pumping within her cunt as her almost high pitched moans echoed within the small room.

"You like that huh?" He whispered with his grin still there as he placed sloppy wet kisses on her body.

"Y-yes, yes shuntarou-ni- ah" she said between gasp of mewls and whines.

Her mind was going hazy.

Her respond made him smile more as he curled his finger within her earning a shrilling raspy moan from her.

The pleasure was unbearably too good as the pace started to fasten up. Her chest hitting the door as his fingers started pumping harder inside her.

She felt him grab a fist full of her hair, pulling her back slightly to stare at her reddish face.

"Good fucking girl" he whispered to her causing butterflies to flutter within her.

She felt then knot in her stomach about to snap and her tightening pussy was enough proof for him that she was about to cum.

"-Taro nii" was all she could manage to whine out as his pace quickened, his thumb pressing on her clit.

"You close baby?" He said to which she only nodded as she whined.

"Cum for me." He said kissing her temple.

Gasping as the knot snapped, sachi tried catching her breath as he slowly continued to pump helping her ride her high.

"There you go.. such a good girl" he cooed to the dazed girl as he pulled his finger out, licking it.

Turning her around, his eyebrow furrowed seeing the line of tears on her eyes, she placed her arms on his shoulders for support.

His arm circles around her waist. "Did it hurt?" He whispered as his finger gently wiped the tears away.

She frantically shook her head, face turning redder than ever. "N-no.. its just-" her hoarse voice were heard.

His eyebrows furrowed in concern. "A-are you sure?" He whispered.

Her heart kept thumping loudly.

"I-.. i cry a little when i feel too good" she whispered making him froze.

That's such a turn on. He thought to himself.

Chuckling, he didn't know why he did it, but his lips softly pressed unto her before pulling away.

It was such a short kiss but sachi felt so satisfied feeling her insides warm up.

Clearing his throat chishiya looked to the side before crouching down to help her wear her panties.

The sticky feeling made her cringe to which he only let out a genuine small laugh.

"Let's go doll" he said opening the door for her.

"What about you?" She innocently asked.

Staring at her questioningly, sachi then pointed at his hard erection

"Oh. Don't worry-"


"I'll mess you up real bad after we meet up with hatter" he said with a smug smile.

Butterflies fluttered within her as her eyes widened alongside her once again flaring red cheeks.

"Let's go?" He said with a smile as his hand laid on the small of her back.

"O-ok" she managed to say.

She never imagined her self succumbing and getting nervous like this.


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