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chishiya exited the car as soon as they arrived back at the beach. his game took more than an hour to clear, by now sachi should be waiting inside her room or drinking with kuina.

taking the paper out of his pocket, he smiled finally understanding what it meant or where it lead.

arriving infront of sachi's room, he blinked realizing that in a span of a few days his body was already used to heading straight to her room.

his body was craving hers in any way possible and the feeling of the paper between his fingers made him remember how much hell he was going to make her feel tonight.

a smirk rose up his face as he gripped the door knob, opening the door, his eyebrow furrows in confusion though when he found the room empty.

closing the door he decided to head to his room, perhaps she got tired of waiting and decided to wait in his room?.

but upon arriving he found no one.

checking the time, it was already two hours past the normal time where she would've gotten back already.

deciding to head downstairs to see if she was partying or drinking, his eyes scanned the area but she was no where to found.

he was getting frustrated. he wasn't worried- well maybe worried that one of his pawns was probably lost- instead it was his cravings. he was craving the feeling of her warmth.

turning around he bumped into kuina.

before he could even open his mouth she already answered his question.

"she's not back yet" she said with a small smile before nudging her head for him to follow.

they headed to the grounds waiting for the last car to arrive. "apparently she decided to try playing three games tonight." kuina mumbled as she leaned on one of the pillars.

chishiya kept quiet not really that interested.

"you don't think she didn't make it right?" kuina mumbled.

worry was starting to grow on her. heavy breathes fell from her lips as she tried to scan the place.

it wasn't like sachi to be this late at all.

"she won't" was the only thing that chishiya said as he stared up ahead on the road.

all their worries seized after seeing the last car arrive.

and out came sachi. in her blood red bikini with a cropped white shirt on top.

a blank scary gaze was on her face as she continuously wiped her arm, her porcelain skin turning red due to irritation.

"hey hey stop that" niragi's gruff voice was heard as he emerged from the car, grabbing her arm.

he was bloody beaten up, it seems that they both participated in the same game.

although sachi looked unharmed, her dark gaze rose up to meet niragi's eyes making his hair stood on it's ends.

"get your bloody hands off of me" she whispered dangerously with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

niragi gulped. sure he was what you would call a rogue rather a psychotic one here in borderland but unlike him, sachi was the real thing. she's a mafia, a killer. wether it be inside the borderland or the real world.

he let go of her, turning away to leave her as she continued to rub the blood off her skin frantically as she sped walk to her room.

chishiya waited for her to stop and notice him as usual. smile at him, place her hand on his neck to plant a few pecks om his lips and nose. to pull him to the bedroom to tire him out.

but she didn't. as he waited expectantly as she walked to him, he stared as she kept rubbing the wet clothe on her clean but irritated arm, walking pass him heading to her room.

"huh..i guess she really hates blood huh?" kuina mumbled remembering that one time where sachi went berserk on one game they played because a player decided to explode infront of her. covering her with blood.

ignoring kuina, chishiya headed to his room to think, things were getting interesting and by the looks of it he'd die if he went into her room immediately, so he'd rather just wait for the steam to die down.

he knew she was disgusted by blood to the point where she takes pills to stop herself from puking.

but it looks like there was more to it.

upon entering the room though he was met with sachi, face wet as if she just splashed water on it.

well maybe that's what happened since the bathroom door was open.

she was facing the full size mirror near his bed, staring at herself.

closing the door behind him he approached her, hands on the pockets of his jacket.

staring at her he took note of how her face was completely blank, but her eyes were telling something that for the first time he couldn't comprehend.

"am i dirty?" she asked in a small whisper, eyebrows scrunching as she turned to look at chishiya.

chishiya's smile never faltered as he stared at the teen infront of him.

she looks like a lost puppy.

eyes scanning her up and down, even though she played in three game arenas today, not a speck of dust was seen.

"you're completely clean" he mumbled stepping closer to her.

staring up at him, for the first time she looked vulnerable.

her innocent looking eyes somehow sparked something within him.

and within seconds she was already under him.

sachi knew nobody would care why she was like this and at the moment all she wanted was to forget.


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