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Sachi couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity as the humming continued.

She only stood in the middle of the hallway, in a trance as chishiya and akiro continued to place their face on the walls trying to see if it was coming from the inside.

The humming was something that she feels like she'd heard from years and years ago. Maybe something she heard from the by passers on the streets?.

Her bit unto the skin of her thumb as her heart beat started to fasten a bit as she tried to recollect the memory of where she must have heard it.

Squatting down unto the floor she stopped bitting on her thumb almost instantaneously.

The humming got a little louder as she sat on the floor and finally chishiya and akiro noticed her as she pressed her head onto the cold tiles.

"Underneath. It's coming from below" she mumbled out loud as she looked at the two.

They all exchanged glances before they tried lifting each tiles until akiro got a hold of a lose tile.

The tiles were huge and so chishiya had to help lift up the heavy thing but the tile only got removed faster when sachi decided to use her brute strength, literally throwing the fucking tile out of the way.

Staring down a staircase led downstairs. A dark staircase.

She shivered slightly at how dark it is.

Just when she decided to leave her flashlight. This happens.

"Let's go." Chishiya muttered to which akiro took the liberty to start climbing down.

Chishiya followed suit only to stop when he noticed that sachi didn't budged.

Turning around he saw her blank face staring down the staircase.No flirty nor sinister expression was seen, it was all blank.

Chishiya's eyebrows scrunched for the umpteenth time that day in confusion.

Staring more at her he noticed the little sight of horror in her eyes despite the blank face.

Lookinf back down the dark place a memory flashed into his head.

A small but panicked gasp made chishiya turn to the naked girl beside  him. She was still sleepy as she rubbed her eyes.

"I- i can't see anything–" her small almost vulnerable voice sounded out.

Chishiya stared in curiosity.

It was the middle of the night, he was rethinking his plan thus the reason why he hasn't slept although being tired from the game earlier, and also the activity he did with this girl.

She kept rubbing her eyes, patting all around the bed. She looked so innocent and pure although the only thing covering her was the blankets.

The room was dark since he closed the curtains thus no moonlight entered sachi's room not to mention turning off the lampshade.

Her hands reached his chest and he chuckled hearing her small confused voice. Her hands slowly rose up until it reached his face. Gently tracing his features with her fingertips before  cupping his face.

The whole thing made a churning feeling emit from his stomach.

Her face looked so confused and her eyes looked blank.

The room was dark yes, but it wasn't pitch black and by now her eyes should've already adapted into the darkness.

"C-chishiya ni?" She mumbled.

"Yes doll?" He whispered back awestruck at her look of pureness and innocence.

It's like a different person compared to the girl that was shouting his name a few hours ago.

"Why is my lampshade off?" She mumbled sleepily. "Turn it on."

He hummed, watching her face intently as his hand reached to the button.

As soon as light emitted from the lampshade she blinked a lot, rubbing her eyes a little.

"Better?" He asked with a lopsided soft smile.

She hummed before laying down once again, curling unto his side.

"Never turn that off" she mumbled before drifting off to sleep.

"You guys coming?" Akiro's voice echoed from below.

Chishiya turned to sachi once again, seeing her uncertainty as she gulped.

Stepping back up beside her , his hand grabbed her elbow softly, catching her attention.

She stared at his almost blank face, his hand slowly trailed down to her hand. His rather large hand engulfing hers as he interlaced their fingers.

The familiar churning was felt inside her stomach and a skip of a heartbeat was felt.

A small reassuring smile swept up chishiya's face before he walked down with her in toe.

She didn't even know why her heart was suddenly at ease, all she knows is that for the first time she felt safe because of someone.

For once she didn't have to depend on herself to feel safe.

As soon as they stepped into the darkness, sachi was blind.

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