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Everyone froze when a militant- under the signal of aguni, suddenly placed a gun right at sachi's head, as if to scare her.

Chishiya in particular, felt his heart drop to his stomach at the scene.
"We already made it clear that sachi is the one replacing hatter" he lowly said in spite and nervousness.

Sachi sighed as her eyes darted to aguni and niragi's beaming ones.

But she simply grabbed the gun, "don't be ridiculous " she simply said before she pushed the gun away and blew a powerful kick onto his stomach.

The cracking noise made everyone cringe as the militant fell down to the floor, whining in pain.

Sachi took the bullets out in a fast manner before throwing it away.

And everyone watched, gulping and stomach churning as she continuously stomped onto the man's ribbs.

Kicking and jabbing not even stopping when she heard the cracking noise from his ribs.

And when she was done she simply stood there looking if the guy would move at all.

He didn't. He was breathing though. Breathing painfully.

Her head turned to aguni. "Cross me and I'll make sure you'll share the same fate" she said with a sweet smile.

Everyone was shaken up by what just happened. They seem to forget how cruel mafia gangs can be, since sachi would only shot bullets instead of doing. Well. That.

Although trembling, niragi immediately raised his hand, and sounds of cocking guns were heard all around.

Chishiya and arisu immediately went around sachi in surprise, as if shielding the teen away from the tens of guns that pointed at her.

"Niragi, the executives had already voted" ann lowly said.

Only to have a katana pointed at her.

"I propose that we have aguni as the leader. Rule beside her— for unity" he simply said. "She wasn't here since the beginning, unlike aguni. Appointing her alone will be unfair." He argued.

And after that little gruesome scene sachi showed some of the executives nodded their head in agreement.

Sachi rolled her eyes at this, fingers reaching to pinch her nose bridge. "Fine. Whatever the hell it is that makes you happy" she said in annoyance making ann turn to her.

She just wants this over with and quickly.

It's not like she can't kill aguni in his sleep later anyways.

But chishiya bit his tongue in annoyance.

That would definitely put them into an advantage.

Aguni and niragi seem to let out a breath of relief. "A-alright time for the ceremony" he happily says.

But sachi had already turned around, heading to the door, much to their confusion.

Ann called out to her "Eh. Sachi! It's important you attend the ceremony, both you and aguni should know where the cards are placed-"

She only waved her hand, "I'll just look at it later" she simply says. "Those dead bodies hatter simply stocked at the back are bringing unwanted animals here, i ought to have them take care of that first" she simply explained before giving the militants a knowing look.

The millitants flinched but nonetheless followed her.

She stopped to give chishiya a small kiss on the lips, "I'll see you later" she whispers with a knowing smile before heading out the door.

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