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Guys istg uni is going to be the death of me. We started doing face to face classes which was why i couldn't update for the past weeks- I'm really sorry for depriving you guys ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ.


GUYS I LITERALLY LEFT FOR A FEW WEEKS AND CAME BACK TO 900K READS?! i tot it must've been a glitch or what but omfg IT'S ACTUALLY NOT?! 0_o

Tysm u guys(⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)💗

I Hope you enjoy this chapter 💗

Also I'm definitely writing lemons next😌.


"You should definitely see boss' baby pictures!"

Kento and chishiya were definitely bonding.

And most of their talks were either about kento or sachi. Chishiya found out that even though she treated her gang like her own- somehow like her found family- she never really opened up enough, kento said they called her boss as a sign of respect.

"I bet she was adorable." He couldn't help but smile as he mumbled to himself.

"Nah. She had these short ass bangs and her front teeth were missing." Kento retorted with an amused smile at the memory.

But as soon as he saw the look of amusement on chishiya's face his smile dropped. "Don't tell her i said that please." He seriously said.

Chishiya could only chuckle at this as he nods.

"No seriously, she'll kill me for real."


"see you never banda-san!" Sachi called out with her usual smile.

Banda only smiled back as he carried the giant box of snacks his little pet decided they should take.

Yaba, the other guy. Followed banda out and the trio was soon gone.

"Stay still." Chishiya mumbled as he gently wiped the blood off her cheeks.

Sachi did stop moving, staring at his face closely, smiling a bit as she watched his brows scrunch together in focus.

His handsome face always made her feel mushy inside...

"There. All clean" he smiles lovingly.

Before sachi could open her mouth, the sound of footsteps caught their attention.

Kento stopped in front of the two carrying a huge box of snacks, " I'm taking the short cut. Meet you both at the headquarters?" He simply asked with an excited smile.

He was definitely going to devour all of those snacks.

Sachi nods her head. "Don't forget to share!" She shouts as kento left their sight.

He was going to head back to the headquarters first before the two did, mostly because the two were planning to have a talk on where they should play next.

The two walked through the streets with chishiya carrying a box of treats for sachi.

She couldn't help but laugh insanely to herself as she watched the blimp not too far away crumble as it exploded in the air.

Chishiya could only shake his head at her with his usual smile, how can she look adorable while looking insane?.

The two indulged in the comfortable silence as they walked through the barren streets of tokyo- with the constant dead body lying around.

Darkness was slowly consuming them and what caught chishiya's eyes was not helping.

"Is that?.." chishiya mumbled to sachi.

She also looked up, sighing in annoyance as she saw the blimp of the king of spades not too far away.

She could absolutely take him on but after that 16 hour straight game, she definitely needs to rest for now.

"As much as i want to kill him I'm exhausted." She mumbled with her arms crossed.

Chishiya could only shake his head in amusement at this. With his other arm holding the box while it rested on his shoulder, he took sachi's hand.

And with a sigh he pulled her to the direction of an apartment building.

Sachi just let him pull her, too tired to even think of anything at this point.

But her eyebrows rose when they stopped at a specific door.

She watched curiously as his slender fingers firmly grabbed onto an overgrown plant on a pot near the door.

He yanked it out, fumbling with the dirt until he sighed in relief as he felt the cold metal of the key.

Her jaw dropped. "Oh my god you took me to your house." She mumbled.

Chishiya just chuckled as he opened the door. "And it's shit by the way" he mumbled.

He didn't even know why he was anxious, trying to remember if he left the place thrashed or something.

Sachi chuckled at him as he went back out to pick up her box of snacks.

Sachi, without a word entered the dust filled place in disbelief, immediately exploring the place.

This was his home in the real world.. she thought.

Everything about this place shows the way he lived, how his life was before they even met..

Her eyes explored every nook and cranny in curiosity, fingers tracing some of the furniture.

Chishiya could only watch her fondly, a bit nervous since it's actually the first time he brought someone into his house.

He felt as if he was bringing her closer to him by taking her here.

"You were so adorable." Her envious cooing tone was heard.

His head immediately snapped to the shelf she stood at and on her hands were his only framed photo as a child.

"Yeah. I didn't eat sweets so i got to keep my teeth" he said in an underlying teasing tone.

A small smirk surfaced on his face as he placed the box down, seeing how she stiffened.

The sheer look of horror was on her face as she turned around to meet his eyes. "Tell me you didn't saw the photo." She slowly said.

Chishiya chuckled. "Darling i didn't."

She sighed in annoyance.

"Remind me to kill kento when we see him".

"Sachi, You are not killing our child"

"I- what- you- he is not our child!"


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